Category: Featured

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year


Do you think you would benefit spiritually by spending thirty hours in prayer and meditation?  Yeah, right, you are likely thinking.  Where would I find time for that? I’m a very busy mother. Motherhood has its ironies.  When we are pregnant and feel the need to “rest up,” sleep is often hard to come by.  […]

Key at Final Judgement Will be Love

Key at Final Judgement Will be Love


Pope Francis dedicated the catechesis of his Wednesday general audience to three Gospel texts that help us to enter into the mystery of one of the truths professed in the Creed: that Jesus “will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead”. The three texts are: the parable of the ten virgins; […]

The Biggest Mistake a Catholic Can Make At Work

The Biggest Mistake a Catholic Can Make At Work


A few years ago I was working in a small office of five or six people. Everybody in the office knew I was Catholic. It was hard to hide, considering I went to Mass nearly every day, a blessing afforded to me by the fact that my parish was one block away from the office. […]

The Dangers of an Aging World

The Dangers of an Aging World


Wolves prowl the streets of abandoned cities. Only prostitutes are left to take care of the elderly. War is looming. This is 2013 and the global population is aging. These are only a few of the alarming anecdotes retold at a conference last week. Decades of policies to reduce the number of people on our […]

Courage and Coherence

Courage and Coherence


It is the incoherence of the faithful and the pastors what undermines the witness of the Church. The apostles were simple people, but they were not afraid of anything or anyone. Those were the concepts at the center of Pope Francis’ homily during a Mass at the Church of Saint Paul Outside the Walls earlier […]

Help a Catholic Farming Family!

Help a Catholic Farming Family!


Please, open your heart and consider this situation. Brian Gadbois is a permanent deacon and his wife Nissa has just, as in today, given birth to their ninth child. A couple of years ago a dream that they had nurtured for many years came true when they purchased a foreclosed and abandoned farm property. As a […]

France Passes Gay ‘Marriage’

France Passes Gay ‘Marriage’


The French National Assembly voted for the text legalizing same-sex “marriage” and adoption by 331 votes against 225 on Tuesday afternoon. The Socialists were joined by the Greens, the Communist party and the Radicals and other leftwing groups, but also by Centrists and two members of the opposition UMP (ex-president Sarkozy’s party), in adopting what […]

John B. Tabb - Priest-Poet

Tabb’s Poetry XVI


Five poems by John B. Tabb.

On Women Marrying Young

On Women Marrying Young


Did any of you catch the recent “Princeton mom” flap?  Princeton alumna Susan Patton, in an open letter to women attending Princeton, advised that they should find a husband in college–otherwise they’d wind up divorced from a not-very-smart man they’d meet later in life.  (Ouch!)  Then Kathleen Gerson fired back, countering that it’s objectively better for young women to marry later in life. And then Ross Douthat turned […]

Church Architecture 101, Part One

Church Architecture 101, Part One


There are strong feelings being expressed about church architecture today.  It is my hope in writing these articles that the reader will feel empowered to think for himself and not feel obligated to follow directions established by art and architectural historians who intentionally and sometimes unintentionally use their ‘special’ language and terminology to make the […]

Academic Freedom, Civility, and the Name of Jesus

Academic Freedom, Civility, and the Name of Jesus


A healthy classroom engages students in a rich debate of ideas

Dr. Kermit Gosnell - Philadelphia Clinic

Why Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Case Matters


Dr. Kermit Gosnell is on trial for his life in Philadelphia because of how he ran his medical clinic, the “Women’s Medical Society” at 3801 Lancaster. That impressive establishmentarian-sounding title belied a business which reflected the abortion philosophy lived to its fullest expression and logical conclusion. In the final analysis, the Gosnell case reveals much […]

Divine Detours

Divine Detours


One of my simple pleasures in life is reading Victoria magazine. The May/June 2013 issue features an article called “Destiny’s Detour.” The editors had asked readers to share stories of how their lives had turned out compared to what they thought life would hold for them when they graduated from high school or college. Victoria […]

Reflections for Sunday, April 28, 2013

Reflections for Sunday, April 28, 2013


Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (Acts 14:21-27; Psalm 145:8-13; Revelation 21:1-5; John 13:31-35) Loving Others as Jesus Has Loved Us  I give you a new commandment… . As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. (John 13:34) They say couples who have been married a long time start […]

What Is Social Justice?

What Is Social Justice?


When last we met, we looked at Rerum Novarum, Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical which inaugurated modern Catholic social thought. We now continue our magical mystery tour by turning our attention to Pope Pius XI’s Quadragesimo Anno of 1931. Before we explore the major themes of this incredibly important document, however, it would serve us well […]

Better Communication = Better Sex

Better Communication = Better Sex


Dustin, before we get started talking about the conjugal act of marital intercourse, why don’t you introduce yourself for a moment. Are you married? How many kids do you have? How do you bring home the bacon? What is Engaged Marriage? DR: Thanks for having me! I’m 33-year-old Midwestern who’s been married to my high […]

Kindle Organizing Notes

Kindle Organizing Notes


I do quite a bit of reading. Up until recently, I was convinced that paper books were the way to go. And then I thought an iPad would solve all my “I want to read it electronically” problems. Then, slowly, I started to think about how some of the “just like real paper” e-readers might be […]

The Higher Our Tech, the Ruder We Get

The Higher Our Tech, the Ruder We Get


Get this: Social media are making us ruder. According to Reuters, social media users face “an increase in rudeness online with people having no qualms about being less polite virtually than in person.” I think our rudeness began ticking up with the introduction of another technological innovation: the telephone. As phones became commonplace in American […]

Annie, the Smiling Evangelist

Annie, the Smiling Evangelist


She’s fearless. She’s charismatic. She’s radiant. A modern evangelist, Annie basks in Christ’s love and shares it with a simple, winsome touch. A heart overflowing with love is a powerful testimony, I’ve learned.  “We love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19). Annie’s love spills over, mysteriously opening hearts long shut to God’s mercy […]

Outdoing Your Spouse

Outdoing Your Spouse


Do you ever feel competitive with your spouse? If you enjoy a friendly challenge involving word games, board games, or sports games, why not try a spiritual challenge based on advice from St. Paul? Although St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians contains his most well-known wisdom on love, his Letter to the Romans also teaches […]

MSM: Merchants of SMear

MSM: Merchants of SMear


Why Confess Sins to a Priest?

Why Confess Sins to a Priest?


I would like to look at the matter from a different angle. I don’t really want to focus on a biblical rationale for every aspect of the sacrament of confession, not yet at least. Instead, I’d like for us to ponder why it is fitting that God chooses to use priests in the forgiveness of sins through the confessional.

Date Night for Parents

Date Night for Parents


To: Marybeth From: Dad is Desperate for a Date My husband says we should have “date nights” without our three kids, but free evenings are almost impossible to find. Our children’s schedules are full of school, sports and social activities that keep us coming and going, and when we finally choose date night, I’m either […]

President Obama and 'Equality'

President Obama and ‘Equality’


As all the world surely knows by now, “equality” is the ideological key to President Obama’s domestic policies. That all people are created equal, the president says, is the “most evident of truths.” Whether that’s so or not, it is unquestionably the case that you express any reservations whatsoever about equality these days at no […]