Category: Featured

Meeting a Cardinal in Sweats and Athletic Shoes

Meeting a Cardinal in Sweats and Athletic Shoes


Just to clarify; I was the one in the sweats and athletic shoes. Likely the Cardinal–more precisely Cardinal-designate–was in his clerical shirt, pectoral cross and other black garb, fitting for a man of his office. And, I suppose I didn’t really “meet” him, since we already knew each other; I had met Archbishop Timothy M. […]

True Faith and False Freedom: On John Courtney Murray (Part III)

True Faith and False Freedom: On John Courtney Murray (Part III)


At the conclusion to Part 2, we weighed certain of Murray’s arguments in favor of an historically nuanced understanding of the traditional teaching on religious liberty. We will begin Part 3 with what he labeled the “decisive proof.” Murray goes on to quote the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, extracting from it what […]

Supreme Court Sides with Church in Landmark First Amendment Ruling

Supreme Court Sides with Church in Landmark First Amendment Ruling


Today the Supreme Court decided its most important religious liberty case in twenty years, Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The government lost 9-nothing as the Court unanimously rejected its narrow view of religious liberty as “extreme,” “untenable” and “remarkable.” The unanimous decision adopted the Becket Fund’s arguments, saying that […]

Have we Forgotten about Satan?

Have we Forgotten about Satan?


We marvel at the physical miracles, big and small, that Jesus performed during his time here on earth – for example raising Lazarus from the dead and healing St. Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever. And well we should. But what we often overlook is the frequency with which Jesus spoke to and expelled demons – […]

One Percent or 33: America's Real Inequality Problem

One Percent or 33: America’s Real Inequality Problem


The American economy remains sluggish and, from all over the political spectrum, particularly the left, people have turned their attention to inequality. The Occupy Wall Street movement, though without actual plans for reform, emphasizes the growing inequality between the top one percent and the 99 percent of Americans below them, with the implication that income […]

It's More Than Talk

It’s More Than Talk


It is a constant chant from those who would like the defenders of unborn life to disappear, and leave them undisturbed in their killing. “Your concern for life does not go any further than the uterus.” “All you want is to stop the abortion, and then you abandon the mother.” “You don’t care about the […]

Special Education – “Spirituality” In Our Public Schools?

Special Education – “Spirituality” In Our Public Schools?


I heard a fantastic homily awhile back – well, the first part of it anyway.  Father’s initial comments set me on a train of thought that I will pass along in the body of the article.  Father asked us to contemplate the incredible gifts that God has given us.  He pointed out that we humans […]

Are Gabe Lyons' <em>The Next Christians</em> Really What's Next? Part 1

Are Gabe Lyons’ The Next Christians Really What’s Next? Part 1


There is much merit in Gabe Lyons’ book, The Next Christians: The Good News About the End of Christian America.  In fact, in the second chapter of this book, Mr. Lyons offers his readers a lucid and accessible account of the cultural state wherein Christians find themselves today (23).  Although he attributes the beginning of […]

I, iPhone

I, iPhone


The latest episode of This American Life follows the story of Mike Daisey and his investigation into the origins of Apple products, especially the iPhone which is “Made in China.” What might the iPhone say if it could speak for itself? Ira Glass provides some answers to such a question in the opening moments of this episode, “Mr. […]

Beware the Myth of Inevitability

Beware the Myth of Inevitability


In politics, as with many competitive enterprises, frontrunners love to promote the myth of inevitability.  Having squeaked out the narrowest of wins in Iowa and now polling favorably in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney is attempting to capitalize on the notion that his nomination is inevitable.  If Republicans want to defeat President Obama come November, primary […]

Transhumanism's Roots in Eugenics

Transhumanism’s Roots in Eugenics


I talk about transhumanism a lot because I believe it is the greatest threat to humanity that no one knows about.  Transhumansim is a philosophy that wants to use technology to surpass treating or preventing disease and use it to enhance otherwise healthy humans beyond natural capabilities.  They envision a world where you can leave […]

The Folly of God-denial

The Folly of God-denial


As the political season heats up it occurs to me that, as important as elections are, unless the hearts of men are changed, the heart of a nation cannot awaken. Our nation is experiencing heart failure. It needs an awakening – a spiritual awakening. Desperately. Every year secular-“progressives” and obnoxious atheist pressure groups exponentially ramp […]

Christmas Has Prepared Us For Elections

Christmas Has Prepared Us For Elections


We have just concluded the Christmas season, and find ourselves immersed in the election season. And so it should be. Christmas is actually the best preparation for elections. It is the feast of God becoming human, and thereby joining all humanity to himself. Each person, in Christ, has immediate access to God, and has a […]

How I Met St. Jude

How I Met St. Jude


My own life did not take on a deep spiritual dimension until I was pregnant with my fourth child.  But, once I turned seriously to prayer and saw the results, I became hooked.   It began when my husband Mark lost his job.  For the first time we consciously put our lives in God’s hands.  Whenever […]

True Faith and False Freedom: On John Courtney Murray (Part II)

True Faith and False Freedom: On John Courtney Murray (Part II)


Careful examination of Fr. Murray’s corpus reveals that he takes great liberty (no pun intended) in his treatment of the traditional teaching on religious freedom. However, he does so in such a way that the casual observer may either miss it altogether, or may perhaps just consider it so subtle as to be irrelevant to […]

All Gifts That Are Given

All Gifts That Are Given


The most prevalent mantras I’ve encountered in the “parenting magazine” world have to do with “gifts.” “Gifted children.” “We need to discover our gifts.” “Moms need to have their own time to use their own gifts.” “Time! Talent! Treasure!” (That’s from my “Catholic pew” world.) “Everyone is special.” “Allow the child to explore her talents.” […]

Spain’s New Government Remains Curiously Silent on Defense of Traditional Values

Spain’s New Government Remains Curiously Silent on Defense of Traditional Values


It was predictable that Spain’s parliamentary elections last November would end in victory for Spain’s conservative People’s Party after the abject failure of the Spanish Socialist Party in combating rising unemployment and languid economic growth during the economic crisis. Similarly, it was thought to be predictable that a conservative victory would yield major gains for […]

God Can Transform the Worst Sinners into Saints

God Can Transform the Worst Sinners into Saints


Things designed for good can be used for bad purposes. Art in its proper context captures images of beauty in the world or perverted to promote evil such as pornography. Books can teach and enlighten while others promote falsehoods or hatred. (Be careful what you read or watch.) Sometimes that which is life affirming in […]

Collecting the Debt to Society

Collecting the Debt to Society


Repeatedly, the US Catholic Bishops have issued their plaintive calls, asking us to fix our “broken and destructive” criminal justice system here in America.  Most of us paid this call no attention at all.  Perhaps this was to be expected; I’m afraid the USCCB’s recommendations have not always been free from a certain tincture of […]

2012: A Year to Spend More Time in Prayer with Jesus

2012: A Year to Spend More Time in Prayer with Jesus


The LORD came and stood there, calling out as before: Samuel, Samuel! Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10) Jesus  said to them, “Come, and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was […]

Reflections for Sunday, January 15, 2012

Reflections for Sunday, January 15, 2012


Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (1 Samuel 3:3-10,19; Psalm 40:2,4,7-10; 1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20; John 1:35-42) Saying Yes to Jesus’ Invitation to Make Him Our Lord and Savior  “Behold, the Lamb of God.” (John 1:36) Most of us became Catholics as infants, when our parents presented us to the church for baptism. That […]

True Faith and False Freedom: On John Courtney Murray (Part I)

True Faith and False Freedom: On John Courtney Murray (Part I)


Everyone knows that religion is noble, and since no one in his right mind would possibly argue that liberty is not a precious right, it only stands to reason that “religious liberty,” as it is so often invoked these days, must be especially good! Now, it’s just a hunch mind you, but I suspect that […]

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Imitating the Holy Family


This is the time of year when Christians are most focused on the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Reflection on the Holy Family is more than just the Nativity scene. Naturally, Christmas focuses on the birth of the Saviour, and Mary and Joseph play key roles in this most important event. But, there […]

Christian University Joins Monks in Fight Against Fed's Contraception Mandate

Christian University Joins Monks in Fight Against Fed’s Contraception Mandate


Last month, Colorado Christian University (CCU) became the first interdenominational Christian college to challenge in federal court a new “Affordable Care Act” (aka “Obamacare”) mandate for abortifacients (drugs which induce abortions). Colorado Christian joins the monks at Belmont Abbey College pushing back against government intrusion into personal religious convictions that is unprecedented in the health […]