Book Review: Overcoming Sinful Thoughts by Rev. T.G. Morrow

Overcoming Sinful Thoughts is a new book available through Sophia Institute Press by Rev. T.G. Morrow. It is an excellent book for those who wish to grow in prayer, virtue, and in faith. The book discusses how sin begins in our minds, but we must train ourselves not to let our thoughts carry us away from God and from a virtuous life.
There are several points the book will help the reader to do throughout the process of reading and taking in everything presented. Here are some:
- Why God allows suffering in our world.
- Advice from St. John Paul II from Theology of the Body.
- Why the Evil One wishes for people to aim for Purgatory and not for Heaven.
- Why Confessing is not “embarrassing”.
- Not allowing our loneliness to attract us away from living good virtuous lives.
There are much more than these points in the book, but the points are good gauges on what to expect regarding “take aways” upon completion of the book. It is available through Sophia Institute Press. It is an interesting book for those who wish to grow in knowledge and in faith. A good gift to give to those who may be struggling in temptation and distracting thoughts as well.