Author Archive for Fr. Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P.

How Does One Judge the Morality of Human Acts?

How Does One Judge the Morality of Human Acts?


Created by God as rational and free creatures, human beings determine themselves and establish their identities as moral creatures through their free choices. We make ourselves the kinds of persons who we are in and through the actions we freely choose to do. As Pope John Paul II put it in his moral encyclical Veritatis […]

An Ethical Defense of Conscience Clauses

An Ethical Defense of Conscience Clauses


Last week, the Obama administration revised controversial government regulations intended to protect the conscience rights of medical professionals. Put into place by the Bush administration, these conscience rules had allowed health care workers to opt out of performing medical interventions that they believe are morally objectionable. The new rules limit the medical procedures what medical […]

How Does One Determine The Goodness Or Badness Of An Act?

How Does One Determine The Goodness Or Badness Of An Act?


How do we determine the goodness or badness of an act? For instance, what makes murder evil and almsgiving good?  Simply, acts are good if they perfect human beings.  They make us the persons we were made to be by fulfilling those needs that we have by virtue of our common human nature.  Bad acts, […]

But Is the Human Embryo a Person?

But Is the Human Embryo a Person?


Some commentators have argued that human embryos are individual human beings but they add that they are not human persons because they cannot sense or think or feel or desire.  Consequently, it is argued that human embryos do not have moral status and thus cannot claim any rights including the right to life.  Only human […]