Author Archive for Jared Tomanek

Lover of Poverty

Lover of Poverty


Today is the Feast of St. Joseph. He is special to us because he was special to Jesus. I would like to reflect on a title from the Litany of St. Joseph: Lover of Poverty. As Catholics, Jesus teaches that we are to be poor in spirit. St. Joseph is a wonderful example of this […]

Is Emotional Intelligence Anything New?

Is Emotional Intelligence Anything New?


So you walk into your office and there is a yellow post-it slip that informs you to see the boss as soon as possible. You make your way around your colleagues as their stares increase a sense of anxiety. Your heart begins to pulse faster and you even begin to perspire. You knock in the […]

Donna D’Errico: Interview of a Catholic and Explorer

Donna D’Errico: Interview of a Catholic and Explorer


Before I jump into the interview with Donna D’Errico, I would like to thank her for answering a few questions regarding her life as both a Catholic and explorer.  See if you can name what Catholic sacramental she is wearing on her expedition.  JQ Tomanek: Can you give us a little background on yourself?  Were you raised Catholic?  Where did […]

Define Liberalism, Joe and Steve

Define Liberalism, Joe and Steve


Mr. Fulwiler, how is it going?  So, I see you have contributed over at Catholic Exchange.  You offered some good thoughts on Libertarianism.  I would have to say I agree with much of what you said.  I went to your parish this past weekend.  It is most beautiful. Mr. Skojec, long time since those Steubenville […]

Multi-Tools: What's in Your Pocket?

Multi-Tools: What’s in Your Pocket?


I cannot remember why I came across EDC or Everyday Carry, but it kept me busy for a little while just trying to see what other men carry.  As you can see, these guys carry a mixture of things from the useful and small to compact and rare.  Common pocket dwellers include: keys, pen, wallet, pocket knife, […]