Author Archive for Terry McDermott

What's On Your Mantle?

What’s On Your Mantle?


It’s a rhetorical question, really.  I could also ask: what’s hanging on your wall; what are you wearing around your neck; what does your bumper sticker say? Once a month, I visit a patient who lives in a B’nai B’rith sponsored family apartment building.  There’s no mistaking that all the families living there are practicing […]

Revealing God in Daily Encounters

Revealing God in Daily Encounters


I recently attended a brainstorming session focusing on how to best deliver and follow up much needed care to a growing, vulnerable patient population in the community.  Nothing was put on paper at the initial meeting. It was just an exchange of ideas, references, and an intention of good will and future partnership. Later, when […]

Adventures with Twitter

Adventures with Twitter


One day, my 17 year-old strolled into the kitchen after a long day at school, leaned against the kitchen counter and, between mouthfuls of food to appease his growling stomach, said, “Hey mom, did you know that the Pope has Twitter?” “So, I hear,” I replied absentmindedly while chopping vegetables for dinner. “Do you have […]

New Year’s Resolutions: Bl. Cardinal Newman’s Way

New Year’s Resolutions: Bl. Cardinal Newman’s Way


Most of us make and break the same New Year’s Resolutions each year:  eat less, exercise more, spend less, get out of debt. . . and on and on.  My resolutions, while well-intentioned, often fall away by the end of January. This year, I’ve decided to do things differently.  Instead of putting all the emphasis […]

Silence Amid Chaos

Silence Amid Chaos


I attended a half-day Advent conference entitled The Silence of Mary.  The morning was a much needed retreat from the maddening rush and noise of a city caught up in pre-Christmas frenzy.  It was also the day after the horrific school shooting in Connecticut and the stabbing of 22 school children and one elderly woman […]

Reconciliation:  The Wisdom Of 7-Year Olds

Reconciliation: The Wisdom Of 7-Year Olds


On the last Saturday before Christmas break, I introduced the belief of a forgiving God to my First Communion class.  The lesson was based on a re-telling of The Prodigal Son.  As usual, the class, the full complement of twenty-one this particular Saturday, participated eagerly in the discussion. The students had many questions:  what if […]

The Duty of the Moment

The Duty of the Moment


“Doing the duty of the moment means focusing our whole person – heart, soul, body, emotions, intellect, memory, imagination – on the job at hand!  The duty of the moment done for God is glamorous, exciting, wondrous…..” Catherine Doherty, Grace In Every Season, Madonna House Publications, Combermere, Ontario Many years ago, when I was a […]

Loving the Forgotten Ones

Loving the Forgotten Ones


This week, M expressed a very clear desire to commit suicide, including the method of ending life.  Racked with pain, deteriorating health, loneliness and a lack of familial, spiritual and friendly support, M has had enough of living. Statistics in Canada estimate that the number of depressed, suicidal elderly people is 14%.  (Canadian Mental Health […]

Onward Catholic Bloggers

Onward Catholic Bloggers


There are literally millions of blogs floating around in cyberspace, all competing for followers, likes, maybe even ad space.  Why do we blog?  Why do I blog?  Why do we bother? I started blogging on New Year’s Eve, 2011, but not at 8kidsandabusiness.  I set up a business website on the advice of my business […]

Becoming a Holy Family

Becoming a Holy Family


“As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 “What does it mean to be a holy family?”  I asked my second grade First Communion class.  Most of the eager young hands in the room went up. “Be nice.” “Obey your parents.” “Do the 10 Commandments.” “Pray.” “Good answers,” I encouraged […]

The Cost of Discipleship

The Cost of Discipleship


“Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, even life itself, cannot be my disciple.  Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple…So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.” […]

A Pro-Life Nurse Asks "Why?"

A Pro-Life Nurse Asks “Why?”


40 Days for Life ends on November 4, 2012. Since the first 40 Days for Life 4 years ago in my city, my family and I have participated in the prayer vigil.  We haven’t been as dedicated as the daily prayer warriors but we have committed to praying at the vigil site once or twice […]

Euthanasia:  It’s Not Enough To Say No

Euthanasia: It’s Not Enough To Say No


On June 15, 2012, the Canadian province of British Columbia Supreme Court struck down a law prohibiting euthanasia and assisted suicide.  It won’t be long before the other provinces follow suit.  My country is on the same slippery slope as Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Oregon and Washington. Within minutes of the law being struck down, my […]

Taking Little Children to Church and Living to Tell About It

Taking Little Children to Church and Living to Tell About It


On those very rare occasions when all 10 of us attend the same Mass – Christmas, Easter – we have been told that we look like the perfect family:  well-behaved, clean, kneeling and standing at the right times……perfect big Catholic family. We’re not perfect of course, but it’s kind of nice of them to say.  […]