Author Archive for Donald P. Goodman III

Free Cars for the Poor?

Free Cars for the Poor?


When I first saw this story, I was surprised. Then I was vaguely sympathetic, for a few seconds. Then, I became completely incredulous that anyone could think about this for more than a minute and still believe that it’s a good idea: Free cars for poor fuel road rage. Not only did somebody apparently think […]

Is it Really <em>Our</em> Local Team? In Green Bay, Yes!

Is it Really Our Local Team? In Green Bay, Yes!


I did most of my growing up in Springville, New York, a small town boasting about 4,200 citizens in the southtowns of Western New York. The nearest big city is Buffalo, which boasts several verypopular sports teams. Buffalo is a sports town, despite a complete lack of national championships in any of them (though the […]