Author Archive for Fr. Frank Pavone

Pope Benedict and the Cause of Life

Pope Benedict and the Cause of Life


It was a surprising announcement indeed that Pope Benedict made this week. Of course, a Pope has the authority to say he will no longer be the Pope. But this will certainly be a new experience for the Church in our day. Having worked in the Vatican, it also raises some interesting protocol questions in […]

The Empty Manger

The Empty Manger


During Advent, Christians gather around the Manger, as yet empty. “Come, Lord Jesus, do not delay,” the Church’s liturgy prays. Just as the Baby in the Manger represents for us the greatest Gift God brings, so the emptiness of the Manger represents the deep needs of the human heart — needs that not only we […]

Avoid the Election Day Traps! – Part Two

Avoid the Election Day Traps! – Part Two


When Election Day arrives, so do the traps that come with it. In my previous column I examined four of them, and here I present five more. Be sure you avoid these pitfalls, and help others avoid them, too! 5. I’ll show them! — using the election to vent our anger. Sometimes individuals or groups […]

Avoid the Election Day Traps -- Part I

Avoid the Election Day Traps — Part I


When Election Day arrives, so do the traps that come with it. Be sure you avoid these pitfalls, and help others avoid them, too! 1. I’m a nobody — I only have one vote, and my vote doesn’t count! This trap overlooks the lessons of history that show how elections can be decided by a […]

Can the Government Veto a Sermon?

Can the Government Veto a Sermon?


Sunday, October 7, 2012 was “Pulpit Freedom Sunday.” It is based on a simple question: May the government filter, edit, or veto the contents of a sermon? No court has ever heard a case regarding whether the Internal Revenue Service can do so. Yet every day – and especially in these weeks prior to an […]

Respect Life Month Brings Rich, Inter-related Themes this Year

Respect Life Month Brings Rich, Inter-related Themes this Year


Happy October! And what a month it will be! There are various powerful observances and events this month whose themes reinforce one another and the overall mission of the Church on behalf of human life. It is, first of all, Respect Life Month. It’s a time to let the pulpits roar with the Church’s Biblical […]

What Do You Mean By Abortion?

What Do You Mean By Abortion?


The election season is in high gear, and it is my personal priority between now and November 6 to educate and mobilize as many voters as possible to make a difference in the voting booth for the protection of our unborn brothers and sisters. Our family of ministries at Priests for Life is busy publicizing […]

What Motivated Nellie Gray

What Motivated Nellie Gray


News reached our prolife movement this week that Nellie Gray, who founded and led the annual March for Life, has died. What motivated Nellie Gray to be so passionate, so focused, about ending abortion? Nellie served as a corporal in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) during World War II. As she did her desk job […]

What Kind of Religious Freedom Do We Want?

What Kind of Religious Freedom Do We Want?


We are living at a time when the Church in the United States must vigorously defend herself against attacks on religious freedom. In particular, the government is trying to force believers to violate their consciences when it comes to what kind of services their companies’ health insurance policies will cover. Priests for Life is proud […]

Elections 2012: Legitimate "Overthrow" of Governments

Elections 2012: Legitimate “Overthrow” of Governments


The time has come. From now to November 6, a top priority of the Church and the pro-life movement has to be informing and registering voters and then getting them to the voting booths to take part in this year’s elections! Once again, the entire House of Representatives, one-third of the US Senate, and the […]

Nine Lawsuits for Religious Freedom – A Brief Rundown of the Arguments

Nine Lawsuits for Religious Freedom – A Brief Rundown of the Arguments


There are now nine lawsuits, including one brought by Priests for Life, that have been filed in federal district courts around the country challenging the Obama administration’s HHS mandate that requires employers to provide coverage for activities that many of them believe people should not do. There is value to having multiple lawsuits because, having […]

<em>October Baby</em> Opens Today

October Baby Opens Today


I don’t recommend many movies, but today one that you really should see is coming into theaters nationwide. It’s called October Baby, and it deals in a masterful way with a difficult topic — abortion. Abortion is not and should not be an abstract debate. When I’m asked how the pro-life battle has evolved over […]

An American Takeover of America

An American Takeover of America


Senator Roy Blunt, who sponsored the amendment in the Senate that, had it received a few more votes, would have protected conscience rights of employers, said, “This is a debate that might be settled at that building across the street,” referring to the Supreme Court. Indeed, as of this writing, eight different lawsuits have been […]

Super Tuesday and Being Human

Super Tuesday and Being Human


I write on Super Tuesday, but my reflections here pertain to the entire election season of 2012, and in fact, of every election cycle. If you look at the writings of the Catholic Church regarding political responsibility, you often see reference to what is important to “Catholic social teaching” and a “Catholic conscience.” And, of […]

Obama Tampering with Conscience

Obama Tampering with Conscience


In March of 2010, I had the opportunity to preach to members of Congress and their staff who were gathered at the worship service held inside the Capitol just prior to the vote on Obamacare. In that sermon, I told them that Christianity transforms politics and government, because every human being in Christ has access […]

Christmas Has Prepared Us For Elections

Christmas Has Prepared Us For Elections


We have just concluded the Christmas season, and find ourselves immersed in the election season. And so it should be. Christmas is actually the best preparation for elections. It is the feast of God becoming human, and thereby joining all humanity to himself. Each person, in Christ, has immediate access to God, and has a […]

Child-Killing and the New Evangelization

Child-Killing and the New Evangelization


Recently, at the invitation of Vatican officials, our Priests for Life team prepared some input for next year’s Synod of Bishops on the topic of the New Evangelization. Every few years, representatives of bishops’ conferences from around the world gather for several weeks of deliberations in Rome concerning one or another aspect of the Church’s […]

Christmas, Christians, and Christ

Christmas, Christians, and Christ


Some years ago, a class of students was asked to write about the meaning of Christmas. One student wrote, “Christmas is when Christians celebrate Christ.” The teacher liked the paper, but asked the student to change that one line to “Christmas is when people celebrate love.” What, some may wonder, is the difference? After all, […]

Action Needed Toward Kagan Recusal on Obama Care

Action Needed Toward Kagan Recusal on Obama Care


As you probably know, the so-called “healthcare reform” legislation known as “ObamaCare” – which was narrowly passed by Congress (and only after intense pressure tactics from the White House) – is now facing its toughest challenge ever. It’s being challenged in court over the constitutionality of its key provision of requiring every U.S. citizen to […]

Christmas for the Unborn

Christmas for the Unborn


Christmas is universal. “Behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people…A Savior has been born for you” (Luke 1:10-11). Christ the Savior becomes man precisely for all who share human nature. He excludes nobody. The good news of Christmas is for all people of all times […]

Welcoming the New Mass for Human Life

Welcoming the New Mass for Human Life


With the start of Advent, Catholics begin using a new translation of the Mass. Along with this there are two brand new texts for a Mass “For Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life.” This is the result of a long process that actually started with Cardinal John O’Connor of New York […]

A Renewed Call to Faithful Citizenship and the Priority of Life

A Renewed Call to Faithful Citizenship and the Priority of Life


[Author’s note: This week the US House of Representatives will vote on a very important Bill, the Protect Life Act (HR 358) which would bar abortion funding in the President’s health care law. Call your Representative in Congress today and ask him or her to vote YES on the Protect Life Act.  You can call the […]

Political Parties and Skull Cracking

Political Parties and Skull Cracking


Whether it’s an election year or not, I see to it that Priests for Life echoes loud and clear the duty of citizens to inform themselves about where the candidates stand on the issues. This evaluation starts, of course, with where they stand on violence against human beings, because if public servants cannot tell the […]

Ten Years Later: Another Call to Fulltime Pro-life Work

Ten Years Later: Another Call to Fulltime Pro-life Work


General George S. Patton, Jr., in his 1926 essay, “The Secret of Victory,” wrote, “The secret of victory lies not wholly in knowledge. It lurks invisible in that vitalizing spark, intangible, yet as evident as the lightning — the warrior soul. The fixed determination to acquire the warrior soul, and having acquired it to either […]