Author Archive for Chelsea Houghton

Reasons to be Open to Motherhood

Reasons to be Open to Motherhood


A fellow writer recently asked somebody to write something positive about motherhood. She said “Some of us not-yet-moms are scared of motherhood because all we hear is that you’re miserable and debilitated for nine months, then have a day of the most excruciating pain ever, then you don’t sleep for 18 years and everybody’s throwing […]

Filling the Bucket of Self-Esteem

Filling the Bucket of Self-Esteem


Self esteem. A modern essential. Self esteem was a term invented by Sigmund Freud. The concept has taken wings since then, enhancing other modern philosophies. In the modern world, ever increasing affirmation of self esteem is key through political correctness (not offending anyone), relativism (everyone is right in whatever they think) as well as in […]

Are Catholic Marriages Disappearing?

Are Catholic Marriages Disappearing?


I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. A city that, over the past few years, has been struck by several large earthquakes. As a result our city doesn’t have that many buildings left standing. Most of our churches are gone. Masses are celebrated in halls or parish centers.  Whole parishes themselves don’t exist and our city is […]