Author Archive for Theodore Kobernick

2011's Economic Conundrums Continue into This Election Year

2011’s Economic Conundrums Continue into This Election Year


Editor’s note: Just before the holiday season, both secular and religious, got under way at the end of last year, the mainstream media and the blogosphere were exercised by a document released by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace addressing the world’s dire and confounding economic problems. Since this is an election year and since […]

Atheists and Humanists Lying About Thomas Jefferson and Jesus

Atheists and Humanists Lying About Thomas Jefferson and Jesus


Lies, falsehoods, untruths are the foundation of the secular humanist doctrines which are foisted upon America.  Two of the most harmful — and widely accepted — concern abortion, and separation of church and state.  This article focuses upon one typical instance of the lie about Christianity and the United States.  It reveals a typical operation of the humanist […]

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics:  Sheep Leading Themselves to the Slaughter

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Sheep Leading Themselves to the Slaughter


Recently I encountered the inane phrase “redistribution of wealth.”  We all know that it refers to the evil plan of the left-wingers.  But wait!  Are we unaware that the redistribution of wealth has already occurred, and continues today?  Don’t we know that the wealth in the United States is distributed more unevenly than ever before […]

Poem: "Watchman, What of the Night?"

Poem: “Watchman, What of the Night?”


Watchman, What of the Night? “Black, my friend, black as pitch, yet ever darkening. Those who live do sleep Some, troubled, tossing, groaning, dreaming of evils, Fearful of life, fearing personal poverty. “Sleeping in death are Paine, John and Abigail Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, the men of Washington, Who fought, died, for truths they held self-evident. […]

Pulling the Props Out From Under <em>Roe v. Wade</em>: an Effective Approach

Pulling the Props Out From Under Roe v. Wade: an Effective Approach


To effectively combat wholesale abortion in the United States, we must tear away the sham veil of legality from Roe v. Wade — because the entire edifice of abortion stands upon that foundation. The Supreme Court claimed to have discovered in the Constitution a “right of privacy,” which allowed abortions.  With terrible irony, the Court rested […]

Political Lingo: Disavow the Enemy’s Language

Political Lingo: Disavow the Enemy’s Language


Really, how important are the words we use?  Here’s what Jesus tells us in Matthew 12:36 & 37: But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.  For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will […]

Scientific Musings Regarding God

Scientific Musings Regarding God


One of my friends at the University of Washington was Milt Gordon (God rest his soul).  Milt was a real scientist, and Chairman of the University’s Department of Microbiology.  After I had left academia, Milt did some successful work (not just theory or studies) in plant genetics. Trapping Milt Gordon One evening, as Milt and […]

Separation of Church and State: Clarifying What Jefferson Meant

Separation of Church and State: Clarifying What Jefferson Meant


We Christians – all of us, Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox – need an effective rebuttal to the harmful anti-church insistence that Thomas Jefferson, writing in his capacity of President, held that the Constitution forbade any religious expression in any public place. We have often argued correctly that when Jefferson said “church” he meant either a […]