Author Archive for Carlos Caso-Rosendi

St. Jane Frances de Chantal

St. Jane Frances de Chantal


At the age of sixteen, Jane Frances de Frémyot, already a motherless child, was placed under the care of a worldly-minded governess. In this crisis she offered herself to the Mother of God, and secured Mary’s protection for life. When a Protestant sought her hand, she steadily refused to marry “an enemy of God and […]

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia

Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia


In a recent post in his blog The Next Right Step, Charlie Johnston writes: “There is a lot of theological incoherence rising right now.” A few days ago I realized that a friend of mine — whose friendship I treasured since the time of my conversion — is into some form of Sedevacantism. This is hard to understand […]

Courage and Coherence

Courage and Coherence


It is the incoherence of the faithful and the pastors what undermines the witness of the Church. The apostles were simple people, but they were not afraid of anything or anyone. Those were the concepts at the center of Pope Francis’ homily during a Mass at the Church of Saint Paul Outside the Walls earlier […]

Francis: Soldier and Pastor

Francis: Soldier and Pastor


It was a nice sunny day in Buenos Aires, but a little cold for the season since it is still summer here down under. I told many friends the night before that I was expecting the Pope to be elected on the 13th since that day of the month was chosen by Our Blessed Mother […]

The Tragedy of Giglio Island

The Tragedy of Giglio Island


Unexpected things happen all the time but certain things have the power to convey a message to the collective psyche of a nation. Less frequently there are events that can alter the course of human affairs on a planetary scale. The killing of Archduke Francis Ferdinand that ushered a century of unspeakable violence was one […]

Ark of Grace Ch. 8, Was Mary Rebuked by Jesus?

Ark of Grace Ch. 8, Was Mary Rebuked by Jesus?


Chapter 8 Was Mary Rebuked by Jesus? Those who read the Holy Scriptures without any knowledge of biblical languages, sometimes fall into serious misinterpretations of the text. One good example of such misunderstandings is “Jesus’ rebuke of Mary” at the time of the wedding in Cana of Galilee. Was Jesus ever disrespectful of his mother? […]

Ark of Grace Ch.7, Mary's Sinless State

Ark of Grace Ch.7, Mary’s Sinless State


Chapter 7 Mary’s Sinless State When Adam and Eve disobeyed, condemning their descendants to sin and death, God revealed His plan to redeem mankind through the mystery of the Incarnation. In His divine wisdom God decided to be born of a woman. This extraordinary woman He had selected before all time to be His Mother […]

 Ark of Grace Ch.6, Mary and the Brothers of Jesus

Ark of Grace Ch.6, Mary and the Brothers of Jesus


Chapter 6 Mary and the Brothers of Jesus If Mary is ever-virgin, who are then the “brothers” of Jesus mentioned in several places in the Gospels? Mark 6, 1-4 — He went away from there and came to his own country; and his disciples followed him. And on the sabbath he began to teach in […]

 Ark of Grace Ch.5, Mary is Ever-Virgin

Ark of Grace Ch.5, Mary is Ever-Virgin


Chapter 5 Mary is Ever-Virgin The perpetual virginity of Our Blessed Mother is frequently disputed by those interested in discrediting the Catholic Church. In this we find an unintended argument to prove the necessity of Mary’s perpetual virginity. It is logical to expect that someone interested in discrediting a kingdom would first try to cast […]

 Ark of Grace Ch.4, Mary's Immaculate Conception

Ark of Grace Ch.4, Mary’s Immaculate Conception


Chapter 4 Mary’s Immaculate Conception In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared that the Blessed Virgin Mary “in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved […]

<em>Ark of Grace</em> Ch. 3, Mary is the New Eve

Ark of Grace Ch. 3, Mary is the New Eve


Chapter 3 Mary, the New Eve When Adam and his wife were expelled from Paradise, Adam gave her the name Eve (mother) “because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3, 20). In 1 Corinthians 15, 22 St. Paul teaches us: “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be […]

<em>Ark of Grace</em>: Ch.2, Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant

Ark of Grace: Ch.2, Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant


Chapter 2 Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant The meaning of Sacred Scripture has been placed there by the Holy Spirit. This has been done in such way that we will never be able to plumb the depths of wisdom that can be found in the Bible. With the eyes of faith we are […]

<em>Ark of Grace</em>: Preface and Ch.1, Mary the Blessed Mother of God

Ark of Grace: Preface and Ch.1, Mary the Blessed Mother of God


Preface to Ark of Grace I was officially received in the Catholic Church on Assumption Day 2001 in the Cathedral of the Most Precious Blood of Christ, in London, England. I was drawn to serve the Church but most importantly to serve the Truth. The Catholic Church teaches that the Truth is a Person, Jesus […]

Beauty: The Garden in our Souls

Beauty: The Garden in our Souls


Beauty.  At first the concept is difficult to define. Instinctively I feel that beauty is real to everyone. Once I have made my mind that something is beautiful I know it in the same sense that I know what the number one is.  The natural number does not represent something: one is simply one. Beauty […]

Like Pigs in Mud

Like Pigs in Mud


Another week, another dozen or so images of Weenie the Tweeter in various states of disrobe. I can only imagine the suffering of the poor wife, the humiliation of the family and friends at the sight of this debacle. Yet there is something worse than that. The poor guy wants to keep his job as […]