Category: Featured

"His" Gospel: The Juggernaut of Paul in the Revised Missal

“His” Gospel: The Juggernaut of Paul in the Revised Missal


In college, I majored in American Literature but took acting classes because I enjoyed the immediacy of theater.  On stage everything happens in the moment.  On a recent Sunday I was celebrating Mass and began the ceremony with the sign of the cross and then extended my hands to deliver the greeting: Grace to you […]

The Revised Roman Missal: A Mass of Potential

The Revised Roman Missal: A Mass of Potential


After years of discussion, preparation and anticipation, the new English translation of the Roman Missal – Third Edition was officially implemented in the United States on November 27th. The “reviews” are now starting to show up in newspapers, blogs and other media. As I read them, it seems as though most of the “people in […]

Light the Darkness Cannot Overcome

Light the Darkness Cannot Overcome


Every year I brace myself for winter. Knowing the air will turn crisp to cold, I whip out a cozy scarf, and as the sky dims and darkens, I store up on Vitamin D.  The sun’s short stay and the often cloudy sky make afternoons feel more like early evenings. It’s dark, dark, dark! We […]

Fathers Landry, Pavone on the 'Tebow Phenomenon'

Fathers Landry, Pavone on the ‘Tebow Phenomenon’


Tim Tebow has sure made the sports headlines as of late. The popular quarterback of the Denver Broncos, known for being unapologetic about his Christian faith (something I applaud, of course), has perplexed not a few sports commentators by his seemingly miraculous comeback-victories after struggling through three-and-a-half quarters of a game. I asked, via email, […]




As I sat in Mass, exhausted, just happy that I got there on time I realized that three candles were lit.  Yes, the pink one, too.  This rosy candle is supposed to tell us “Rejoice!  Gaudete!  Our Savior is almost here!”  Instead, what I heard was, “Oh no!  It’s almost Christmas and I still have […]

The Mystery of the Incarnation

The Mystery of the Incarnation


“Mystery,” he sneered.  “That’s a good Catholic word.” My friend was a fundamentalist who had more than a bit of antipathy towards the Catholic Church, charging that it added to the simple faith of the Bible. But he didn’t read his bible very well.  The word “mystery” is a Catholic word, only because it is […]

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Christmas: Expect More!


The problem many of us have with Christmas isn’t that we expect too much of it but that we expect much too little. My Christmas wish for all of us, myself included, is that we raise our sights and ask for all that God really wants to give us. If we can open ourselves to […]

Masquerades in the News

Masquerades in the News


The Culture of Death reminds me of the dragon from the Book of Revelations; it is an “enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns” (NIV Rev 12:3). Two items in this week’s news reveal just how the Culture of Death masquerades as something supposedly good as it rears two of its ugly heads—the […]

Coping with Sibling Rivalry

Coping with Sibling Rivalry


If you have a sibling or more than one child, chances are that you have dealt with the ugly green monster that is sibling rivalry. In a perfect world, children born of the same parents or adopted into the same family would always love, honor, and respect each other. They would share without complaint, applaud […]

Truth Makes the Enemy Cower

Truth Makes the Enemy Cower


This is the season for Christian love and goodwill. Yet the air is polluted with the bombast of pro-aborts who never seem to stop spewing. These folks do not concern themselves with the true meaning of Christmas. Christ does not fit into their game plan—as recent comments from their choir make abundantly clear. The Harvard […]

Action Needed Toward Kagan Recusal on Obama Care

Action Needed Toward Kagan Recusal on Obama Care


As you probably know, the so-called “healthcare reform” legislation known as “ObamaCare” – which was narrowly passed by Congress (and only after intense pressure tactics from the White House) – is now facing its toughest challenge ever. It’s being challenged in court over the constitutionality of its key provision of requiring every U.S. citizen to […]

Lowe's Errs in Pulling TLC Ad

Lowe’s Errs in Pulling TLC Ad


I have not been shy in my criticism of Muslim extremists who hate Israel and equally loathe the United States. Nor have I been reluctant to condemn Islamism: Sharia law is totalitarian. Furthermore, I am not opposed to boycotting sponsors of TV shows that bash Catholicism (I have led such initiatives). But count me out […]

Where is John the Baptist When You Need Him?

Where is John the Baptist When You Need Him?


During the season of Advent the readings at Mass include passages about John the Baptist, the humble inhabitant of the Judean desert who possessed nothing but the truth and owed no one but the God who created him.  He was fearless in his preaching. He discomfited all in their complacency, but to all he gave […]

Are You Dating a Pharisee?

Are You Dating a Pharisee?


Do you feel that you are dating someone who strikes you as having an overly high moral, education, or even cultural standard? Do you feel like your every action is being observed? Is the person overly critical of you? Are they quick to find fault in you but not in themselves? Do they make you […]

The Rich Are Getting Richer; So Are the Poor

The Rich Are Getting Richer; So Are the Poor


“No matter your thoughts about the Occupy Wall Street movement, the protesters were right in at least one respect: The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer.”  Variations on this statement were repeated in dozens of blogs, commentaries, and even news reports in the past months. The claim comes via a Congressional […]

Win One of Five Copies of the <em>Dolphin Tale</em> DVD

Win One of Five Copies of the Dolphin Tale DVD


To celebrate the DVD release of *Dolphin Tale, Grace Hill Media, a company that promotes quality entertainment for faith-based audiences, has graciously provided five DVDs to be given away to Catholic Lane readers. Details are provided at the end of this article. As a freelance writer who reviews family movies, I often have the opportunity […]

Catholic Health Care in Jeopardy

Catholic Health Care in Jeopardy


Evidence continues to pile up that the huge expansion of government formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) — Obamacare, for short — poses huge risks to religious freedom, to the rights of conscience, and to our very lives. Health and Human Services recently issued a directive dealing with so-called “preventive […]

How to Become a Suicide Bomber (in 3 Easy Steps!)

How to Become a Suicide Bomber (in 3 Easy Steps!)


Shortly after 9/11 an acquaintance of mine pointed out that while their cause was obviously wrong, there was something to be admired about the single minded determination with which the attackers carried out their mission. Being a devout Catholic, he even doubted that God would be harsh when judging such sincerely committed souls. The idea […]

China's "Superior" Economic Model?

China’s “Superior” Economic Model?


In a recent piece for the Wall Street Journal, Andy Stern, an Obama insider and one of organized labor’s more aggressive personalities, praised what he called “China’s superior economic model.”  Does China have a superior economic model? That depends: Superior to what?  Mr. Stern, who headed the Service Employees International Union, cited Andy Grove, founder […]

Accepting ‘Help’ Only to Find Rights Forfeited

Accepting ‘Help’ Only to Find Rights Forfeited


Cable’s Home and Garden Television (HGTV) appears to have a new reality show about what happens when the government buys itself the right to tell you what to do. In theory, anyway. According to, the new show “My House, Your Money” […] reveals what really goes on behind closed doors as prospective homebuyers turn […]

The Triumphs and Failures of Feminism

The Triumphs and Failures of Feminism


Some of the worst feminists are men. The classic feminist is a woman, of course. She emerged as a public spectacle about a century ago and has become something of an institution in our own time—thanks to the state-supported propaganda of our public schools and the history-by-pictures that passes for education. She is pictured as an […]

Book Review: <em>Economics for Helen</em>

Book Review: Economics for Helen


Economics” is the name which people have come to give to the study of wealth. It is the study by which we learn how wealth is produced, how it is consumed, how it is distributed among people, and so on. It is a very important kind of study, because it often depends upon our being […]

A Book of Saints For Catholic Moms And So Much More

A Book of Saints For Catholic Moms And So Much More


Like any good Catholic kid growing up in the ’60s, I had favorite saints, those holy people who brought me comfort and fed my curiosity and imagination. How I loved the Blessed Virgin Mary! Then there was Saint Anthony, who stood there in his plaster glory, with all the old ladies standing around the base […]