Category: Featured

Young Women Exploited by Fertility Industry

Young Women Exploited by Fertility Industry


Why Is Selling Eggs an Exception to Law? Catholic teaching is consistent and clear. The sale of human organs and tissues is immoral because it demeans human dignity and regards the human person as a commodity. John Paul II addressed the subject in a speech to the 18th International Congress of the Transplantation Society in […]

Obama and Sebelius Sittin’ in a Tree…

Obama and Sebelius Sittin’ in a Tree…


Obama and Sebelius sittin’ in a tree K-i-s-s-i-n-g First comes sex without marriages Then come empty baby carriages The teasing little rhyming ditty familiar to children for generations, of which the above is a parody, bespeaks that even children know something very fundamental about the natural and right order of things – that first comes […]

Bringing Souls to Jesus through the Four Men Prayer Groups

Bringing Souls to Jesus through the Four Men Prayer Groups


I would like to introduce you to an exciting new men’s prayer group based on the Gospel of Mark’s story of Four Men who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus for healing.  Through their faith they obtained their friends’ healing and the even greater miracle of the forgiveness of his sins.  Members of this prayer […]

Revised Mandate “Unacceptable” to Over 300 Academics and Religious Leaders

Revised Mandate “Unacceptable” to Over 300 Academics and Religious Leaders


In response to President Obama’s announcement of a government compromise over the new controversial mandate requiring employers to pay for abortion-causing drugs and other services, over 300 academics have signed a statement entitled: “Unacceptable.” “This is a grave violation of religious freedom and cannot stand,” state the scholars. “It is an insult to the intelligence […]

Dying Time Can Be Good Time

Dying Time Can Be Good Time


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is an advisory body to the European Union.  Based in Strasbourg, France, PACE has more than three hundred delegates. Their pronouncements of human rights issues are highly influential within the E.U. Last month, PACE passed a resolution (No. 1859) that made a strong statement against euthanasia. […]

History Lessons -- Embarrassing yet Valuable

History Lessons — Embarrassing yet Valuable


When asked to comment on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ rejection of the so-called HHS “accommodation,” White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, said, “I would simply note with regard to the bishops that they never supported healthcare reform to begin with.” Apparently, either Mr. Carney’s memory is failing or his trousers are ablaze. […]

Detail from Norman Rockwell's Freedom of Worship, Saturday Evening Post, February 27, 1943

Religious Liberty or Government Tolerance?


Al Mohler absolutely dismantles Nicholas Kristof in this new piece. The cause of this skewering? Kristof’s “Beyond Pelvic Politics” column in The New York Times. Mohler notes, After asking his most pressing question, “After all, do we really want to make accommodations across the range of faith?,” he makes this amazing statement: “The basic principle of American life is that we […]

Strategic Abdication

Strategic Abdication


From Damascus to Tehran, a test for world leadership is underway. Daily, the Syrian military—well-armed, highly trained thugs whose current mission is to keep dictator Bashar Assad in power—kills up to 200 or more of its own citizens. Protests from Washington, the withdrawal of the U.S. ambassador, and an effort to condemn Syria in the […]

What is True Love?

What is True Love?


This week a lot of tokens of affection were exchanged. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. I’m not going to begrudge anyone their cards, candy, and flowers. There’s even a time and place for diamonds. I’m quite fond of gifts that involve chocolate myself! But, it is important to realize that love, true love, […]

Abortion's Hard Case Exceptions

Abortion’s Hard Case Exceptions


When it comes to the hot-button issue of abortion, there are some questions that make even the staunchest pro-lifer uncomfortable:  What do you say to the woman who finds herself pregnant due to rape?  What do you do with the adolescent girl who is impregnated by her father, brother, or uncle?  What if it was […]

The Death of Reason: SSM in Washington State

The Death of Reason: SSM in Washington State


Perhaps the title is a bit alarmist. The decision by the state legislature to redefine marriage may not actually be the death of reason, but more evidence of it. What’s interesting is that a body of legislators who have, presumably, told their own children that “I want it” is not sufficient reason, have been completely bamboozled […]

Movie Review: <em>The Artist</em>

Movie Review: The Artist


Why is The Artist being showered with so many international awards (and most likely a few Oscars)? It’s all about bringing back the movie magic, which The Artist does. This black-and-white film focuses on visual storytelling, which is precisely what film is supposed to be. Anyone who has gone to film school will appreciate the […]

These Stories Have Your Soap Opera Beat – And They’re True

These Stories Have Your Soap Opera Beat – And They’re True


While there’s very little value in the daytime soaps, the more sophisticated versions that we find on PBS are most entertaining, the latest being Downton Abbey —and I readily admit to being a fan. We can pretend that we’re interested in the history, the décor or the period costumes, but really, it’s the turbulent plot […]

CAIR's Fight Against Pennsylvania Foreign Law Bill

CAIR’s Fight Against Pennsylvania Foreign Law Bill


Resistance to a new bill aimed at limiting foreign law in Pennsylvania courts serves as a case study of how Islamists and their allies operate: peddling falsehoods about Shari’a, painting Muslims as victims, and denying that anyone seeks to institutionalize aspects of Islamic law — even as they vigorously promote that very agenda. With similar […]

Who's Out of Tune?

Who’s Out of Tune?


Today on the news I heard a Catholic claim that the American bishops are out of tune with the times because of their opposition to the Health Care Mandate.  I wanted to scream.  The Church isn’t supposed to be in tune with the times.  We’re supposed to be in tune with Jesus.  The Church was […]

Obama and Ann Coulter Think They Have the Election Figured Out -- They Don't

Obama and Ann Coulter Think They Have the Election Figured Out — They Don’t


Ann Coulter was on The Sean Hannity Show with guest host Mark Simone today. She bragged about Romney, her candidate, winning the CPAC Straw Poll, and how she swayed the crowd. She pointed out the weaknesses of Rick Santorum in a recent interview with Chris Wallace: He always gets nervous about providing a sound bite that […]

The Heart of the Issue

The Heart of the Issue


It is always essential to go to the heart of the issue through prayer and discernment. Is President Obama’s smoke and mirrors “compromise” on health plan coverage to cover sterilization and contraception, including drugs that may cause abortion announced on February 10, 2012 going to result in any reduction whatsoever of contraception, sterilizations, and early […]

Just Give Me a Hug!

Just Give Me a Hug!


If you don’t know the power of a hug, then you are probably not having much success in your relationships. To hug is to heal.  To be hugged is to be healed. To not hug is to deprive. I am not exaggerating when I say that hugs have the power to convert. A person having […]

Mary for Dummies

Mary for Dummies


You are a dummy if you do not friend the Blessed Mother, the best thing this side of God. Mary is the very bestest friend we could ever have. Yet, there are some out there who don’t even bother accepting her friendship. In general, Protestants don’t include her in their social circles but there are […]

UN Secretary General Tells African Nations to Adopt LGBT Rights

UN Secretary General Tells African Nations to Adopt LGBT Rights


Last week UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told African nations to repeal criminal laws that places sanctions on homosexual conduct and to stop discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity. Ban Ki-moon addressed the 54 African nations at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa on January 29. He urged the countries in attendance […]

Playing Politics with Unemployed Veterans

Playing Politics with Unemployed Veterans


Getting the U.S. economy back on a path to solid growth and the job creation engine jumpstarted is dominating the headlines, talk shows and policy debates in Washington right now. Many of the legislative prescriptions focus on the dismal unemployment woes of newly separated military veterans, whose rates outpace the civilian population. The troubling figures […]

God and Man at CPAC: Facing the 2012 Election

God and Man at CPAC: Facing the 2012 Election


Amidst the hoopla, cheers, and ear-piercing whistles of enthusiastic approval for Republican presidential nominees at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, several themes emerged. The most important of these centered on the conflict between what may be titled American foundationalism versus contemporary progressivism. Foundationalism embodies a family of concepts ordered hierarchically from God, the Declaration […]

Is Nicki Minaj Possessed?

Is Nicki Minaj Possessed?


Nicki Minaj, fresh off looking like a fool with Madonna at the Super Bowl, showed up last night on the red carpet at the Grammys with a guy dressed like the pope. This was just a prelude of what was to come. Minaj’s performance began on stage with a mock confessional skit. This was followed […]

Contraception Mandate: Turning America Into Europe

Contraception Mandate: Turning America Into Europe


President Obama thought he picked a fight over birth control, one that his re-election campaign quickly touted to his supporters. Instead, he has united Catholics, Evangelicals, those who cherish religious freedom and the right to follow one’s conscience, and those who believe that children are a blessing, not a “punishment” (as Obama once called babies). […]