Author Archive for Carolyn Moebest

Having a Bad Lent?

Having a Bad Lent?


Today’s readings center around the betrayal of Jesus  by Judas Iscariot. I have been thinking as I go through the trials of having an ill spouse: how easy it is to betray Jesus by losing hope?  How often do I want to escape from my daily duties?  It can be difficult to accept prolonged suffering, especially […]

The Idols We Forge

The Idols We Forge


The King in the book of Daniel does not like the true God. Perhaps even before the “Magnificat” was uttered by the Mother of Jesus, the King already knew that the true God would scatter the mighty such as he from his throne. So the King decides to builds his own God. Standing at 9 feet […]


Lazarus, the Rich Man, and Us


Thursday MARCH 20, 2014 Gospel LK 16:19-31 As an Eastern Catholic, we are taught early on to fight death at all costs.  Contrary to popular belief, death is not natural and is actually a result of sin. As a result of sin  every man and woman, whether a pious believer or an atheist, will one day taste death. In this […]

Dancing with the Saints

Dancing with the Saints


Epistle Reading:  Jonah 3:1-10 Gospel Luke 11:29 There are a lot of people in the world like Jonah, full of zeal and devotion to their cause.  Many dismiss them as crazy.  Priests are inundated and end up spending copious amounts of time listening to bizarre stories of people who tell stories almost as outlandish as the reading we […]