Category: Saint of the Day – Ex Form

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St. Julia, Virgin, Martyr


JULIA was a noble virgin of Carthage. When the city was taken by Genseric in 439, Julia was sold as a slave to a pagan merchant of Syria named Eusebius. Under the most mortifying employments of her station, by cheerfulness and patience she found a happiness and comfort which the world could not have afforded. […]

St. Rita of Cascia

St. Rita of Cascia


It is common for a child growing up in a Catholic home to know about Saints.[i] Many Catholic children are asked “to name that Saint”, or the most important question of all “what is your Confirmation name.” These questions take thinking and researching. There are times where researching a Saint can be almost impossible. According […]

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St. Hospitius, Recluse


ST. HOSPITIUS shut himself up in the ruins of an old tower near Villafranca, one league from Nice in Provence. He girded himself with a heavy iron chain and lived on bread and dates only. During Lent he redoubled his austerities, and, in order to conform his life more closely to that of the anchorites […]

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St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest


IN 1408 St. Vincent Ferrer once suddenly interrupted his sermon to declare that there was among his hearers a young Franciscan who would be one day a greater preacher than himself, and would be set before him in honor by the Church. This unknown friar was Bernardino. Of noble birth, he had spent his youth […]

St. Peter Celestine

St. Peter Celestine


As a child, Peter had visions of our blessed Lady, and of the angels and saints. They encouraged him in his prayer, and chided him when he fell into any fault. His mother, though only a poor widow, put him to school, feeling sure that he would one day be a Saint. In 1235, at […]

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St. Venantius, Martyr


ST. VENANTIUS was born at Camerino in Italy, and at the age of fifteen was seized as a Christian and carried before a judge. As it was found impossible to shake his constancy either by threats or promises, he was condemned to be scourged, but was miraculously saved by an angel. He was then burnt […]

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St. Paschal Baylon


FROM a child Paschal seems to have been marked out for the service of God; and amidst his daily labors he found time to instruct and evangelize the rude herdsmen who kept their flocks on the hills of Aragon, Spain. At the rage of twenty-four he entered the Franciscan Order, in which, however, he remained, […]

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St. John Nepomucen


ST. JOHN was born, in answer to prayer, 1330, of poor parents, at Nepomuc in Bohemia. In gratitude they consecrated him to God; and his holy life as a priest led to his appointment as chaplain to the court of the Emperor Wenceslas, where he converted numbers by his preaching and example. Amongst those who […]

St. John Baptist de la Salle

St. John Baptist de la Salle


The great saint, who feast is celebrated today was born at Theims, France, on the 30th of April, 1651.  His parents were very careful about his early training, and insisted that their son should receive a thorough education, and that the moral side of his schooling command the utmost attention. Perceiving that his vocation was […]

St. Robert Bellarmine

St. Robert Bellarmine


St. Robert Bellarmine, of whom Pope Clement VIII said: “The Church of God had not his equal in learning,” was born of a noble family at Montepulciano in Tuscany, Italy, in 1542. He lived until 1621, and it was a full life conspicuous for exemplary piety. He suffered from delicate health all his life. Before […]

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St. Epiphanius, Archbishop


ST. EPIPHANIUS was born about the year 310, in Palestine. In his youth he began the study of the Holy Scriptures, embraced a monastic life, and went into Egypt to perfect himself in the exercises of that state, in the deserts of that country. He returned to Palestine about the year 333, and built a […]

St. Lucia Filippini, Virgin

St. Lucia Filippini, Virgin


St. Lucia Filippini, of the Roman nobillity, was born in 1672 and baptized on the day of her birth. She received Holy Communion at a very early age, and when twelve years old was made a catechist of the children of the parish. She is the Foundress of the Institute of the Maestre Pie Filippini […]

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St. Antoninus, Bishop


ANTONINUS, or Little Antony, as he was called from his small stature, was born at Florence in 1389. After a childhood of singular holiness, he begged to be admitted into the Dominican house at Fiesole; but the Superior, to test his sincerity and perseverance, told him he must first learn by heart the book of […]

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St. Gregory of Nazianzen


GREGORY was born of saintly parents in c. 329, and was the chosen friend of St. Basil. They studied together at Athens, turned at the same time from the fairest worldly prospects, and for some years lived together in seclusion, self-discipline, and toil. Gregory was raised, almost by force, to the priesthood; and was in […]

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The Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel


IT is manifest, from the Holy Scriptures, that God is pleased to make frequent use of the ministry of the heavenly spirits in the dispensations of His providence in this world, and especially towards man. Hence the name of Angel (which is not properly a denomination of nature, but office) has been appropriated to them. […]

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St. Stanislas, Bishop, Martyr


STANISLAS was born in answer to prayer when his parents were advanced in age. Out of gratitude they educated him for the Church, and from a holy priest he became in time Bishop of Cracow. Boleslas II was then King of Poland — a prince of good disposition, but spoiled by a long course of victory […]

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St. John Before the Latin Gate


In the year 95, St. John, who was the only surviving apostle, and governed all the churches of Asia, was apprehended at Ephesus, and sent prisoner to Rome. The Emperor Domitian did not relent at the sight of the venerable old man, but condemned him to be cast into a caldron of boiling oil. The […]

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St. Pius V, Pope


A DOMINICAN friar from his fifteenth year, Michael Ghislieri, as a simple religious, as bishop, and as cardinal, was famous for his intrepid defense of the Church’s faith and discipline, and for the spotless purity of his own life. His first care as Pope was to reform the Roman court and capital by the strict […]

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St. Monica


MONICA, the mother of St. Augustine, was born in 332. A, a girlhood of singular innocence and piety, she was given in marriage to Patritius, a pagan. She at once devoted herself to his conversion, praying for him always, and winning his reverence and love by the holiness of her life and her affectionate forbearance. She […]

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The Discovery of the Holy Cross


GOD having restored peace to His Church, by exalting Constantine the Great to the imperial throne, that pious prince, who had triumphed over his enemies by the miraculous power of the cross, was very desirous of expressing his veneration for the holy places which had been honored and sanctified by the presence and sufferings of […]

St. Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor

St. Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor


ATHANASIUS was born in Egypt towards the end of the third century, and was from his youth pious, learned, and deeply versed in the sacred writings, as befitted one whom God had chosen to be the champion and defender of His Church against the Arian heresy. Though only a deacon he was chosen by his […]

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Sts. Philip and James, Apostles


PHILIP was one of the first chosen disciples of Christ. On the way from Judea to Galilee Our Lord found Philip, and said, “Follow Me” Philip straightway obeyed; and then in his zeal and charity sought to win Nathaniel also, saying, “We have found Him of Whom Moses and the prophets did write, Jesus of […]

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St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor


CATHERINE, the daughter of a humble tradesman, was raised up to be the guide and guardian of the Church in one of the darkest periods of its history, the fourteenth century. As a child, prayer was her delight. She would say the “Hail Mary” on each step as she mounted the stairs, and was granted […]

St. Peter, Martyr

St. Peter, Martyr


IN 1205 the glorious martyr Peter was born at Verona, Italy, of heretical parents. He went to a Catholic school, and his Manichean uncle asked what he learnt. “The Creed,” answered Peter; “I believe in God, Creator of heaven and earth.” No persuasion could shake his faith, and at fifteen he received the habit from […]