Author Archive for Cynthia Trainque

Choosing Light and Life in an Age of Darkness

Choosing Light and Life in an Age of Darkness


“Women have the right to choose” is the battle cry of the Pro-Choice. But choose what? The right to choose is never an end in itself. The right to choose is about being able to choose that which is good. “Women have a right to do what they want with their own body.” Do they […]

What Every Catholic Should Know About the Magisterium

What Every Catholic Should Know About the Magisterium


Just what is Magisterial teaching? It is teaching that comes from the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Magisterium is a Latin term meaning “teaching”. The Magisterium has three levels: 1) papal, 2) ecumenical councils, and 3) various synods of bishops. These three are the official interpreters of Sacred Scripture (writings) and of Apostolic Tradition […]