Author Archive for William Schuh

Book Review: <em>Straight from My Heart</em>

Book Review: Straight from My Heart


Straight from My Heart is a collection of fifteen short stories and seventy-three poems, approximately chronological, with each story being independent and individually rewarding. Yet all of the pieces collectively draw the reader to something larger.  The stories are engaging, at times fascinating, and always thoughtful. Patricia Devlin’s stories follow an autobiographical journey through the […]

How to Kill a Billion People -- Part 3: "Precautionary" CO2 Policy and Food Crisis

How to Kill a Billion People — Part 3: “Precautionary” CO2 Policy and Food Crisis


 Part I explained that almost half the world’s people are dependent for their food on industrially fixed nitrogen fertilizer, and that nitrogen fertilizer production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.  Part II explored several plausible mechanisms by which forced suppression of CO2 would induce food shortages and starvation in the poorest nations.  Among the key mechanisms discussed […]

How to Kill a Billion People -- Part 2: Indirect Effect of Greenhouse Gas Suppression

How to Kill a Billion People — Part 2: Indirect Effect of Greenhouse Gas Suppression


Part I demonstrated that the production and use of synthetic nitrogen is a substantial contributor of atmospheric greenhouse gases. It was also shown that almost half of the world’s population is dependent on synthetic nitrogen, produced by the Haber-Bosch process, for survival. It was concluded that greenhouse gas suppression policy and the Green Revolution, which […]

How to Kill a Billion People -- Part 1: The Food-Nitrogen-CO2 Nexus

How to Kill a Billion People — Part 1: The Food-Nitrogen-CO2 Nexus


In his 1986 book The Machinery of Nature, population control advocate Paul Ehrlich cited John Holdren, President Obama’s “science czar,” as stating that global warming from CO2 could cause the deaths through starvation of as many as a billion people by 2020. Since climate models haven’t yet successfully predicted local climate-change dynamics vital to crop assessment even in […]

ND State Senate Deception Aborts Human Life Bill

ND State Senate Deception Aborts Human Life Bill


[CL Editor’s note: This article analyzes in detail an action that took place in North Dakota in April. Though very lengthy and extremely detailed, it deserves careful attention from all pro-lifers who are involved with state legislation. It illustrates how vital is the grasp of every nuance of how legistlatures work, and that very careful debriefing and dissection of […]