Author Archive for Ryan Hansen

The Unborn Need Spiritual Fathers

The Unborn Need Spiritual Fathers


Spiritual Fathers are men who pray and sacrifice for little lives they cannot yet see – the most innocent and helpless creatures on Earth: so weak they don’t yet have a voice. Men are called to save these little ones by standing up to a culture of death and society that discards them by vigils […]

How <em>2001: A Space Odyssey</em> Helped Me Be Pro-Life

How 2001: A Space Odyssey Helped Me Be Pro-Life


During a wintery January night in my apartment, while attending college years ago, I was channel surfing, and found a sci-fi movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey. I watched in hypnotized awe at the spectacular cinematography. Later on, I was shocked to learn the movie was made in 1968, and not during the late 80s as […]

Healing a Divorced Heart

Healing a Divorced Heart


Many people carry the painful wound of a divorced heart. The pain can be hard to understand for those of us who have never been through a divorce. It is a wonder to me that you can pray for your future spouse, sacrifice for them and get counsel to help you discover if this person […]