Category: Contraception & Abortion

Infanticide On Demand?

Infanticide On Demand?


In Virginia, Gov. Bob McDonnell signs a bill requiring that abortion-minded women be given the opportunity to see an ultrasound of their unborn children — which causes many of them to change their mind. In Oklahoma, women considering abortion must now listen to the beating heart of their babies in utero — which likewise leads […]

Stop What You Are Doing!

Stop What You Are Doing!


Run to your local theater and see OCTOBER BABY as soon as you are able! Bring as many of your family and friends with you as possible! This film completes the incomplete public discussion of abortion and the dignity of all human life. The frank beauty and power of its message will anger some but […]

Aborting Women's Rights

Aborting Women’s Rights


They say what goes around comes around, or to paraphrase the Good Book, you reap what you sow.  Nowhere is this more in evidence than in recent global data on abortion.  For years, feminists have maintained that women will not be truly free or equal unless they are free to abort their unborn children.  They have sought […]

Sebelius and Paying for Obamacare Through Death and Nonexistence

Sebelius and Paying for Obamacare Through Death and Nonexistence


Recently, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius dropped her guard and gave the American people a good insight into how it is that Obamacare will ultimately stay solvent: The nonexistence of patients who, not being alive, cannot make claims upon the system. From During the subcommittee hearing, Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) said that contraception provided by […]

What Happened to My Beloved Oxford?

What Happened to My Beloved Oxford?


My junior year of college I took a year off from my chemistry studies and went on an adventure.  I spent a year studying English literature, philosophy and Latin at Blackfriars College, a part of University of Oxford.  Academically, I got my butt handed to me.  Once, after spending days poring over a philosophy text […]

Learning the Hard Way About the Empowering Benefits of NFP

Learning the Hard Way About the Empowering Benefits of NFP


Recently, as I was nursing my three-month-old son, I came across another writer taking yet another swipe at the Church and its position on the HHS health care mandate business. Just the week before, I also had seen an image, courtesy Planned Parenthood, which pictured five religious leaders, all men, as they testified before Congress […]

US Pushes “Contraceptive Mandate” on International Community

US Pushes “Contraceptive Mandate” on International Community


The United States burned diplomatic bridges during this year’s UN Commission on the Status of Women by using force and deception to pass an unpopular resolution calling for international access to contraception. Countries accused the US of manipulating the negotiations process from start to finish through proposing the initial text of the resolution on maternal […]

<em>October Baby</em> Opens Today

October Baby Opens Today


I don’t recommend many movies, but today one that you really should see is coming into theaters nationwide. It’s called October Baby, and it deals in a masterful way with a difficult topic — abortion. Abortion is not and should not be an abstract debate. When I’m asked how the pro-life battle has evolved over […]

The Numbers Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Want You to Know

The Numbers Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Want You to Know


We’ve all heard Planned Parenthood’s trite mantra that “only 3%” of their services are abortion procedures in order to downplay the pivotal role that “service” has to their financial stability.  Their supporters (and sadly, many pro-lifers) have succumbed to believing that abortion is merely a small part of what Planned Parenthood is all about. Here […]

Book Review: <em>Letters to Gabriel</em>

Book Review: Letters to Gabriel


I was mourning my third miscarriage and seeking a book that would offer me comforting words from a Catholic mother who had also lost a child. I found Letters to Gabriel by Karen Garver Santorum. In the pages of this book I got to know Karen as she spoke to her son Gabriel, who is […]

When Women Need the Pill

When Women Need the Pill


I remember falling to the floor when I felt a sharp, jabbing pain in my lower abdomen.  I curled up into a ball and could hardly move.  All I could think was “Oh my God!” and then my mind went blank as I tried to remain conscious.  I was only about 16 and didn’t know […]

Sin and the Body Politic

Sin and the Body Politic


The response to the HHS mandate concerning insurance and contraception has been shocking to many, as they realize that there is a yawning rift in the American population between those who understand the Constitution and those who don’t, and between those who consider sexual morality an important element of our cultural fabric and those who […]

A Saint for Africa, and for the West

A Saint for Africa, and for the West


When Josephine Bakhita died in 1947, thousands of Italians passed her funeral bier to pay respects to a simple woman who had achieved great renown for her kindness. To this day, the people of Schio, Italy, honor now-Saint Josephine, a former African slave, with the title “Nostra Madre Moretta,” which means “Our Black Mother.” In […]

RH Reality Check Needs a Reality Check

RH Reality Check Needs a Reality Check


This is about RH Reality Check’s article decrying the Texas ultrasound law and the rejection of the Doonesbury cartoon in reference to it, but I need to work up to it first. For years I (and many other life-lovers) have warned abortion advocates that when they promote the dehumanization of a group of human beings (the unborn […]

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What if Newborns Had No Rights


It’s a provocative question abortion opponents have been asking for years: If it is ethical to kill an unwanted child before birth, why not kill her afterward? Pro-lifers pose that question rhetorically, as a means of exposing the weakness of pro-choice arguments that devalue the human fetus until the moment she clears the birth canal. […]

HHS Issues New Rule on ObamaCare Scheme to Fund Abortion Insurance

HHS Issues New Rule on ObamaCare Scheme to Fund Abortion Insurance

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The Obama Administration has taken another step in what amounts to a four-year plan to make abortion-covering health insurance, subsidized by the federal government, commonly available in the United States. The latest action came on March 12, when the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a lengthy regulation that spells out how some […]

Abort First, Ask Questions Later: Britain's Problem With Sex-Selection Abortion

Abort First, Ask Questions Later: Britain’s Problem With Sex-Selection Abortion


Sex-selection abortions have been illegal in Great Britain since 1967. But that hasn’t been stopping British abortionists from performing them. A far-reaching undercover investigation carried out by the London Telegraph found that doctors, counselors and medical staff across the country were not only perfectly willing to perform sex-selective abortions, but they were even willing to […]

First Comes the Theory, Then the Practice: Why Academic Writing is Not Innocent

First Comes the Theory, Then the Practice: Why Academic Writing is Not Innocent


Francesca Minerva and Alberto Giubilini, who wrote in an “academic” paper that killing newborn babies should be as permissible as abortion, say that they have received death threats. Death threats are not the right way to respond to intellectual aberrations, however obscene they may be. On the other hand, Minerva and Giubilini should not reverse […]

Morally Tainted: Products Made Possible By the Destruction of Innocent Human Life

Morally Tainted: Products Made Possible By the Destruction of Innocent Human Life


Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey has introduced a bill to Oklahoma’s state legislature that has caused quite a stir.  SB 1418 says it would ban any product for human “consumption” that contains aborted human fetal tissue or where the research or development of any of the ingredients required the use of aborted fetal tissue. Now, […]

A Refined Vision

A Refined Vision


In one of his homilies, Fr. Mitch Pacwa of EWTN told the story of a group of seminarians who visited a silversmith to see how silver is refined so that they could understand better the references in Scripture about the necessity that we be refined like silver refined by a silversmith. The seminarians watched as […]

Now is Not the Time For Silence or Compromise

Now is Not the Time For Silence or Compromise


Ever since the Obama administration chose to ramrod a policy that is anathema to Catholic doctrine, we have seen all sorts of machinations emanating from the media, twisting and mollifying the argument in order to remove clarity from exactly what it is Obama is attempting to do. We have heard that since so many Catholics […]

The Secret Lives of Women (Who Don't Use Contraception)

The Secret Lives of Women (Who Don’t Use Contraception)


If you’ve been on the internet in the past month, you’ve heard the accusation: Only men are opposed to contraception. No woman in her right mind would reject this blessing of modern technology, therefore, the only people against it must be men with nefarious motives. AlterNet editor Sara Robinson did an excellent job of articulating […]

UN Agencies Fuel Sex Selective Abortions and the Devaluation of Women

UN Agencies Fuel Sex Selective Abortions and the Devaluation of Women


The United Nations top agencies are actively promoting two root causes of Asia’s massive gender imbalance, charged an expert on population policies this week during a UN women’s conference. Speaking on a panel during the UN’s annual Commission on the Status of Women, Dr. Susan Yoshihara identified three reasons for the “missing girls” phenomenon in […]

The Mandate Controversy and the Bishops' Response

The Mandate Controversy and the Bishops’ Response


In determining to fight President Obama’s famous—or should I say infamous?—contraception mandate, the American bishops, I suspect, were devoutly hoping two things would not happen. The first undesired outcome was that the issue would become politicized. The second was that it would be seen as an argument over contraception itself. Predictably perhaps, both have occurred, […]