Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Bruce Jenner: What Does Love Demand? Part 1

Bruce Jenner: What Does Love Demand? Part 1


I was 18 when I encountered my first transgender person: Kevin was a sweet young man with a petite frame, high-pitched voice, and feminine mannerisms who hung around the common area of my all-girls’ dorm to avoid harassment and bullying from peers in his all-male dorm across the street. Kevin called himself a “pre-op queen,” […]

Luthers Today

Luthers Today


From Germany yet again today rises the aroma of dissent. Whether this will ripen into schism or outright heresy will be clear after the conclusion of this fall’s Synod on the Family. Some modern-day princes of the German Church and numerous German bishops are, as did Martin Luther some centuries ago, attempting to heretically alter […]

The Right Side of History

The Right Side of History


If any two issues illustrate the awesome power of public relations campaigns to define important cultural and policy debates, they are abortion and gay marriage. By cleverly framing these highly controversial questions in terms of human rights and social “progress,” advocates have cultivated a social environment in which opposition to either makes you a bigot […]

A Simple Prayer, A Simple Peace

A Simple Prayer, A Simple Peace


On a retreat some years ago, several of us were spending time in prayer together. Each man in the circle took a turn at sharing with God and the rest of us in the group an intention or request or thought that was weighing on his heart and mind. There was talk of family members […]

Ruthless Sympathy

Ruthless Sympathy


What is happening in our country when killing is preferable—and acceptable—to selfless love for the suffering? Too many instances lately shine a light on the depravity of this behavior and on our ever-declining treatment of our fellow human beings whom we call “expendable.” For example, a 7-year-old Massachusetts child is nearly killed and her dad, […]

Every Child Has a Right to Be

Every Child Has a Right to Be


Every child has a right to be. Every child has a right to thrive and reach their full potential, whatever that may be. Adults in their world have a responsibility to make sure every opportunity is available to them to reach their potential. But this responsibility falls primarily with their mother and father. It begins at […]

Eternity: A Special Woman's Journey Home

Eternity: A Special Woman’s Journey Home


On Tuesday morning (May 19), a few hours before my mom, Madge Eisenbath, underwent brain surgery, I went to 7 o’clock Mass at my home Catholic church. I knew my family was in for a challenging time, so there was no better way to prepare. Little did I know … In the first Scripture reading, […]

Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee—No Difference

Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee—No Difference


In 1932 an experiment was begun using taxpayer funding. It involved a group of 600 impoverished black men, most of whom had the sexually transmitted disease syphilis, all of whom became human guinea pigs used at taxpayer expense for reasons that are both atrocious and inhumane. To this day, these experiments remain a black mark […]

There Will Be Much Rejoicing

There Will Be Much Rejoicing


There is so much suffering. Homeless men, women and even countless children on the sidewalks of our cities. … Refugees from war-torn Syria and numerous African countries. … Immigrants fleeing dangerous circumstances in Central America and risking everything to sneak into the United States. … People whose lives are turned upside-down by drug abuse – […]

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Protector of Life and Family

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Protector of Life and Family


Fr. Peter West also contributed to this article. The month of May is traditionally a time to honor Mary, the Mother of God. This is a fitting time to reflect on the essential role she plays in our salvation and in our missionary apostolate promoting life and family. During this month we should strive to […]

Light Your Lamps for Life in the Coming Darkness of Death

Light Your Lamps for Life in the Coming Darkness of Death


There are dark days ahead for sick, disabled and depressed people in Canada. The Supreme Court recently struck down the nation’s laws against assisted suicide. The high court’s judges unanimously supported this terrible decision. What sort of society helps suicidal people kill themselves?! The high court defined the scope of assisted suicide to include an […]

U.S. House Passes 20-Week Abortion Ban

U.S. House Passes 20-Week Abortion Ban


The United States House of Representatives has passed a ban on most abortions after 20 weeks’ gestation, ending four months of often vitriolic debate among Capitol Hill Republicans and pro-life activists about the contentious piece of legislation. The bill passed 242-184, largely along party lines, with one member voting present. Four Republicans broke ranks and voted […]

Police Brutality Happens Every Day in China

Police Brutality Happens Every Day in China


“Just a few days ago, I got a case involving a man who was disabled due to a severe beating by local government personnel just because his sister-in-law had had an additional baby without a permit.” — Chen Guangcheng On April 30th, Congressman Chris Smith chaired a hearing on population control in China in the U.S. […]

Babies "Incompatible With Life"

Babies “Incompatible With Life”


The Geneva Declaration on Perinatal Care recently came to my attention. It is very short, stating: As medical practitioners and researchers, we declare that the term “incompatible with life” is not a medical diagnosis and should not be used when describing unborn children who may have a life-limiting condition. We acknowledge that there exists no […]




The last month has, at times, been a blur. After being hit by a car on my bike just over a month ago, I have had to look at life through a different lens. Is there really an “upside” to tragedy? Indulge me as I reflect on the lessons I believe God is trying to […]

Science Run Amok

Science Run Amok


Sometimes reports impacting respect for the dignity of the human person appear to have been written by Rod Serling, creator of the 1950’s television series The Twilight Zone. For example, in China it is reported that scientists are editing the genomes of human embryos. The research has been roundly criticized by Marcy Darnovsky of the […]

Jesus, May You Increase

Jesus, May You Increase


Billboards around St. Louis recently are showing a new advertising slogan for a franchise of gyms: “What Will Be Your Legacy?” Nothing against people who enjoy working out and lifting weights — which I should do more often — but my idea of a real legacy to leave my family and friends has nothing to […]

When Child Custody Battles Move to the Lab

When Child Custody Battles Move to the Lab


I have to confess, I hadn’t heard of Sofia Vergara or her ex-fiance, Nick Loeb, until the frozen embryo custody battle broke in the news. For those, like me, who aren’t familiar with these two, Vergara is an actress, mostly known for her role in the TV show Modern Family, and Loeb is a businessman […]

US Supreme Court Asks What Defines Marriage in Oral Arguments

US Supreme Court Asks What Defines Marriage in Oral Arguments


As they prepare to render a potential landmark legal decision on the issue of same-sex “marriage,” the Supreme Court’s justices made clear that their verdict will rest on a few questions: Is marriage based on biology or feelings? Who should decide whether to redefine an institution that stretches back for “millennia”? If justices begin tampering […]

A War on Maternity Waged in the Name of Mother Earth

A War on Maternity Waged in the Name of Mother Earth


Anne Morse also contributed to this article. I often come across persons who attempt to justify forced abortion, sterilization, and contraception because “We (that is, human beings) are destroying the planet”. They view people as pollution, and argue that it is necessary to violate reproductive rights to protect the planet from the beings who are […]

Nigeria’s New Pres Disappoints Abortion Groups

Nigeria’s New Pres Disappoints Abortion Groups


Nigeria’s incoming president is disappointing pro-abortion advocates who met with him recently to demand more money. A coalition of family planning groups that promote and commit abortions gave Muhammadu Buhari a list of demands They complained that Nigeria’s pledge to spend $11.35 million annually on family planning commodities has “not been fully realized as promised” at […]

If Only Granny Were a Wild Animal

If Only Granny Were a Wild Animal


If Granny were living in a civilized country rather than one that is hell-bent on ending lives and calling it a “choice,” there would be no need for such a provocative title. But this is America, friends, and many in our midst see things differently. Or maybe they just don’t see at all. It becomes […]

UN Agency Accused Of Harassment and Exerting Undue Influence

UN Agency Accused Of Harassment and Exerting Undue Influence


In a rare case of backroom pressure spilling onto the floor of a UN meeting, a delegate from the Pacific island of Nauru angrily scolded the UN Population Fund for “harassing” their government and “maligning” their UN delegation. “Does UNFPA think they can do this because Nauru is the smallest member state?” Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin […]

The Fruit of Abortion's Poisonous Tree

The Fruit of Abortion’s Poisonous Tree


Presidential candidate Rand Paul made headlines last week by turning the rhetorical tables on Progressives on the issue of abortion. When pressed by the media to articulate specifically his position on abortion, Paul responded, “Why don’t we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus? You go back and […]