Category: Science

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God, Beauty, and Symmetry in Science


“Now, may our God be our hope. He Who made all things is better than all things. He Who made all beautiful things is more beautiful than all of them. …Learn to love the Creator in His creature and the Maker in what He has made.” (St.Augustine of Hippo, Commentary on Psalm 39) “..and there is […]

A New Year's Resolution for You

A New Year’s Resolution for You


New Year’s Resolutions tend towards the personal: lose weight, take up a hobby, spend more time with the family, get up earlier, read great books, etc. But this new year I beg people to take some time to learn more about bioethics. The stakes are high. Our definitions of life, death, and human dignity are […]

The Journey of the Magi: Baby, You're Gonna Be a Big Star Someday

The Journey of the Magi: Baby, You’re Gonna Be a Big Star Someday


Now the shepherds were not the only ones who visited the Holy Family after Jesus was born. Stargazers from Arabia soon arrived. They stopped off at the fortress-palace of Herod the Great because they needed directions. Men are often too proud to admit when we’re lost but the stargazers swallowed their pride and entered the […]

The Contending Opinions on Three-Parent Embryo Safety, Part I

The Contending Opinions on Three-Parent Embryo Safety, Part I


In our long stride toward the inevitable designer babies, the first manipulation has been the noble goal of creating babies free of the mitochondrial diseases carried by their mothers. This series will examine the issue rather thoroughly in four basic segments: 1. The basic cell biology involved. 2. The problem of defective mitochondria. 3. The […]

 The Abortion Breast Cancer Link: When Orthodoxy Trumps Science and Reason

The Abortion Breast Cancer Link: When Orthodoxy Trumps Science and Reason


In the debate surrounding the purported link between abortion and breast cancer (ABC link), there has arisen a core of individuals whose demeanor can best be described as zealous. This group has all but abandoned the core scientific principle of allowing themselves to be led, without prejudice, by the preponderance of the scientific data. It […]

UK Embryology Authority's Inconsistent Ethics on Three Parent IVF

UK Embryology Authority’s Inconsistent Ethics on Three Parent IVF


In today’s society everything seems turned around. Black is white. White is black. You would think nothing would surprise me anymore, but it does, especially in the realm of reproductive medicine. The United Kingdom’s authority on reproductive medicine, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), has called the creation of embryos with three genetic parents […]

On the “Right and Authority” to “Veto” Scientific Conclusions That Contradict Dogma

On the “Right and Authority” to “Veto” Scientific Conclusions That Contradict Dogma


In my book Science Was Born of Christianity: The Teaching of Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, I used the word “veto” in the introduction. Like this: “To understand this claim is to understand why the Catholic Church has a legitimate right and authority to veto scientific conclusions that directly contradict divinely revealed dogma.” That word “veto” in […]

Without Dogma, Science is Lost

Without Dogma, Science is Lost


At the end of Science Was Born of Christianity: The Teaching of Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, I wrote, “If a reader gains anything from this book, let it be that one may confidently say that Catholic dogma positively and directly influenced the Scientific Revolution.” I proposed that perhaps the argument in the book that “science was born […]

Theistic Evolution is a Confusing Redundancy

Theistic Evolution is a Confusing Redundancy


The term “theistic evolution” is used in contrast to the atheistic idea of evolution. It means evolution set in motion by God or under the direction of God, and seems appropriate for a believer who admits some truth to evolutionary science. But I don’t like the phrase because it’s a confusing redundancy. Think about it. If you’re a […]

Soft Tissue In T-Rex Bones: Don’t Pick a Side

Soft Tissue In T-Rex Bones: Don’t Pick a Side


In 2005 Science journal reported the discovery of soft tissue in the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex, and how it got there has been debated ever since. Dr. Mary H. Schweitzer, whose research team found the soft tissue, maintains that it was preserved by an exceptional process over the 65 million years since T-rexes became extinct. […]

A Whale of an Argument

A Whale of an Argument


Have you heard the argument against the existence of God based on the size of the universe? You might find it strange that an argument against God would be constructed based on the enormity of space — something that elicits awe and wonder. But it is, and it goes like this: You see how big the […]

What I Teach My Kids About Evolution

What I Teach My Kids About Evolution


People ask me what I teach my kids about evolution. The answer is, “I teach the science, but not the ideology.” The Evolutionists say, “You are failing your kids as an educator!” No, I’m teaching my children to keep a view of reality firmly in place, the very first thing a scientist ought to do. The Creationists […]




45 years ago today.

Why Religion Matters More Than Science

Why Religion Matters More Than Science


I just finished writing a thesis about the late Father Stanley Jaki’s work for a Master’s degree in Theology, and my brain hurts. I love that about scholarship. You learn, assimilate, and then possess new knowledge. It’s hard, but you earn it. In the end, it’s more exciting than going to the mall, buying a […]

Stem Cell Funding Shifts Toward Ethical Research

Stem Cell Funding Shifts Toward Ethical Research


I have always said that if you want accurate information about stem cell research and its possibilities, you should be reading the business section. Anything else is probably misleading, hyped or even flat out lies. In other words, follow the money. The money will tell you what is truly promising research. The money is painting […]

It's Spring! So...Should you Celebrate the Equinox?

It’s Spring! So…Should you Celebrate the Equinox?


Today is the first day of spring because it is the day of the vernal (spring) equinox. Okay, just a quick review of your high school astronomy.  In summer and winter we have solstices — the summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year.  […]

Testimonies of Heaven

Testimonies of Heaven


Earlier this year I went to the WPXI television studio in Pittsburgh to tape an interview. The technician who escorted me inquired, “What are you here to discuss today?” When I replied, “heaven,” he asked, “Have they found it?” As he correctly reasoned, the discovery of heaven would indeed be newsworthy. Thoughts of heaven are […]

Intelligible Design and Darwin's Black Box

Intelligible Design and Darwin’s Black Box


The one thing that modern science should be able to do is to explain to us how things happen. The one thing it cannot do is tell us that things happen by chance. Things may well happen by chance, but then there is no chance of a scientific explanation. “Chance” is the methodology of Darwinian […]

What the Higgs Is a Boson?

What the Higgs Is a Boson?


Science is worthwhile for its own sake — even if normal people don’t understand it. “Yes,” the reporter said, “But what can it do? What difference does the? Higgs boson make in the day-to-day lives of ordinary people?” The physicist on the radio stumbled over his words. He had already explained this once, but she […]

God's Nanomachines

God’s Nanomachines


When that first soft cloud of pale green appears on the trees in Spring, I always try hard to comprehend the unimaginably high number of leaves there are budding into the world’s most sophisticated little nano-scale energy machines.  It is truly a miracle of nature, and one that is so common all around us, it’s easy […]

Outlawing the Natural Law

Outlawing the Natural Law


Dr. Vincent Fortanasce knows the field of medicine as well as anyone. He has studied psychiatry at Yale, neurology at the University of Southern California and orthopedic rehabilitation at Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, one of the top rehab centers in the country. He has spent decades treating thousands of patients, including world-class athletes and celebrities. Many […]

You Are What You Do / Say / Think….

You Are What You Do / Say / Think….


I read once that when a neurosurgeon touches a spot on the human brain with a probe, he elicits memories.  All kinds of memories: a moment in childhood, a school day, a family vacation from years past.  Sights, sounds, tastes, smells, feelings.  Pain and pleasure, fear and fury and fun.  Whatever is stored on that particular […]

Contraception and Contradiction

Contraception and Contradiction


The Church is a sign of contradiction. On the issue of contraception, in which the Catholic Church is seen as the most inveterate of socially conservative reactionaries, the Church loses not only libertine opponents, but also many conservative friends. In the present debate about the government’s attempt to compel religious institutions to fund the use […]




Do you know what it means to receive a consolation from the Lord? In the work of prayer for example, it is when you feel a deep sense of His presence. But even in our day-to-day lives we can receive consolations from the Lord. These come in the form of a perk, or a little […]