Poem: “Wondrous Wind and Waltzing Trees”

Wondrous Wind and Waltzing Trees

Wondrous wind and waltzing trees,windy trees again
Look what the Lord has given me.

The beauty of the dance,
In the trees He grows.
And the soft silent wind
That rustles the leaves.
What a gift,
He has given me.

This among so many,
He has placed in my path.
So I can see,
The power He hath.
For it has been said,
By greater than me,
“Only God can make a tree”.

And right he was,
This bright young man,
Who calls our attention,
To what is at hand.

And who it was ,
Who gave us these gifts.
He who makes the breeze
And the trees.
And then He turns
And gives them to me.(us)

L. Lapiz

L.Lapiz retired after 38 years in the of fire protection industries and services.  Other than marriage and the birth of his children, the outstanding events in his life were visiting Fatima and meeting Mother Theresa.