Category: Featured

No Regrets: Frank Kravetz’s Story

No Regrets: Frank Kravetz’s Story


“Just existing became what was important,” says 87-year-old Frank Kravetz of Pittsburgh, captive of the “hell-hole” that was Nuremberg Prison Camp. “Yet even as I struggled with the day-to-day sadness and despair, I never once had any regrets that I signed up to serve.” An extended tour of Nazi camps as a wounded POW scratching […]

Foolish and Wise Bridesmaids

Foolish and Wise Bridesmaids


“The religion thing can wait. After all, I believe in God and am basically a good person. I really did intend to go to church this morning, but last night’s dancing took a lot more out of me than I thought and I had one drink too many. I’ll catch it next week. I’ll pray […]

Sexy in Context Is Holy

Sexy in Context Is Holy


Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—for your love is more delightful than wine. Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the young women love you! Take me away with you—let us hurry! Let the king bring me into his chambers. (Song of […]

Ireland Closes its Embassy to the Holy See: Details and Analysis

Ireland Closes its Embassy to the Holy See: Details and Analysis


Yesterday evening came a surprise announcement: Ireland will  close its Embassy to the Holy See in a move the Irish governement says is needed to cut government costs. The Irish embassy to the Holy See, located on the Janiculum Hill near to the residence of the American Ambassador to the Holy See and near the […]

Memoirs of the Apostle II: The Second Epistle of Saint Peter

Memoirs of the Apostle II: The Second Epistle of Saint Peter


The Second Epistle of Saint Peter is the twenty-second book of the New Testament and included in the collection known as the Catholic or universal epistles.  The author claims to be Simon Peter, apostle of Jesus, an eyewitness to the transfiguration, and a dear brother of the Apostle Paul.  Second Peter is as immeasurable as […]

Down Syndrome and the Unalienable Right to Life

Down Syndrome and the Unalienable Right to Life


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I often think of these words from The Declaration of Independence as I look into the eyes of my beautiful […]

China's Morally Hollow Economy

China’s Morally Hollow Economy


In recent weeks, China has been consumed by an unprecedented internal debate concerning a subject bound to make its Communist rulers nervous. At issue is the moral health of Chinese society. Widespread Chinese discussion of this most un-politically correct subject was triggered by the October 21 death of a two-year old girl in the city […]

Facing the Essential Question in the Abortion Debate

Facing the Essential Question in the Abortion Debate


For decades now, the “pro-choice” movement has successfully distorted the abortion debate by ignoring the essential question – is an unborn child a living human or isn’t it? – in favor of their infamous “right to choose” canard.  A recent op-ed in the Washington Post entitled “How an anti-abortion push to redefine ‘person’ could hurt […]

There Is No Such Thing as a Bank Loan

There Is No Such Thing as a Bank Loan


“Dexia” is not a word familiar to most Americans, and if told that it is a French bank in need of a fresh bailout, the knowledge would likely elicit no more than a yawn. Interest might increase, however, if they were told that the American taxpayer has bailed this bank out before and is likely […]

Book Review: <em>Motherhood Matters</em>

Book Review: Motherhood Matters


Canadian author Dorothy Pilarski writes with profundity and wit about matters practical and divine in her book, Motherhood Matters. Full of anecdotes and humor, this book makes us take an honest look at the lives of women today, and helps us to focus on what matters most. Has “liberation” truly led to greater happiness for women? Are […]

The Problem with Half-truths and IVF

The Problem with Half-truths and IVF


Over the past couple of years a great many shocking facts have emerged about the inherent dangers associated with “reproductive technology,” including and most specifically in vitro fertilization (IVF). As couples persist in believing that pursuing petri dish babies is the best alternative to suspected infertility, the negative evidence continues to mount—building a case on […]

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 4

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 4


We continue our reflection on the mysteries of the rosary as a means of entering more deeply into the sacred mysteries made present in Holy Mass with an examination of The Glorious Mysteries. 1. The Resurrection of the Lord And in the end of the Sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day […]

The Book Browser, Early November 2011

The Book Browser, Early November 2011


Pope Pius XII and World War II The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII: Between Diplomacy and Morality, by Frank J. Coppa. New York: Peter Lang, 2011. 205 pages. Paperback. ISBN 978-1-4331-0521-0. $36.95 Dr. Frank J. Coppa is a history professor at St. John’s University and has authored a number of books on the […]

Angels, Smiles, and Saints:  An Interview With Roma Downey

Angels, Smiles, and Saints: An Interview With Roma Downey


When most people think of Roma Downey, they think of angels due to her long-standing role as Monica in Touched by an Angel.  It will probably come as no surprise that she is the executive producer of an exciting new DVD series for children called Little Angels.  She took a few minutes out of her […]

The Vatican -- Highly Relevant on Financial Reform

The Vatican — Highly Relevant on Financial Reform


There’s a widespread impression that the international financial system which the United States and its friends put in place after World War II is breaking down. The old system may of course be patched up and limp along for some time to come, but sooner or later something else will take its place. What that […]

Occupiers Prove Point of Column in Emails

Occupiers Prove Point of Column in Emails


If my email is any indication, the great divide in our nation is not between the haves and the have-nots, but between the literate and the folks who never learned the difference between there, their and they’re. Trust me, they’re out there, spouting off their strongly held opinions and punctuating their diatribes with veiled threats […]

Sports Challenged

Sports Challenged


While loitering in a parking lot this past Sunday morning waiting for a store to open, I watched as car after car arrived at the local sports bar. Humans clad in red shirts with white numbers or white shirts with red numbers piled out and headed inside. Sports aficionado’s will immediately recognize those colors and […]

Why, Exactly, Are You Catholic? (Just Asking)

Why, Exactly, Are You Catholic? (Just Asking)


On its website the Catholic News Service identifies itself as “an editorially independent and financially self-sustaining division of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.” Why it can be a division of the USCCB, and still be editorially independent is not clear. Nevertheless, it is the voice of the national bishop’s conference in this country, […]

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Which is Worst Kind of Catholic?


Is it better to be an ex-Catholic or cultural Catholic? An ex-Catholic is on the outside of the fullness of faith while a cultural Catholic is on the inside but not getting it–or rather not accepting it. An ex-Catholic has left a church he probably didn’t understand.  Otherwise, he would not have walked away from […]

Short-Lived Euphoria in Europe

Short-Lived Euphoria in Europe


Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011, was a giddy day for European politicians and global investors. European Union officials announced a plan for addressing the EU’s worst financial problems. There would be a partial write-down of Greek sovereign debt—a 50 percent haircut for private bondholders, but no haircut for governmental creditors (the political class looks after its […]

In Philadelphia, A Model School Kindles Hope

In Philadelphia, A Model School Kindles Hope


For too long government-run systems have dominated American primary and secondary education. As innovations of the past two decades such as charter schools and vouchers prove, parents, children, and society benefit when government promotes rather than stifles educational reform based on choice and competition. Add to the mounting evidence another success story: St. Martin de […]

Top Muslim Declares All Christians 'Infidels'

Top Muslim Declares All Christians ‘Infidels’


To what extent was Egypt’s Maspero massacre, wherein the military literally mowed down Christian Copts protesting the ongoing destruction of their churches, a product of anti-Christian sentiment? A video of Egypt’s Grand Mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa (or Gom’a), which began circulating weeks before the massacre, helps elucidate. While holding that Muslims may coexist with Christians […]

Did Christ Make the Apostles Priests?

Did Christ Make the Apostles Priests?


When discussing the Catholic priesthood, many questions need to be considered. First and foremost, we must ask ourselves where the idea of the priesthood comes from in the Scriptures. Contrary to the ideas of our Protestant brethren, the idea of the ministerial priesthood is clearly enunciated within the New Testament. Indeed, if there is no […]

Why Websites Look Terrific, but Under-Perform.

Why Websites Look Terrific, but Under-Perform.


Over the years, I’ve worked with numerous business owners who have spent a considerable chunk of change building their websites. Then they sit back and wait for results … but the results are often less than stellar. The owner is discouraged and thinks all this Internet marketing stuff is a bunch of hooey. It’s not […]