Category: Featured

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Mercy Is Life


The feast of Divine Mercy is celebrated by the Catholic Church on the first Sunday after Easter Sunday. At least one of the purposes of celebrating this feast in the heart of the Easter season is to remind us that the salvific death of the now risen Lord, replete with the promise of Resurrection and […]

Movie Review: <em>Resurrect Dead</em>

Movie Review: Resurrect Dead


Perhaps about five years ago I began to hear the word “random” with increasing frequency, usually from a teenager, and often as a one-word commentary on life’s apparent incongruities. defines “random” as “a concept of non-order or non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination.”  […]

"Illegal" Babies Abducted by Chinese Population Control Officials

“Illegal” Babies Abducted by Chinese Population Control Officials


As Beijing continues to vigorously pursue its infamous one-child policy, PRI has gathered evidence showing that Chinese villagers who cannot afford to pay these fines have their “illegal” children abducted and sold by Chinese population control officials. It is well known that those who violate the one-child policy have sometimes been subjected to coerced abortions […]

On Precedence and Authority: A Reply to Donal Anthony Foley

On Precedence and Authority: A Reply to Donal Anthony Foley


The other day, I learned that British author Donal Foley has written on the subject of “The Lady of All Nations.”[i]  Foley is the original English translator of the Vatican document Normae Congregationis (NC), on the norms for discernment of apparitions.  Knowing Foley’s work in private revelation, I was interested to read his remarks on […]

Spring Contrasts: Madison, Wisconsin vs. Tuscaloosa, Joplin, and the Mighty Mississippi

Spring Contrasts: Madison, Wisconsin vs. Tuscaloosa, Joplin, and the Mighty Mississippi


Madison, Wisconsin’s winter follies relinquished their national attention to Tuscaloosa’s tornado in April, events along the Mississippi in May, and finally to the most recent twister in Joplin, Missouri, where genuine suffering puts into perspective tenured teachers who are learning that they must actually pay a fraction of their healthcare costs. Fitting substitutions, these last […]

Nutritional Support and Human Dignity within the End-of-Life Context

Nutritional Support and Human Dignity within the End-of-Life Context


The Problem “Quality of life” and “death with dignity” have more than a few folks erroneously asserting that the range of legally-acceptable end-of-life options should include “voluntary euthanasia,” and/or “physician-assisted suicide” also known as “physician aid in dying.” [1]  In a recent commentary entitled Human Dignity and the End of Life, Cardinal Rigali and Bishop […]

CL70 - hbratton notxt web

May Blossoms, Part III, The Visitation


Just when I thought I was home free, it hit. I caught one of those nasty Spring viruses that come racing around the corner while you’re looking in the other direction. Because the buds are beginning to swell on the trees and the first warm breezes are beginning to blow, you forget about watching out […]

Saints Alive! Padre Pio and the Stigmata: Sanctity on Trial

Saints Alive! Padre Pio and the Stigmata: Sanctity on Trial


Today,  May 25, is Saint Padre Pio’s birthday. Francesco Forgione, who became the modern world’s most beloved Saint Padre Pio, was born 124 years ago today on 25 May 1887 to Mario Forgione and Maria Giuseppa de Nunzio Forgione in Pietrelcina, Italy. On the next day, 26 May 1887, he was baptized. Padre Pio was proclaimed […]

CL31b - hbratton notxt

France Considers Codifying Eugenics


Today the French government holds the fate of thousands of innocent lives in their hands. The French Parliament is considering a bill mandating that health care professionals offer universal pre-natal testing for Down syndrome. When a diagnosis of Down syndrome is given to a pregnant woman in France, there is a 96% abortion rate. Most […]

Introspection and Smoking Steering Wheels

Introspection and Smoking Steering Wheels


Our youngest son has a job walking a Weimaraner dog on weekdays. Sometimes, I go along with him, with our Lhasa-poo in tow because the dog’s home is near Lake Michigan and there are lots of beautiful places to wander and sights to see. Yesterday was one of those days, and I almost wish it […]

Uganda – Bishop Warns of Growing Islamic Influence

Uganda – Bishop Warns of Growing Islamic Influence


Bishop Matthias Ssekamanya of Lugazi warned of a rapid growth in Islamic influence in Uganda during a visit to the headquarters of the international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). According to Bishop Ssekamanya, Arab states like Libya are investing increasingly in Uganda, and Muslims have gained key positions in a […]

Monarchy and the American Constitution

Monarchy and the American Constitution


No matter how good a system is “on paper,” it must arise from a people’s own experience and tradition. We do not preserve the idea of tradition by destroying it — no matter how flawed it might be — and imposing an alien system. On the other hand, tradition is neither something fixed for all […]

John Jay Study: A $2 Million Exercise in Political Correctness

John Jay Study: A $2 Million Exercise in Political Correctness


On May 18, researchers from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice released their long-awaited final report, Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010. The research team, led by Karen Terry, Ph.D., gathered an impressive amount of information from which they drew a number of conclusions; […]

The Global Energy Superpower

The Global Energy Superpower


Saudi Arabia has long been the dominant producer of petroleum on the planet. Nature endowed the Arabian Peninsula with gigantic deposits of this vital source of energy. Many of us have lamented the quirk of nature that placed much-needed oil in the most geopolitically unstable region in the world. Although Saudi Arabia is the king […]

Baby Joseph Back Home

Baby Joseph Back Home


In the early hours of Holy Thursday, 2011, as Churches were preparing – and in some parts of the world already celebrating – the Mass of the Lord’s Supper and the washing of the feet, “Baby Joseph” was flown from St Louis, where he has been treated since I brought him there in mid-March, to […]

Made in the Shade

Made in the Shade


Ralph McInerny was an interesting guy.  (I use the past tense merely to conform to convention since he died January 29, 2010, even though it is incorrect, as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of the living.  Mt 22, 32.) Perhaps McInerny’s widest popular notoriety came as creator of the Father […]

<em>Sympathy for Delicious</em>: Healing and Suffering in a Fallen World

Sympathy for Delicious: Healing and Suffering in a Fallen World


Have you ever considered what might have happened if Jesus had come to earth not as God, but merely as a man, whose sole purpose was to heal suffering people from their infirmities?  If so, you might be intrigued by Sympathy for Delicious.  Its premise is simple: a young musician, who has lost his career […]

The Density of Prayer

The Density of Prayer


Prayer is the intimate communication between God and His creation.  It is the language of heaven gifted to the kingdom of man.  It is the word made flesh for our minds and hearts.  It is our calling.  It is our passion.  It is our pain. While in the kingdom of man, the true believer innately […]

CL26 - hbratton notxt

The Role of Conscience — Vocation of Catholic Health Care Professionals? (Part 2)


How are Catholic health care professional to act, morally and professionally, in a culture where legislative mandates diminish the exercise of the moral conscience of the clinician and threaten human dignity and freedom?  The following principles are offered to guide moral action of health care professionals when confronted with a decision to disregard mandated unethical […]

Bad Apps and Bad Tags in Facebook

Bad Apps and Bad Tags in Facebook


Two different types of spam attacks are increasing right now on Facebook. All users need to know how to spot and prevent them – and to fix them if they happen. Bad Apps A bad app will appear in your newsfeed as a story that someone “likes” something that looks like a video or a […]

Ongoing Killing of Christians in Iraq

Ongoing Killing of Christians in Iraq


The recent murder of a Christian in the north-Iraqi town of Kirkuk has again instilled terror in the small community. Ashur lssa Yaqub, a 29 year old working class citizen, was found dead by the police on Monday morning after being kidnapped Friday night. His body was badly mutilated and his ear severed after his […]

Obama's Middle East Speech: So Balanced It Goes Nowhere

Obama’s Middle East Speech: So Balanced It Goes Nowhere


One of the problems with Obama’s Middle East speech was that parts of it were so deliberately balanced — so meant to appease all sides — that they go nowhere. For example, look at the portions where he discusses democracy in the Middle East versus the alternative — Islamist rule, which he does not name. […]

The DSK Saga is Emblematic of Many Things

The DSK Saga is Emblematic of Many Things


While much of the world has been alternately stunned and entertained by the saga surrounding the former head of the International Monetary Fund, let’s revisit a few basic facts. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was also the leading Socialist candidate poised to run against French President Nicolas Sarkozy. At the heart of socialism is its antagonism towards two […]

May 21, 2011: The All Too Familiar “Cleverly Invented Story”

May 21, 2011: The All Too Familiar “Cleverly Invented Story”


You may have seen them in your community too.  What I am talking about are these very large billboards announcing the end of the world on May 21, 2011.  These billboards are promoting the teachings of Mr. Harold Camping, a radio preacher who believes that Jesus will “rapture” Christ’s true believers into heaven and resurrect […]