Archive for June, 2011

Uselessness of Utility

Uselessness of Utility


At the base of all modern economics lies the assumption that people always act in their own self-interest and that in doing so, they unwittingly create an economic and social order that results in “the greatest good for the greatest number.” Demand curves, reflecting as they do each person’s self-interest, add up to the total […]

Poem: "The Prodigal One"

Poem: “The Prodigal One”


The Prodigal One Scorching heat awakens the man No outline of large tents offering sweet cakes, soft pillows, and shade No sign of attending figures who embrace and kiss their lost one No drops of the many wines that flowed till well into the night when Large glittering stars camouflaged the velvet-black heavens… No remnant […]

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Being Catholic Requires a Lot of Practice


Homily delivered by Archbishop Thomas Wenski during the annual Mass for neophytes celebrated June 5, 2011 at St. Mary Cathedral. Neophytes are those who received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Communion during the Easter Vigil in their parishes. Today, we welcome to the Cathedral, the mother church of this Archdiocese, our neophytes – those […]

Divine Providence or Coincidence

Divine Providence or Coincidence


When I woke up today, I did not know I was going to hold a dying woman’s body in my arms. I did not know I would have to push through skin, muscle and fat tissue to tie a tourniquet around her leg, which was nearly severed from her body. I was heading to our […]

 European Court of Human Rights Rules in Poland “Wrongful Birth” Case

European Court of Human Rights Rules in Poland “Wrongful Birth” Case


Short Comments on the ECHR Judgment R.R. v Poland On May 26th, 2011, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) delivered a judgment in the case of R.R. v. Poland (application no. 27617/04). The court ruled that there had been a violation of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) and a violation of Article […]




The wound comes from well-meaning people. “Well, it wasn’t that far along.” “You can always have another child.” “Lots of people go through this.” Miscarriage is a tragedy that so many people misunderstand. They are not quite sure how to console a friend or relative who has suffered this loss. While there are no magic […]

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Come Away for a Time


Talk is cheap.  E-mail is even cheaper.  Maybe that’s why we’re inundated with trash talk and junk mail (of both the snail variety and it’s fleeter “e” relation).  Silence – now that’s precious.  Silence is golden. It’s also rare.  You don’t realize just how rare until your one-year-old falls asleep in the stroller and you’re […]

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What New Agers Have Right


For the past couple of hundred years, Catholic apologists, along with other Christians, have found it necessary to oppose a thing that came to be called “modernism.” Many of us cut our apologetic teeth on its associated “isms.” Against humanism we have recalled man to a measure that goes beyond himself. Against scientific positivism we […]

Wednesday Audience: Moses, Model of Intercessory Prayer

Wednesday Audience: Moses, Model of Intercessory Prayer


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Continuing our catechesis on Christian prayer, we now turn to the great prophetic figure of Moses. As the mediator between God and Israel, Moses is a model of intercessory prayer. We see this clearly in the episode of the golden calf (Ex 32). As Moses descends from Mount Sinai where he […]

Migraines and Mental Illness: A Blessing in Disguise?

Migraines and Mental Illness: A Blessing in Disguise?


It starts around age 35.  For over a century is has threaded its way through the female side of my mother’s family.  My grandmother had it, my mother and her sisters had it, and my two older sisters are still dealing with it… five years ago it was my turn.  No, it is not finding […]

Hot Mom on a Lukewarm Budget

Hot Mom on a Lukewarm Budget


Joan from Ohio emailed: “Dear Karen, would you please consider writing about how to be frugal? You claimed in your book you’re ‘the most frugal person this side of the Mississippi’.  Judging from your pictures on your website and Facebook, it doesn’t look like you’re sacrificing much at all! I need your advice on how […]

Persist for Airport Freedom

Persist for Airport Freedom


A “Woman Screams for Help After TSA Molestation,” and the “Texas Pat Down Ban May Be Back.” Those are just two of the headlines breaking around the nation this morning, as summer travel picks up—and so do concerns over excessive airport security. How much indignity are you willing to endure if told it’s for safety’s […]

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Degrees of Prayer and Intimacy with God


Inevitably forced to descend from the sacramental rampart that stands between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of man, the true believer finds himself beset with the indifference, isolation and ignorance born of the neo-pagan rejection of God and His Church.  In understanding and anticipating what the true believer would need to survive in […]

Poem: “Why Reach for What Does Not Exist?”

Poem: “Why Reach for What Does Not Exist?”


Why Reach for What Does Not Exist?   Why should I lament my son Who lived in flesh by death undone? No one would grieve for wind and dust That in the body placed its trust Nor for phantasm memory A fond and dim sterility That spills away like morning mist I rolled inside the […]

WHO-Approved Drug Promises Life, and Death

WHO-Approved Drug Promises Life, and Death


By authorizing the use of a single drug, the World Health Organization has simultaneously raised hopes for saving thousands of mothers’ lives and raised fears that the drug will also be used to kill perhaps millions of unborn children. Misoprostol is used to help stop bleeding during delivery, the main cause of maternal deaths, but […]

Balancing Extremes in Motherhood Advice

Balancing Extremes in Motherhood Advice


When I was in my late teens/early twenties, my friends and I used to talk about what our live would be like when we got married and had kids. A couple of my friends swore that they would not let parenthood change their lifestyles at all. I remember thinking this was a little naïve, but […]

Christians Raped and Ransacked in the Muslim World

Christians Raped and Ransacked in the Muslim World


Plundering the possessions, lives, and dignity of Christians in the Islamic world: is this a random affair, a product of the West’s favorite offenders—poverty, ignorance, grievance—or is it systematic, complete with ideological backing? Consider the very latest from the Muslim world: Pakistan: Muslim landowners used tractors to plough over a Christian cemetery in order to […]

Wednesday Audience: Jacob and the Long Night of Prayer

Wednesday Audience: Jacob and the Long Night of Prayer


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today I would like to reflect with you on a text from the Book of Genesis which recounts a rather curious incident in the narrative of the Patriarch Jacob. It is a passage that is not easy to interpret, but it is important for our life of faith and prayer; we […]

Poem: “Alms”

Poem: “Alms”


 Alms Impoverished peoples give generously  of their patience, graciously accepting  assorted hand-me-downs: the sequined vest, silk tie, high-priced pair of heels. Soon this stiletto heel will bore holes into the earth where roots can nestle. This silk tie will fasten branches to hold a thin blanket, freshening in the sun. This designer vest will warm […]

New Monastery in the Holy Land

New Monastery in the Holy Land


Monks living at an important biblical site will be leaving their earthquake-prone monastery for a new home – thanks to help from Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). ACN, which is helping with the building of a new monastery in Tabgha, Israel, received a progress update on the construction work from Fr. […]

Solemnity of the Ascension

Solemnity of the Ascension


The celebration of the Ascension used to leave me a bit flat.  It was clear what Good Friday did for me.  And Easter Sunday’s benefits were indisputable.  But as for the Ascension, what’s in it for me? Christianity is about a kind of love we call agape or charity.  It is love that looks away […]

A Personal Relationship with the Living God

A Personal Relationship with the Living God


When I was teaching high school, my final exam question was simple: ‘In your own words, with support from Scripture, Tradition, and material gleaned from class, answer the following: Who is Jesus Christ?’  The answers were always enlightening, and while some were certainly profound and showed a remarkable insight, many answers betrayed the current world-view […]

Poem: “Somewhere”

Poem: “Somewhere”


Somewhere Somewhere there is Shangri-la Where men and women never age, Bird song is an opera And every infant is a sage Drowsy weather always spring, Beneath the willow rivulets Gently flowing trill and sing To fishes at the minuet In Shangri-la there is no greed, Rational it is to share The harvest and there […]

Pres. Ronald Reagan

Where Have All the Cold Warriors Gone?


It was 24 years ago, in June 1987, that Ronald Reagan gave his famous speech calling on Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall.” In 1990, a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, when the foundations that had undergirded world politics for decades were likewise crumbling, John Mearsheimer penned his celebrated article: “Why […]