Category: Live in Christ

Migraines and Mental Illness: A Blessing in Disguise?

Migraines and Mental Illness: A Blessing in Disguise?


It starts around age 35.  For over a century is has threaded its way through the female side of my mother’s family.  My grandmother had it, my mother and her sisters had it, and my two older sisters are still dealing with it… five years ago it was my turn.  No, it is not finding […]

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Degrees of Prayer and Intimacy with God


Inevitably forced to descend from the sacramental rampart that stands between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of man, the true believer finds himself beset with the indifference, isolation and ignorance born of the neo-pagan rejection of God and His Church.  In understanding and anticipating what the true believer would need to survive in […]

Solemnity of the Ascension

Solemnity of the Ascension


The celebration of the Ascension used to leave me a bit flat.  It was clear what Good Friday did for me.  And Easter Sunday’s benefits were indisputable.  But as for the Ascension, what’s in it for me? Christianity is about a kind of love we call agape or charity.  It is love that looks away […]

A Personal Relationship with the Living God

A Personal Relationship with the Living God


When I was teaching high school, my final exam question was simple: ‘In your own words, with support from Scripture, Tradition, and material gleaned from class, answer the following: Who is Jesus Christ?’  The answers were always enlightening, and while some were certainly profound and showed a remarkable insight, many answers betrayed the current world-view […]

Called to the Upper Room

Called to the Upper Room


After Jesus ascended to heaven at Mount Olivet, the Apostles returned to the Upper Room in Jerusalem and devoted themselves to prayer (Acts 1:12-14). A novena is nine days of prayer. The nine days of prayer between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday marked the first of all novenas. At different times in our lives, God […]

The Roman Missal: Three Misconceptions

The Roman Missal: Three Misconceptions


As the implementation date for the new English translation of the Roman Missal approaches (less than 180 days away at this point) now seems an appropriate time to address some of the more common misconceptions that are floating about. We’ll begin with the following three: 1. The new English translation of the Roman Missal isn’t […]

The Cruelty of Casual Canonizations

The Cruelty of Casual Canonizations


In recent years it has become commonplace to turn funerals into casual canonizations. “Bob is in a better place,” we’re told, which, if taken literally, can only mean Heaven, as neither Hell nor Purgatory are better places than earth. Never mind the fact that Bob wasn‘t very generous with his time or money, drank too […]

Like a Mighty Wind

Like a Mighty Wind


As we approach the celebration of Pentecost we pause to consider the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit.  The first person of the Trinity is God the Father.  Known as the Creator of the universe, he is awesome.  And then there is Jesus the Son, the second person of the Trinity.  Jesus, […]

Pray as Though You Were the Image and Likeness of God -- Because You Are!

Pray as Though You Were the Image and Likeness of God — Because You Are!


Far too often man seeks God in prayer merely to improve his future standing with the kingdom of heaven or in the present kingdom of man.  Recognizing his own sins, man seeks forgiveness from God in order to regain God’s favor.  Continually afflicted as he is by the wretchedness in others, man seeks God’s help […]

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The Paraclete is On Your Side


He wore steel rimmed glasses and had hair to the middle of his back. The fringe on his buck-skinned jacket bounced as he walked. At least that was the way I was accustomed to seeing Mike as he bopped around town.  It was just a few years after Woodstock, and we were all taken with […]

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May Blossoms, Part III, The Visitation


Just when I thought I was home free, it hit. I caught one of those nasty Spring viruses that come racing around the corner while you’re looking in the other direction. Because the buds are beginning to swell on the trees and the first warm breezes are beginning to blow, you forget about watching out […]

Saints Alive! Padre Pio and the Stigmata: Sanctity on Trial

Saints Alive! Padre Pio and the Stigmata: Sanctity on Trial


Today,  May 25, is Saint Padre Pio’s birthday. Francesco Forgione, who became the modern world’s most beloved Saint Padre Pio, was born 124 years ago today on 25 May 1887 to Mario Forgione and Maria Giuseppa de Nunzio Forgione in Pietrelcina, Italy. On the next day, 26 May 1887, he was baptized. Padre Pio was proclaimed […]

Introspection and Smoking Steering Wheels

Introspection and Smoking Steering Wheels


Our youngest son has a job walking a Weimaraner dog on weekdays. Sometimes, I go along with him, with our Lhasa-poo in tow because the dog’s home is near Lake Michigan and there are lots of beautiful places to wander and sights to see. Yesterday was one of those days, and I almost wish it […]

Made in the Shade

Made in the Shade


Ralph McInerny was an interesting guy.  (I use the past tense merely to conform to convention since he died January 29, 2010, even though it is incorrect, as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of the living.  Mt 22, 32.) Perhaps McInerny’s widest popular notoriety came as creator of the Father […]

The Density of Prayer

The Density of Prayer


Prayer is the intimate communication between God and His creation.  It is the language of heaven gifted to the kingdom of man.  It is the word made flesh for our minds and hearts.  It is our calling.  It is our passion.  It is our pain. While in the kingdom of man, the true believer innately […]

Liturgical Worship or Concert Attendance?

Liturgical Worship or Concert Attendance?


Reflecting Upon Attending a Christian Concert On Friday, February 4, I attended the Rock and Worship Roadshow at the Resch Center in Green Bay, WI.[i]  I went because the artist Matt Maher was playing and I hoped to have the opportunity to meet and talk with him.[ii]  I am glad to say that I was […]

Liturgy Should Say: ‘We’re not in Kansas Anymore’

Liturgy Should Say: ‘We’re not in Kansas Anymore’


Last Wednesday night I had the pleasure of addressing a “Theology on Tap” gathering of young adults on the topic of how to prepare for the new English translation of the Roman Missal. During the Q&A portion of our time together I was somewhat surprised when a number of attendees wondered aloud about how the […]

Strange Things are Done

Strange Things are Done


The Bard of the Yukon, Robert Service, penned the immortal lines:  There are strange things done in the midnight sun,         by the men who moil for gold; The Arctic trails have their secret tails,         that would make your blood run cold; So began The Cremation of Sam McGee, the poem that would make […]

Recapturing the Vertical Dimension of Faith

Recapturing the Vertical Dimension of Faith


Laboring in the desert of the kingdom of man, the true believer finds himself bent by the weight of sin, stiffened by the pain of sorrow and stained by the sweat of fear.  While he knows that God created him out of pure love, redeems Him out of pure mercy and awaits his full return […]

Abundant Life

Abundant Life


The atheist philosopher of the 19th century, Friedrich Nietzsche, once said: “if Christians want me to believe in their redeemer, they need to look more redeemed.” He was drawing the wrong conclusion from a perceptive observation.  To Nietzsche most Christians looked just as burdened, clueless and lost as everybody else.  When he looked into their […]

New Document on the Ever New Traditional Mass

New Document on the Ever New Traditional Mass


“Introibo ad altare Dei“: Document on How to Implement Summorum Pontificum Published in Rome Today, May 13, 2011 A day of rejoicing for Catholics who love the rich, profound tradition of the old Latin liturgy. A day — May 13, 2011 — which, bracketed with July 7, 2007, when the Pope published Summorum Pontificum, will […]

Do We Recognize Jesus?

Do We Recognize Jesus?


This week’s Gospel (Lk 24:13-35) features Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Jesus walks with them and talks with them and still, they do not realize who is in their midst until he breaks bread with them.  One thing the Resurrection appearances of Jesus have in common is that those who first […]

Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You


In last Sunday’s Gospel we were told that the disciples had locked themselves in a room for fear of retaliation by the Jews. “Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” We are familiar with the story of Thomas and how he doubted his friends, so I do […]

The Armor of God

The Armor of God


When I was a young adult there was a wildly popular book about dressing for career success.  It spawned many copycat books, all proclaiming the benefits of proper attire for everything from boardrooms to schoolrooms.  The premise was that your clothes were the first impression others had of you, and consequently had a great impact […]