Author Archive for Robert Struble, Jr.
Writer, retired history teacher, lecturer for Knights of Columbus--Bremerton WA (c. 1379), author of new & as yet unpublished book, "Rekindling the Spirit of 1776: Insurrectionary Solutions for Postmodern Maladies."

One Nation Under SCOTUS: Some Hildebrandian Parallels
by Robert Struble, Jr.
In response to the US Supreme Court’s (SCOTUS) decree on same sex marriage, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, head of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops issued this statement: …It is profoundly immoral and unjust for the government to declare that two people of the same sex can constitute a marriage…. Mandating marriage redefinition across the country […]

by Robert Struble, Jr.
With bluster, ink, and bray. Lawyers five, get their way. Out with God; in with sex drive. Salute Sodom; so they connive. Let them preach right prim of legality, That man’s law must be obeyed. But ‘tis base to bow, when reality Has the highest law betrayed. T’would be wrong to supersede, Against authority properly […]

A Puzzling By-Product of Curing Lepers: Gospel Commentary
by Robert Struble, Jr.
This Sunday’s Gospel, Mark 1: 40-45, is a bit puzzling. Why after curing a leper, who then proceeded to advertise the event (contrary to Jesus’ explicit instructions), did it develop that the Lord “could no longer openly enter a town, but remained outside in desert places.” (cf. Matthew 8: 30-34; Luke 8: 27-38). During our […]

Struble’s Holy Land Adventures a Generation Ago
by Robert Struble, Jr.
With the Middle East in mayhem, I’ve been thinking back to my travels in Egypt and Israel during a less tumultuous time. Upon returning to my teaching post in snowy Salzburg Austria, I found myself suffering from a fever – possibly a result of the sudden change from shirtsleeve weather to freezing cold. From the […]

Poem: “Storming Falluja, Ten Years Ago”
by Robert Struble, Jr.
Storming Falluja, Ten Years Ago Fallujans flee, of your fighters be rid, Your city, your honor our GI’s demand, We’ll find them, we’ll kill them, they cannot be hid, Uprising is doomed to sink in the sand. Your town is besieged; we storm and we blast, By land and by air, with engines of war […]

Poem: “Else but Melancholy?”
by Robert Struble, Jr.
Else but Melancholy? Stay abreast of the current events, Otherwise, they say, to all intents, You’re just a citizen in ignorance; To national progress, a hindrance. But what if this “progress” should devolve, Into fiendish ways that involve, Vice, sleaze and a spiritual squalor, Loathsome to any Christian scholar? Why do we go in quest […]

Concluding Commentary On Mark Levin’s Liberty Amendments (part 5)
by Robert Struble, Jr.
Links to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Last month, the Mount Vernon Assembly met at George Washington’s home in Virginia to begin the planning process for an Article V Convention. Attending were some 100 legislators from 32 States. Mark R. Levin’s bestselling book, The Liberty Amendments (Simon & Schuster, 2013), inspired many […]

Rekindling the Spirit of 1776: Preview Chapter One
by Robert Struble, Jr.
“Vice prevails and impious men bear sway.” Such was the prevailing ethic during the Roman Republic’s demise. Meanwhile citizens were compelled to witness the onset of the “greatness” of the tyrannical era of Caesars. In America too, national greatness has been reduced mainly to status as a military superpower exerting global cultural influence. To restore […]

Constitutional Convention? Planning Meeting Held at Mt. Vernon
by Robert Struble, Jr.
“The train that is the Mount Vernon Assembly has left the station, with no turning back.” So writes Jeffrey Lord of The American Spectator. At the first session of the Assembly, held earlier this month at George Washington’s home in Virginia, nearly 100 state legislators met to begin the planning process on behalf of an […]

Rick Santorum Distributing Movie: The Christmas Candle
by Robert Struble, Jr.
“Marketing a movie rivals to some degree running a Presidential campaign.” So says two term US Senator and 2012 Presidential contender, Rick Santorum. During last year’s election cycle, Santorum exhibited his organizational and communication skills in winning eleven Presidential primaries, enough to give Mitt Romney a run for his money. In part, no doubt, it […]

Political Amendments: Struble versus Levin (part 4)
by Robert Struble, Jr.
Go to part 1, part 2, Part 3, Part 5 More than two months after publication, Levin’s book, Liberty Amendments, continues on the New York Times bestseller list.* At the outset the reader encounters an earnest and persuasive appeal on behalf of an Article V “convention for proposing Amendments.” Levin then proceeds to propose an […]

Egyptian Muslim questions Christianity. A Catholic replies.
by Robert Struble, Jr.
The following interview/discussion took place between Abdallah and me from October 6-8, 2013. Abdallah is my Facebook friend from Cairo, Egypt. He is a software engineer and a supporter of the restoration of President Morsi. We met via the chat feature of an online chess program. (Published with Abdallah’s approval). Abdallah: Many times I keep […]

Liberty Amendments, by Mark Levin: A Five Part Series of Commentaries, Part One
by Robert Struble, Jr.
Readers of “Farewell to Apostate America,” my four part series advocating for an Article V Convention (among other avenues to restoration of the written Constitution) can imagine my interest in seeing Mark Levin’s just released book, The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic (Threshold Editions, Simon & Schuster, 2013). Currently it is number one on the […]

Poem: “Independence Day, USA”
by Robert Struble, Jr.
Independence Day, USA Fourth of July Emblazoned so high, That children may see By history. And for young and old Of most every mold Who want to learn, Who can discern How the past does sing That freedom may spring From the muskets’ fumes When tyranny looms; How to fight for right Lest darkness and […]