Author Archive for Guy McClung

Be With Me

Be With Me


I wish you could have been at Bethlehem. You could have held Me and kept Me warm. And I would have smiled at you. You probably would not have wanted to hand Me back to My mother. I wish you could have been with us at Cana. My mother was there. I made some really […]

Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue, Teach Me How to Pray

Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue, Teach Me How to Pray


This title is from the first lines of a poem/prayer I first heard from my Mom as a little boy. This is more an invitation than an article for readers. Please speak your thoughts in comments below about how Mary, today, would teach us how to pray. Imagine if it were possible – Our Lady […]

You Can Take The Buildings,  I’ll Keep The Faith

You Can Take The Buildings, I’ll Keep The Faith


They have the buildings, We, the handful, have the Faith. They have the media, We have The Light. They have the pulpits, We have The Word. They have heresy, We have The Truth. They have our money, We have our souls. They have themselves, We have The Lord. They have the offices, We have The […]

Poem: "Christ, Cross, Choice"

Poem: “Christ, Cross, Choice”


Christ, Cross, Choice Innocent, Jesus, you were judged guilty and condemned to death. Uncomplaining, You received, accepted, and embraced Your cross. You fell under the cross You had chosen, but you stood up, supporting it, to be with your Mother Mary, to feel her love. Simon helped you carry it and Veronica comforted You as […]

Poem: "$cientist$"

Poem: “$cientist$”


$cientist$ $cientist$ $eeker$, $age$, $avior$ $ervant$, $oldier$, $lave$, $keleton$, $oul$, $cientist$ Guy McClung Copyright © 2016

Poem: "Heaven Glow"

Poem: “Heaven Glow”


Heaven Glow Mr. Lee looked at the child moments old. “Sirius is his name,” said he. Mrs. Lee, cuddling the boy, truth be told, Said “Yes, Sirius Lee” he will be. But he wasn’t. Eyes twinkling stellar was he, Not dark, dismal or dull. Shimmering sparkling was he, Not Sirius Lee at all. Because he […]

Poem: "It Takes Families To Raise A Village"

Poem: “It Takes Families To Raise A Village”


It Takes Families To Raise A Village Men with guns surround the powerists’ vehicles. Mothers, loving, unseen behind bulletproof glass, Their children laughing above run-flat tires, Dark vehicles in caravan, racing through red lights, Unimpeded. Happy on the way to school. The mothers talking, motherly, About goodness, and love, and Daddy and cousins. The mothers […]

Poem: "Suffer"

Poem: “Suffer”


Suffer I can still endure the minutes, fix the time, and set the limits Where there was no pain but cold, slow pain. If I sought some hope to borrow from a hint of a tomorrow, It brought pain again, pain again, and pain. It caught me, held me, ruled me and eventually it schooled […]

Poem: "Gifts"

Poem: “Gifts”


Gifts The gifts He gave me, I thought were me. I was them, they were mine. I used them, enjoyed them, Ignored, and wasted them. Some I squandered. A gift that blossomed, It was my planting! A gift that bore fruit, It was my growing! No thought of giving them. No thought of sharing them […]

Poem: "Rising"

Poem: “Rising”


Rising Guilty, condemned, Innocent of all, Now with this cross I fall. Mother, Simon, Veronica gone, Now uphill I tread on . Cut, Torn, Stripped, nailed, Now forgiving I will not fail. Hold, Behold, Mother, son. Now, Father, Thy will be done. Kingdom, Glory, Cross, crown, Now to sleep I lay me down. Love lives, […]

Poem: "Friends One Flesh"

Poem: “Friends One Flesh”


Friends One Flesh Everyone needs someone to say always forever. Everyone needs someone to say never alone. Everyone needs someone to say here together. Everyone needs someone to say this is home. I’ll be that someone who tells you forever, That someone who sees you’re never alone. That someone who says here now together, That […]

Poem: "Daddy"

Poem: “Daddy”


Daddy By ten, I thought “paranoid schizophrenic” meant “father”. And “son” came to mean surviving. But as I got older, there was power in saying words That made the scar on your forehead flame red. But sometimes I felt moments of goodness. I was your son. You demanded I look at you and not cry […]

Poem: "Soon"

Poem: “Soon”


Soon Child in your mother’s womb, She grows with you, and I, the watcher, wait. Speaking without touching, I do not see you, but you are Wondrously full of beauty. Hoping you know my voice, It is not hers, not yet all around you. For now, “I love you” in my words out here, Wanting […]

Poem: "WonderLove"

Poem: “WonderLove”


WonderLove When I softly sing a lullaby alone to you, I wonder if in heaven you can hear. When I whisper that I love you love you now, I wonder if you’ll ever want me near. When I try to touch your tiny cheeks and hands, I wonder if in heaven you can feel. When […]

Luthers Today

Luthers Today


From Germany yet again today rises the aroma of dissent. Whether this will ripen into schism or outright heresy will be clear after the conclusion of this fall’s Synod on the Family. Some modern-day princes of the German Church and numerous German bishops are, as did Martin Luther some centuries ago, attempting to heretically alter […]




Through the fence, carefully without touching it, she watched as so many friends, their bag in one hand their Certificate in the other, walked through the gate and boarded the bus. Not one of those open-windowed broken-down yellow oven-like hulks that had brought them to the “Happy Land” site, but new ones, cool with closed windows […]

Poem: "Prostitution Politics"

Poem: “Prostitution Politics”


Prostitution Politics I live in a brothel, But I am not a whore. Personally opposed to impurity, I’m chaste to the core. I help with the auctions, But no slaves are mine. Opposed to such servitude, I try to be kind. Working at Auschwitz, Folks arrive every day. Personally opposed to holocaust, What else can […]

Abortion Celebrations

Abortion Celebrations


If you’re happy killing babies, clap your hands. If you’re happy killing babies, clap your hands. If you’re happy baby killing and for you its so fulfilling, If you’re happy killing, babies clap your hands.   The Abortion Industry has been having “Abortion celebrations” around the country whose themes include: “Celebrate the death of your […]

Why Me, Lord? A Meditation

Why Me, Lord? A Meditation


Why, Lord, did you give me this father, this mother, this brother, this sister, this son, this daughter, this relative, this in-law, this person, this acquaintance, this alleged friend? Why did you do this to me? Why did you put them in my life? Why did you put me in their lives? I do not […]

Poem"Maybe No Dyin' Today"

Poem”Maybe No Dyin’ Today”


Maybe No Dyin’ Today Don’t feel much like walkin’ today. Don’t want to do that hill. Dad, let this pass now and Maybe tomorrow I will. Walkin’s gotta be over now, But look on up this hill. Don’t want no more pain today. Maybe tomorrow I will. This really hurts like hell, Each step up […]

Poem: "Baby Bump? Blob?"

Poem: “Baby Bump? Blob?”


Baby Bump? Blob? The rulers have babies; The ruled, warts and blobs. Preborn ruler babies, ‘Til birth, sweet heartthrobs. The princess, with child; The peasants, cell masses. Children are frowned on For the low lower classes. Preborn white scion daughter, So good for the nation. Why not budding black blobs? Location, location, location. Anglo aristocrat […]

Poem: "Child of Mine"

Poem: “Child of Mine”


Child of Mine He needs you, needs you now; Son, he has no wine. He calls out now for you; Son, he too is a son of mine. She needs you, needs you now; Son, she has no wine. She calls out now for you; Son, she too is a daughter of mine. All these […]

Jesus Here and Now: Mini-miracles

Jesus Here and Now: Mini-miracles


The Gospels recount Jesus’s healing of a paralytic who is lowered through the roof of a house. Initially, Jesus tells the man “Your sins are forgiven.” This upsets some scribes and Pharisees who ask themselves, “Who is this man who blasphemes and forgives sins?” But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil […]

Speak Out!

Speak Out!


There are those who can evangelize hundreds, even thousand. Radio preachers and televangelists speak to millions. Sidewalk prophets publicly and loudly tell the world the Kingdom is near or here. Still, we can choose to just live our lives quietly, privately trying our best to get to Heaven. Personal, isolated Christianity is just fine. Well, […]