Author Archive for Stanley D. Williams, Ph.D

Stan Williams is owner of Nineveh's Crossing (media publishing, marketing and distribution), SWC Films (Film Production), and author of the Hollywood Screenplay Structure book "The Moral Premise: Harnessing Virtue and Vice for Box Office Success."

Rules and the Church: Love 'em, or Hate 'em

Rules and the Church: Love ’em, or Hate ’em


A friend wrote me: I’ve been talking to someone who is interested in what the Church teaches but has a BIG problem with the Church hierarchy.  Basic argument:  If we love God we keep His commandments. Keeping His commandments out of love is BETTER than keeping them out of fear. And following God’s rules are […]

Cinema's Role in The Great Conversation: An Interview with Henry Russell, Ph.D.

Cinema’s Role in The Great Conversation: An Interview with Henry Russell, Ph.D.


Henry Russell, Ph.D. is a classics educator, headmaster of St. Augustine’s Homeschool Enrichment Program (founded with his wife Crystal), and president of the SS Peter and Paul Educational Foundation. He is known particularly for The Catholic Shakespeare Audio Series. His writings have been published in various journals.  =========  Stan Williams: What do you make of […]

Inside the Mind of a Hollywood Director: Bitterness, Love, Verisimilitude

Inside the Mind of a Hollywood Director: Bitterness, Love, Verisimilitude


An interview with Gavin O’Connor director of WARRIOR WARRIOR is a motion picture story about two bitterly estranged brothers who end up fighting in a cage for the mixed martial arts world championship. It is also about their relationship with their father, whom neither can forgive. The violence we see in the cage is visceral. […]

The Good of Conflict and Immorality in Movies

The Good of Conflict and Immorality in Movies


Often I hear Christians complain about the protagonist in a movie because he or she made one or more immoral decisions, and is therefore a poor role model. Another oft heard criticism is that movies are filled with too much on-screen conflict or violence, thus giving audiences the wrong idea about how to resolve problems.   […]

<em>WARRIOR</em>: A Fight Film Like No Other

WARRIOR: A Fight Film Like No Other


WARRIOR’s story is a gripping, won’t-let-you-go study of what it means to fight for noble causes, what it means to love, forgive, and find redemption.

First Entertain!

First Entertain!


An Open Letter to Christian Producers, Publishers, and Writers in four parts 1. INSPIRE OR EXPIRE As a producer, publisher and distributor of media products I am constantly approached by authors, artists and their representatives to assist them in either producing, publishing or distributing their products. In the last week I have been approached by […]

Eight Great Reasons To Be Single And Celibate

Eight Great Reasons To Be Single And Celibate


As a Catholic you’ll find some of these reasons interesting, if not ironic, because they do not come from the pen of a celibate Catholic theologian, monk, or priest cloistered in a Mongolian monastery. Instead, they come from a Protestant-Evangelical minister, John Piper in his book Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. John is married to […]

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Best Practices of Faith Formation: Confirmation Requirements


Some years ago, I was working on a video documentary for Ford Motor Company about the famous American industrial statistician, W. Edwards Deming, who is credited with transforming Japan’s industrial quality after WWII, and making the Japanese the competitive powerhouse they are today. Quality Control In 1950, Deming had been upset with the quality of […]

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Best Practices for Adult Faith Formation: Evaluating Your RCIA Instruction


Of the many volunteer jobs I’ve taken to promote the Church, one that I found most interesting was chauffeuring a well-known Catholic convert and evangelist from appointment to appointment. One day, I drove him to a television station where he was interviewed by his bishop about his conversion to Catholicism. On air, the bishop said he assumed the evangelist came […]

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Best Practices in Faith Formation


“Dear Stan. I am a Catechist for 17 ninth graders. What would you suggest for me, the Catechist, that will grab their attention. I need to get them involved. Right now, they’re staring back at me as if the lights are on but nobody is home. I need something that will give them a piece […]