Author Archive for Kevin O'Brien

Judge Judy and Distributism

Judge Judy and Distributism


Judge Judy fascinates me. It’s true, my tastes are a bit odd. I’ll admit to that. In fact, there are only three television shows I watch regularly—The Journey Home on EWTN, in which Marcus Grodi interviews converts to the Catholic Faith; Phineas and Ferb, a Disney Channel cartoon and the only TV show in history to feature a secret agent […]

Registered Trademark and Then You Die

Registered Trademark and Then You Die


I hate people, and it turns out that might be a registered trademark. Let me explain. My daughter Kerry talked us into driving down to Lafayette Square [one] Sunday [last month] to get brunch. Lafayette Square is a trendy St. Louis neighborhood where rehabbers live, surrounded by the ghetto on four sides. But once a year all […]