Author Archive for Joseph Backholm

Florist Lost Last Week.  So Did Religious Liberty.

Florist Lost Last Week. So Did Religious Liberty.


In a decision that has significant implications for business owners who hold the historic view on issues of marriage and sexuality, a County Judge ruled on February 18th that it is illegal to refuse business for same-sex ceremonies if you are willing to provide business for any weddings at all. Superior Court Judge, Alex Eckstrom, […]

Why Boys in Girl's Bathrooms?

Why Boys in Girl’s Bathrooms?


There’s a conflict between non-discrimination laws and religious freedom. Where religious freedom exists to limit government’s intrusion into matters of conscience, non-discrimination laws invite government into private dealings and empower them to force people to do things they otherwise would be unwilling to do in the name of ending discrimination. As non-discrimination laws become stronger, religious freedom becomes […]

"Get Thee to a Nunnery"

“Get Thee to a Nunnery”


He who defines the terms wins the debate. In the debate over religious freedom, we haven’t done a good job of defining the terms. When we were debating the redefinition of marriage in Washington State, we were assured that religious freedom was adequately protected. “I believe the bill does a good job of protecting religious […]

A Photo Montage of Tolerance

A Photo Montage of Tolerance


Every time someone mentions the fact that individuals have been sued or fired because of their beliefs about marriage, those trying to redefine marriage scoff, “Impossible.”   Every time we mention the fact that children have been taught about same-sex “marriage” in public schools they’re outraged by the lies and distortions.  And when they hear from […]

Obama vs. North Carolina: President Supports "Same-Sex Marriage"

Obama vs. North Carolina: President Supports “Same-Sex Marriage”


President Obama’s timing suggests an effort to turn the attention away from the fact that voters in North Carolina voted 61 to 39 percent to define marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.  On the very next day, May 10th, Obama publicly indicated his support for same-sex “marriage.” The President’s decision wasn’t […]

The Death of Reason: SSM in Washington State

The Death of Reason: SSM in Washington State


Perhaps the title is a bit alarmist. The decision by the state legislature to redefine marriage may not actually be the death of reason, but more evidence of it. What’s interesting is that a body of legislators who have, presumably, told their own children that “I want it” is not sufficient reason, have been completely bamboozled […]

The "Wrong Side" of History

The “Wrong Side” of History


Countless times I have been warned about how miserable I will be when I discover that civilization has passed me by, while I sit, frothing from the mouth, beating my cane against my rocker, clinging to archaic notions about sexuality and marriage. So, for those inclined to issue the same warning again, or for those […]

Same-sex "Marriage" v. Grandma

Same-sex “Marriage” v. Grandma


Over the next several months, you will likely be asked how same-sex “marriage” will affect you. This question is asked because those trying to redefine marriage would like you to believe that it will have no impact on anyone whose names do not appear on the same-sex “marriage” license. They argue that this is a […]

Pastors to the Front Lines

Pastors to the Front Lines


In mid-September the Governor of North Carolina convened a special legislative session to consider a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. Amending the state constitution in North Carolina requires two-thirds of both houses of the legislature and a majority of the public to support it on the […]

Polygamists Exploit Same-Sex Precedents

Polygamists Exploit Same-Sex Precedents


The last thing in the world same-sex “marriage” advocates want to talk about is polygamy. If you ever tell them marriage recognition for same-sex relationships requires recognition of polygamy as well, the usual response is, “we’re not talking about polygamy.” Nor will they, even if you want them to. Polygamy exposes the weakness of the […]