Category: On Media

MSM: Merchants of SMear

MSM: Merchants of SMear


Screen Time

Screen Time


Our relationship with the things of this world requires a very delicate balance between loving creation and allowing it to rule our hearts. The Lord is very clear in Scripture that we are to bow to only One Being. Surprisingly, our TV screen or our iPhone is not that Supreme Being who demands our full […]

<em>Screwtape</em> on Stage: An Interview with Max McLean

Screwtape on Stage: An Interview with Max McLean


As someone who has long appreciated the catechetical value of CS Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, it was a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to interview Max McLean, director of the stage adaptation of The Screwtape Letters and its lead actor, portraying Screwtape. McLean originated the role of Screwtape in New York, Chicago, […]

Spiritual Growth: The Healing Process

Spiritual Growth: The Healing Process


This is a reflection I wrote after viewing Spiritual Growth in Tough Times which centers around the healing process. Sister Joyce Rupp discusses the process of healing with the analogy of the seasons. We all want to live in the spring and summers of our lives but we have to live through the difficulties of […]

Sisters of Mary Compete on The American Bible Challenge

Sisters of Mary Compete on The American Bible Challenge


Television is discovering the Bible makes for good viewing.  In addition to The History Channel’s airing an epic 5-part Bible series, the second season of The American Bible Challenge game show begins this Thursday, March 21 at 9 pm EST on GNS.  Hosted by Jeff Foxworthy, this fast-paced, one-hour game show pits Bible loving groups […]




March 6, 2013, Wednesday — Silence Silence, of a sort, has descended over the meeting of the cardinals in the lead-up to the Conclave. The American cardinals today canceled their scheduled press conference at the North American College — the NAC, as it is called, on the Janiculum Hill just above the Vatican. Cardinal Timothy […]

<em>The Real Vatican II</em>: A 10-part Television Series

The Real Vatican II: A 10-part Television Series


Recently, Pope Benedict XVI, now Pope Emeritus, criticized the media for it’s continued misrepresenting of Vatican II. In response, NET (New Evangelization Television) debuted a 10-part weekly series called Vatican II: Inside the Vatican Council, on Thursday, February 21 at 8:30 PM ET. CNA/EWTN reported that “Pope Benedict XVI said that many of the misinterpretations of the Second […]

Weekly Wits

Weekly Wits 3/1/13

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The Bible: An Epic Mini-Series

The Bible: An Epic Mini-Series


The Bible speaks for itself, or rather, it speaks for God. Yet, we have a generation of young people that are generally more excited about video games and special effects than the Word of God.  So, what’s a parent to do?  If you are executive producer Mark Burnett and his wife, “Touched by an Angel” […]

Angelus and Cappucino -- Tracing the Blackmail Story

Angelus and Cappucino — Tracing the Blackmail Story


February 24, 2013, Sunday — Angelus “The Lord is calling me ‘out to the mountain’ to devote more time to prayer and meditation, but this does not mean I’m abandoning the Church.” –Pope Benedict XVI, in his final Sunday Angelus address as Pope, at noon [Feb. 24] in St. Peter’s Square The Sun Broke Through at […]

The Vatican Responds to Blackmail Allegation

The Vatican Responds to Blackmail Allegation


“[N]ews reports abound which are often unverified or unverifiable, or completely false…” –Communique this morning from the Vatican’s Secretariat of State, released at the Vatican Press Office The Vatican Speaks Out Evidently concerned that the upcoming papal conclave to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI (the conclave is now expected to be held between […]

Were Italian Journalist's Blackmail Allegations Baseless?

Were Italian Journalist’s Blackmail Allegations Baseless?


“…As we grow older the world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated…” –T.S. Eliot, The Four Quartets, East Coker The Witnesses Last night, my phone rang twice, just before 3 in the morning. In the morning, I found three emails from the same person, a priest I know. He called again this morning. He wanted […]

Italian Press Alleges Curia Blackmail

Italian Press Alleges Curia Blackmail


“Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is desolate” — Psalm 143:4. The Secret Report Given to the Pope on December 17 Today a veil of secrecy was shredded in this eternal city. Today therefore marked the beginning of a difficult, important struggle for the purification of the government of the […]

Assessing the Pope's Record

Assessing the Pope’s Record


Garry Wills [ex-seminarian]: “What we really need are no priests.” James Carroll [ex-priest]: The pope “has seen only a solemn obligation to defend the church.” [Italic added.] Richard Sipe [ex-priest]: “Certainly, he did a lot, but it was all reactionary.” [Italic added.] Daniel Maguire [ex-priest]: The “scandal of the papacy [is] one of the last absolute monarchies in a […]

Media Waste No Time to Display Ignorance

Media Waste No Time to Display Ignorance


Monday’s announcement by Pope Benedict XVI that he will resign the papacy at the end of this month because of his increasingly frail health has revealed what we practicing Catholics in America have long understood: Our faith remains a mystery. No time has been wasted stirring up a frenzy of speculation about what will happen […]

<em>Les Miserables</em> and the Index

Les Miserables and the Index


For the past several weeks, Catholics around the Internet have been talking about a scandal, and, surprisingly, they’re more or less in agreement.  It is a real-life scandal of a bishop who forgave a criminal for robbing from him.  It is a fictional scandal of a criminal who broke parole, became a successful businessman and […]

Tip Furor Shows Christians Have Their Failings

Tip Furor Shows Christians Have Their Failings


It’s hard to decide whether this story should be filed under “The Lord works in mysterious ways” or “Be careful what you wish for; you may get it.” A woman who goes by Pastor Alois Bell of Truth in the Word Deliverance Ministries, a storefront ministry in downtown St. Louis, claims she uses social media […]

Labor of Love: Suffering and the Motherly Vocation

Labor of Love: Suffering and the Motherly Vocation


This week I happened across this YouTube video ( in which two strapping young Dutch men experience the joy of childbirth … well, two hours of simulated labor pains. That’s almost the same thing, right? Sure. In his classic work Life of the Beloved, Henri Nouwen acknowledges that the mystery of suffering will remain […]

Abortion Remains a Big Deal 40 years After Roe

Abortion Remains a Big Deal 40 years After Roe


In this, 40th year of legalized abortion in America, Hollywood and Planned Parenthood want you to know abortion is no big deal. That’s the message we’re to infer from the recent episode of NBC’s hit show “Parenthood” titled “Small Victories,” in which the teen character Amy casually decides to abort her baby because, as she […]

Testimonies of Heaven

Testimonies of Heaven


Earlier this year I went to the WPXI television studio in Pittsburgh to tape an interview. The technician who escorted me inquired, “What are you here to discuss today?” When I replied, “heaven,” he asked, “Have they found it?” As he correctly reasoned, the discovery of heaven would indeed be newsworthy. Thoughts of heaven are […]

The Character of Our Culture Defines Our Children

The Character of Our Culture Defines Our Children


If you have access to the Internet, you likely have read a viral blog post by single mother of four Liza Long titled “I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother.” The piece has had millions of hits on the various sites on which it has been published. If you haven’t seen it, check your email. Someone has […]

The Red Palm of Motherhood

The Red Palm of Motherhood


A few weeks ago, on All Soul’s Day, Father Kean – a exuberant young priest at our parish – preached from the daily reading from Revelation 7: After this I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. They stood before the throne and […]

Jennifer Fulwiler's 'Minor Revisions' Begins Tonight

Jennifer Fulwiler’s ‘Minor Revisions’ Begins Tonight


While Jen found it a little bit awkward to tell you about this new mini-series of hers, I’m tickled pink to tell you why I think you’ll love the series. She gave me a little sneak preview since we both engage with atheists and we both are converts. We have other things in common: We both […]

Judge Judy and Distributism

Judge Judy and Distributism


Judge Judy fascinates me. It’s true, my tastes are a bit odd. I’ll admit to that. In fact, there are only three television shows I watch regularly—The Journey Home on EWTN, in which Marcus Grodi interviews converts to the Catholic Faith; Phineas and Ferb, a Disney Channel cartoon and the only TV show in history to feature a secret agent […]