Category: On Media

Despite Reports, "No Cardinals Under Suspicion"

Despite Reports, “No Cardinals Under Suspicion”


No cardinal is under suspicion of being the mastermind behind the “Vatileaks” affair which is rocking Rome, Father Federico Lombardi, S.J., the Pope’s spokesman, told journalists in the Vatican Press Office shortly after noon today. Nor has the Pope constituted a special team of lay investigators, led by a woman, to look into the case […]

MTV Exploits Viewers to Make a Quick Buck

MTV Exploits Viewers to Make a Quick Buck


I have joked for years that MTV is destroying civilization as we know it. Then, the network gave us “Jersey Shore,” and proved my joke wasn’t funny, it was true. Now, I’m convinced the people at MTV actually sit around a conference table and ponder the question: How can we exploit and corrupt the innocence […]

The BBC Broadcasts Its Own Dhimmitude

The BBC Broadcasts Its Own Dhimmitude


Media outlets tiptoeing around Islam are a dime a dozen, but the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) stands apart for the egregiousness of its self-censorship and bias. Even more striking than the number of controversies involving suppression of Islam-critical speech on its channels are the frank acknowledgements that BBC policy is shaped by fear. During a […]

Dan Savage: Bully

Dan Savage: Bully


They used to arrest middle-aged perverts who get their jollies from talking dirty to children. Today, they get a television show, a nationally syndicated column, a lecture circuit and multiple visits to the Obama White House. You know: “Forward.” The irony is palpable. Dan Savage, sex columnist and founder of the LGBT anti-bullying “It Gets […]

<i>The Vow</i>: A Story of True Love

The Vow: A Story of True Love


About a month ago, I went to see the movie The Vow fully prepared for it to be an overall disappointment.  It certainly delivered, except for one scene that actually makes the movie worth seeing. The mother tells her upset daughter that she stayed with her husband after learning of his lengthy affair because she […]

‘Chariots of Fire’ Makes a Comeback – On Stage and in Real Life

‘Chariots of Fire’ Makes a Comeback – On Stage and in Real Life


The glorious story of Eric Liddell will soon grace a London stage just as issues of conscience make headlines with Christians defending religious freedom from coercion. Chariots of Fire, the Oscar-winning film of Olympic runner Eric Liddell’s refusal to race on the Sabbath, is being adapted into a play to usher in the 2010 Olympics […]

Coming to a TV Near You: 'The Catholic View for Women'

Coming to a TV Near You: ‘The Catholic View for Women’


When Astrid Bennett Gutierrez, Janet Morana and Teresa Tomeo get together, something fantastic happens — it’s called The Catholic View for Women. It’s a new EWTN talk show. Several pilot shows ran on the network last year, garnering reviews so favorable that EWTN not only contracted for a full series, 13 episodes of which will […]

Touched By <em>Touch</em>

Touched By Touch


My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? If the […]

Movie Review: <em>Blue Like Jazz</em>

Movie Review: Blue Like Jazz


There’s a new kind of film coming to a cinema near you–film that is Christian, made by Christians, but (proudly) not part of the “Christian film genre.” The movie is rated PG-13 but was almost rated R because of its “realness” with regard to campus life. Lots of language and mature themes. Director Steve Taylor […]

<i>Catholic Digest</i>: A New Look at an Old Favorite

Catholic Digest: A New Look at an Old Favorite


I grew up reading Catholic Digest. I was one of those children who would pick up and read anything that was lying around the house, and it was a magazine that my parents subscribed to. Honestly, I don’t remember all that much about the articles. I’m guessing that, as a child, many of them probably […]

National Catholic Reporter Vs. Catholic Church

National Catholic Reporter Vs. Catholic Church


It’s been obvious for a long time, but now it is official: the National Catholic Reporter rejects the teachings of the Catholic Church on sexuality. In an editorial titled, “NCR Endorses Call for a New Sexual Ethic,” it supports retired Australian Bishop Geoffrey Robinson’s plea for the Church to change its teachings on sexuality. Bishop […]

Newman, the Supreme Court, and Broadcast Pornography

Newman, the Supreme Court, and Broadcast Pornography


Reading about two free speech cases now before the Supreme Court, I found myself thinking of Cardinal Newman. I’ll get to Cardinal Newman in a minute, but first let me say a word about those cases pending in the court. The basic issue in FCC v. Fox Television Stations and FCC v. ABC is the […]

Limbaugh and the, um, Lady

Limbaugh and the, um, Lady


Saul Alinsky is alive and well in the political maneuverings of the secular left. The problem is, we all have the play book now. As most know, Rush Limbaugh has been under fire of late for comments he made about 30 year-old “reproductive justice” radical Sandra Fluke. Ms. Fluke recently gained national attention while testifying […]

George Weigel’s Mission Impossible

George Weigel’s Mission Impossible


Even if you don’t agree with him, you have to admire George Weigel’s moxie. It can’t be easy serving as the spokesperson for a “conservative” Catholic movement that labors so mightily against the preponderance of evidence to reconcile every last scintilla of conciliar innovation with the Faith handed down from the Apostles. Yet, he does […]

Where Angels Fear to Tread: A Response to Andrea Tornielli on Medjugorje

Where Angels Fear to Tread: A Response to Andrea Tornielli on Medjugorje


I read with interest Andrea Tornielli’s article on Medjugorje dated February 28, 2012.[i]  At the end, I was shocked to find that Tornielli provided a Latin-Italian translation of the Vatican document “Normae S. Congregationis.”  My shock was rooted in the fact that the Latin text of this document has escaped the public eye for 34 […]

What Christians Can Learn from <em>Act of Valor</em>

What Christians Can Learn from Act of Valor


The Bible is a war manual. You don’t have to read very far before you discover that there are, as Chuck Colson once noted, “kingdoms in conflict.” The spiritual life is referred to as a battle, and (as descriptions of Armageddon clarify) Jesus is not just Lord of your life, He is a Lord of […]

<em>Erie Times News</em> and Church Teaching -- A Reader Speaks Up

Erie Times News and Church Teaching — A Reader Speaks Up


Reading James Drane’s article (and corresponding cartoon) today in Erie’s Times News (“Catholic Church should change its policies on birth control”) made us want to cancel the paper… again. Of course, it demands a reply, but why bother? What good does it do? Where is the Church’s official reply? But then I’m haunted by the awareness that if […]

What’s Wrong with This Picture?

What’s Wrong with This Picture?


A very conscientious Catholic, Harold Baumeister, saw this cartoon in his hometown paper and had the conviction and gumption to do something about it! He wrote to the editor (letter follows) to let him know that he was deeply offended by this crass cartoon and that the pope and all Catholics will fight to defend our freedoms. […]

Movie Review: <em>The Artist</em>

Movie Review: The Artist


Why is The Artist being showered with so many international awards (and most likely a few Oscars)? It’s all about bringing back the movie magic, which The Artist does. This black-and-white film focuses on visual storytelling, which is precisely what film is supposed to be. Anyone who has gone to film school will appreciate the […]

Is Nicki Minaj Possessed?

Is Nicki Minaj Possessed?


Nicki Minaj, fresh off looking like a fool with Madonna at the Super Bowl, showed up last night on the red carpet at the Grammys with a guy dressed like the pope. This was just a prelude of what was to come. Minaj’s performance began on stage with a mock confessional skit. This was followed […]




I have a love/hate relationship….with Facebook. While I am inclined to keep up to speed by anyone’s standard, it seems that they change the format often enough to confuse me just when I think I’m getting the hang of it. Admittedly, I have always been a sort of ‘geek’. I like technical things and am curious […]

The Road to Sobriety in <em>Smashed</em>

The Road to Sobriety in Smashed


Countless films depict the descent into an uncontrollable addiction and its consequences, but few aptly convey the challenging ascent to sobriety.  Most movies gloss over the complex and strenuous path to recovery and away from addiction.  In short, they inappropriately convey the message that it is easy and permanent once someone manages to triumph over […]

Business As Usual at the <em>New York Times</em>

Business As Usual at the New York Times


For a picture of how low the level of public discourse has sunk in America, look no further than the New York Times.  In an editorial following Newt Gingrich’s upset victory in the South Carolina Republican Primary, the Times’ editorialists dealt from the bottom of the deck, playing the race card in an attempt to deflect attention from […]

When Media Bias is Subtle

When Media Bias is Subtle


Catholic League president Bill Donohue points to some instances of bias in today’s New York Times: The reason I read the New York Times every day is because of its comprehensive coverage and tremendous influence on other media outlets. Editorially, at least on cultural issues, the positions of the New York Times are diametrically opposed to the teachings of the […]