Author Archive for Nicole DeMille

Seven People to Pray for Today

Seven People to Pray for Today


It’s easy to fall into the habit of praying in too small a circle. We pray for our personal intentions, for our families and closest friends, our parish, but we sometimes forget to open the lens a bit and commit to intercessory prayer for those who may have no one praying for them at all. […]

Who Wouldn't Want This?

Who Wouldn’t Want This?


Has Lent got you feeling grumpy? Deprived? Hungry? Has politics got you acting like a real bear? Are you snapping at people? Is the long wait for the first buds of springtime transforming you into someone from whom people walk away? Your heart, soul, body, and mind all need something. But what? If only The […]

Beware the Devangelization

Beware the Devangelization


The accepted dictionary definition of “evangelize” is: 1. To preach the gospel to. 2. To convert to Christianity. 3. To promulgate or promote (a doctrine or idea, for example) enthusiastically. Now, we know that a large part of our job as Catholics is to evangelize, that is, to bring others to Christ. The ways and means are up for discussion, often passionate discussion over the course of our Church’s history. […]

The Only Good Catholic

The Only Good Catholic


Driving my kids home from school on one of our faster moving country roads, I was stopped short by a dog wandering stupidly around the yellow lines.  I couldn’t get out of the car to help because my son has a life-threatening allergy, so my frustration mounted as I realized that, until someone else came […]

Please Mind My Own Business

Please Mind My Own Business


Fraternal correction is defined as the admonishing of one’s neighbor with the purpose of reforming him, or, if possible, preventing his sinful indulgence in the first place.  The very idea of this makes America 2015 ™ cringe, because even to most Christians, those who are responsible for fraternally correcting each other, the concept of evaluating the […]




Having my phone fixed a few weeks ago, I had some spare time to walk around by myself in a shopping center I usually don’t patronize. I used to really enjoy shopping. It was a frequent pastime for me and my mom. Now, without her, the bloom is off the rose. Sometimes it’s only a […]

Beauty Will Draw Them In

Beauty Will Draw Them In


I have heard it frequently said that we must evangelize through beauty, and I wholeheartedly agree. My definition of beauty is a broad one. Actually, beauty has been of great interest to me since I was a child. I have always been able to see beauty in everyone, some feature, some sign, some unnamed energy even. Have […]

Book Review: <em>The Prodigal You Love</em>

Book Review: The Prodigal You Love


Before I moved to Ohio and began my conversion process, I knew more fallen away Catholics than active, adherent ones. Catholicism in New York City and the surrounding suburbs appeared to be strictly a childhood religion that people abandoned as soon as they left the restaurant after their Confirmation party. A good number of Catholics I […]

Lemons and Moons, or "How to Love"

Lemons and Moons, or “How to Love”


When my grief counselor asked me to explain why I felt the loss of my mother so acutely, I couldn’t come up with my own language for it. It was all so natural and obvious to me. She was my mother! But not everyone has a mother like my mother, I learned, so first we had […]

Nothing Compares To You

Nothing Compares To You


Of the many things I appreciate about the Catholic education my children have received here in Ohio, one that is pretty high on the list is the schools’ endeavors to educate parents who may have been poorly catechized or who may not even be Catholic themselves. Starting when our kids are in Kindergarten, we parents are assigned […]

Breaking Body

Breaking Body


Who is The Church? Who is the Body of Christ? Who belongs? A temptation exists to spend so much time answering these questions correctly and identifying who is with us and who is against us that we miss out on membership ourselves. Some of us are so busy counting heads, checking purses, and securing a […]

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The Moot Old Days


I was talking with a  friend the other day, both of us feeling somewhat melancholy, oppressed from the outside by the horrors of the world and from the inside by loss and chronic illness. We naturally sought out shelter and comfort in our pasts. The conversation turned to younger years — days when we were absolutely carefree, […]

Eyes Off The Road

Eyes Off The Road


I came upon my old Bible the other day, the one I read through from cover to cover twice, a TEV Protestant Bible, now incomplete to me, but still generating a holiness from within even when I touch its cover. I looked at the many scotch tape fixes, the numerous margin notes, the multiple dog […]

Loving The Unlovable

Loving The Unlovable


On social media as in your dining room or your workplace, you are guaranteed to encounter people who test your patience. We are, as Catholics, commanded to love all people. There is no exclusion in Scripture or Tradition for jerks. There is no asterisk that features an addendum explaining that I am not required to […]

The Hands of Time

The Hands of Time


As I sat down to type an entirely different article about my 45th birthday, I looked down and took notice of my aging hands. They tell their own story; that’s for sure. There is the scar from the time I wouldn’t listen to my mother and leave the stray cat, Tony, alone, and he scratched my right […]

Little Lents, Little Easters

Little Lents, Little Easters


There are few things as toxic as envy.  Schadenfreude, envy’s cousin, is close.  To envy means to mistrust Jesus.  It is to say, in effect, that God has erred in what He has given you,  where He has placed you and what He has made you. When I am the object of someone’s envy, I […]

If I Could Buy The World A Book -- Or Five

If I Could Buy The World A Book — Or Five


I’m so excited this week about Devin Rose’s newest book The Protestant’s Dilemma, excited in a way that I honestly didn’t think I could muster again after my passion for his first book If Protestantism is True.  Both, in my opinion, are must reads, but the format and fullness of Dilemma are really perfected and so I’d […]

Last Minute Lent

Last Minute Lent


If you still haven’t decided what is beneficial and appropriate for you to fast for Lent, you’re not alone.  For most of us, the really inspired ideas are pretty rare. It’s easy to turn Lent into a diet, or a way to boast publicly of doing without something pleasurable. I don’t know if we need to identify […]

I'm In The Olympics

I’m In The Olympics


Of course I’m not, really.  I’m probably one of the least athletic people I know.  But I love the Olympics, in a love-hate kind of way.  The hate part isn’t really “hate,” but I do end up feeling like there is a risk of an over-emphasis on one’s body, and that the soul can be […]

To See or Not to See

To See or Not to See


“I was never more hated than when I tried to be honest. Or when, even as just now I’ve tried to articulate exactly what I felt to be the truth.”  Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man Christmas flows into 2014, and the busy-ness of the worldly life pulls us away from our true center. These times when we are […]

The Fred Who Tricked Me

The Fred Who Tricked Me


Well, his name isn’t really Fred, but when I’m telling a real story about real people and maybe the people don’t come out sounding too good, I like to make up a pseudonym.  I just think it’s the decent thing to do.  I’m writing about Fred because he’s an example of really bad, I mean epically […]

Church Interior

Ten Tips To Help You Stay a Sane and Effective Catholic


Just diving right in: 1. Do not get your news and information about your religion, your Church, your Pope, or anything even remotely related to any of the aforementioned, from secular mainstream media, whether televised, in print, or online.  They are not with us, and they are not neutral.  They are against us.  Moreover, they […]

Empty School Hallway

How to Be Right All The Time


Back in my other life, when I was a full time high school English teacher, I had a lot of good stories.  Almost daily something funny or tragic would happen because I was working with two highly dramatic and unpredictable groups: teenagers and teachers.  Throw in parents paying high property taxes and administrators protecting their […]