Category: Cloning, Embryo Research & Genetics

Ethics of Genetic Testing, Part II

Ethics of Genetic Testing, Part II


Previously, I wrote about the morally acceptable aspects of genetic testing. There are many.  Now I want to talk about the unethical uses of genetic testing. Most of genetic testing is like money.  That is, it is neither moral nor immoral.  Money can be used for good or evil, but it in and of itself it […]

The Ethics of Genetic Testing: Part 1

The Ethics of Genetic Testing: Part 1


I have found that many Catholics are confused about genetic testing and the ethical issues that surround it.  So I have decided to write a two part series on the ethics of genetic testing. Part 1: Genetic testing is not all bad. Many Catholics are wary of the Human Genome Project (HGP) and genetic testing, […]

How Does One Judge the Morality of Human Acts?

How Does One Judge the Morality of Human Acts?


Created by God as rational and free creatures, human beings determine themselves and establish their identities as moral creatures through their free choices. We make ourselves the kinds of persons who we are in and through the actions we freely choose to do. As Pope John Paul II put it in his moral encyclical Veritatis […]

Girl Cured of Brain Cancer Using Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Girl Cured of Brain Cancer Using Umbilical Cord Stem Cells


In the first transplant of umbilical cord stem cells in Spanish history, a four year old girl has been cured of a brain tumor, according to Spanish media sources. Alba Martinez was born in the province of Cádiz in 2007 and despite her good health, her parents say they decided to provide her with “life […]

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What is Catholic Bioethics?


Strictly speaking, there is no such science as “Catholic Bioethics” just as there is no such thing as “Catholic Baseball,” “Catholic Dentistry,” “Catholic Garbage Collection,” or “Catholic Plumbing.” Catholics do these activities, but they are not based upon divine revelation. Bioethics is a species of the science of ethics concerned especially about the beginning and […]

But Is the Human Embryo a Person?

But Is the Human Embryo a Person?


Some commentators have argued that human embryos are individual human beings but they add that they are not human persons because they cannot sense or think or feel or desire.  Consequently, it is argued that human embryos do not have moral status and thus cannot claim any rights including the right to life.  Only human […]