Author Archive for Scott Warren

Poem: "Of Course the Rain- Psalm 29:9"

Poem: “Of Course the Rain- Psalm 29:9”


Of Course the Rain- Psalm 29:9 Everything has its own voice, its own story, even this grey day long winter rain. For today, even at mid day the sky lay like a heavy regret, thick and leaden and unyielding with its threnody of thunder echoing in the heavens. Of course this rain has its own […]

Poem: "This"

Poem: “This”


This This, only this is truly necessary. An outdated wooden crucifix in a forgotten sacristy corner, my forehead pressed to the nail-pierced feet reducing ten thousand things to one. A simple act that clarifies. Calling, inviting – I come. This single act making me one. Scott Warren

Poem: "Quietly sitting in Adoration"

Poem: “Quietly sitting in Adoration”


Quietly Sitting in Adoration “Go to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and simply let Him Love you” St. JohnPaul II Kneeling or Quietly sitting in Adoration Yielding and passive and prayerful- there is that. Yet, so much is astir For with the faintest, softest “Yes” He comes to you! His heart bursting with love Radiating […]

Poem: "Sitting in Adoration"

Poem: “Sitting in Adoration”


Sitting in Adoration “Go to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and simply let Him Love you” St. JohnPaul II Kneeling or Quietly sitting in Adoration Yielding and passive and prayerful- there is that. Yet, so much is astir For with the faintest, softest “Yes” He comes to you! His heart bursting with love Radiating His […]

Poem: "Of Course He Would Go to Her First"

Poem: “Of Course He Would Go to Her First”


Of Course He Would Go to Her First Reluctantly, he had let her go, “Just to get a few things” she had said. He was anxious if she was out of his sight for even a moment, His heart racing as the words constantly lingered, “Behold your Mother”. But she had reassured him “Only an […]

Poem: "My Work"

Poem: “My Work”


My Work Knowing my routines as close neighbors do, They regard me with suspicion as I drive off to church- “It’s a weekday, for chrissakes!” They don’t know it is my job. My work to adore the sacristan’s bounty of a dark and empty church, to polish the holy vessels of the Precious Body and […]

Poem: "Oculus"

Poem: “Oculus”


Oculus At the appointed hour, all other time becomes Not This. I am in the sanctuary and it is the hour of Adoration. All is dim shadow and stillness and quiet drapes around me like a monk’s cowl. A slender beam illuminates the monstrance And the Sacred Host- I swear it!- Pulses with shimmers of […]