Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

When Untruth and Violence are Confronted by Truth and Peace

When Untruth and Violence are Confronted by Truth and Peace


It never ceases to amaze me that in the 21st Century there are still people who pose the ridiculous question: “When do you think life begins?” Quite frankly, it does not matter when you or I think life begins: Biology established long ago – before abortion on demand became legal in Canada – that human […]

Science Ignored: Dissecting Pregnancy as a Disease

Science Ignored: Dissecting Pregnancy as a Disease


Last week, the United States Supreme Court decided Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, and ruled the federal government could not require closely-held corporations to provide no-cost contraception for their employees. Although that was the question before the Supreme Court, there were many things the Supreme Court didn’t have the jurisdiction to rule on yesterday.  And the […]

U.N. Resolution on the Family Dampens Gay Pride Festivities

U.N. Resolution on the Family Dampens Gay Pride Festivities


The United Nations put a damper on “gay pride” festivities last Thursday when it re-affirmed that the natural family is the fundamental unit of society. The Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on “Protection of the Family” with a traditional definition of the family last Thursday, even as revelers readied themselves to celebrate gay pride […]

A Bad Week of Press for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

A Bad Week of Press for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)


If you are like me (you probably aren’t) and have your google alerts set for “egg donation,” “sperm donation,” and “surrogacy,” you will have seen that it was a bad press week for the field of reproductive medicine. Here are several stories that caught my eye. Risks to Mother and Child The Daily Mail reports […]

Mother Mary: Planned Parenthood's Nemesis

Mother Mary: Planned Parenthood’s Nemesis


For many years Jim Sedlak and his battalion have worked tirelessly to end the Planned Parenthood reign of terror. Among the many ways he has led is through his hundreds of talks, his commitment to educating parents, and his devotion to prayer, particularly through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So it came as […]

Feminists Battle Population Controllers

Feminists Battle Population Controllers


A partnership among abortion backers is showing cracks as feminists in the Global South are pushing back against environmentalists promoting population control measures. During the inaugural meeting of a new U.N. endeavor on the environment, one group took to social media to refute the “dubious linking” between population and climate change, arguing that “population control […]

Pro-Life Youth Speak out at UN Forum

Pro-Life Youth Speak out at UN Forum


Youth symbolize vitality and a future – and the UN, often teetering on the brink of irrelevancy, is keen on inviting young people into its midst. But a recent forum for youth exposed a dangerous trend – and an opportunity for pro-lifers. The forum gathered opinions from youth in preparation for a high-level meeting of […]

(Not) By Popular Demand

(Not) By Popular Demand


It happened when I was in middle school. The Presbyterian Church held its annual General Assembly in Baltimore one year and Philadelphia the next. My father was selected to be a delegate from his presbytery, the first year as a seminary student and the second year as a member of the clergy. It was my […]

UN Elects Ugandan as President, Pushing Back on US LGBT Pressure

UN Elects Ugandan as President, Pushing Back on US LGBT Pressure


Western pressure on African countries to liberalize policies on homosexuality has had a boomerang effect, uniting Africans against it and resulting in what some see as a new non-aligned movement of countries. Last week the United Nations elected a Ugandan as president of the General Assembly over  last-ditch efforts by activists who, along with the […]

Stop Big Abortion

Stop Big Abortion


An outstanding pro-life Facebook page entitled Big Abortion focuses on the positive aspects of the development of the individual from his creation onward. It contains facts about why celebrating a human being’s life is a positive, and shows that killing him is the ultimate cruelty. The fact is that Big Abortion is an industry that […]

Why I Keep Returning to the Music of Beethoven

Why I Keep Returning to the Music of Beethoven


In the great treasury of music, I keep finding myself coming back again and again to Beethoven. You may think it’s because he was one of the greatest composers who ever lived despite his deafness. That is true, everybody loves great music and everybody loves an over-comer. But there’s something more that keeps drawing me […]

Our Children Radiate the Joy of the Gospel

Our Children Radiate the Joy of the Gospel


I was recently reading about an upcoming conference at the Vatican entitled “The Pastoral Project of Evangelii Gaudium” to implement the Holy Father’s new apostolic exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel”. The keynote speaker is Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche communities, a group of homes for the disabled where their gifts are cherished. For a […]

Washington State Suicides Highlight Death Advocates’ “Bait and Switch”

Washington State Suicides Highlight Death Advocates’ “Bait and Switch”


A 43 percent rise in doctor-prescribed suicides in Washington State in 2013 was motivated not by pain, but by feared loss of autonomy and “dignity,” according to the official state government report. Washington State’s annual report covering 2013 states that 91 percent reported to their health care provider concerns about loss of autonomy, 79 percent reported to […]

 Why Normal People Should Care About “Baby Busts”

Why Normal People Should Care About “Baby Busts”


Long, long ago, when Anne’s parents were in college (sorry, mom and dad), demographers made an observation: they saw that for most of human history, even though couples were having far more than two children, mortality was also very high. The result was that populations either stayed the same or grew very slowly. Then, with […]

The Playgrounds of War I

When Father is a Wound


On Sunday, my children and I celebrated my husband on Father’s Day. It seems natural to celebrate the father of my children but as a child, there was too much hurt and damage to even pronounce the word “Papa” to talk about and address my father. When I was able to utter it, my throat […]

Consensus on LGBT Rights Eroding at Organization of American States

Consensus on LGBT Rights Eroding at Organization of American States


The seemingly inevitable march of gay rights in the Americas was slowed last week when an inter-American gathering in Paraguay refused to impose same-sex marriage. The Organization of American States will not “impose” any norms or recommendations on same-sex marriage, said Secretary General José Manuel Insulza Salinas in a press conference after the conclusion of […]

Why Boys in Girl's Bathrooms?

Why Boys in Girl’s Bathrooms?


There’s a conflict between non-discrimination laws and religious freedom. Where religious freedom exists to limit government’s intrusion into matters of conscience, non-discrimination laws invite government into private dealings and empower them to force people to do things they otherwise would be unwilling to do in the name of ending discrimination. As non-discrimination laws become stronger, religious freedom becomes […]

UK Embryology Authority's Inconsistent Ethics on Three Parent IVF

UK Embryology Authority’s Inconsistent Ethics on Three Parent IVF


In today’s society everything seems turned around. Black is white. White is black. You would think nothing would surprise me anymore, but it does, especially in the realm of reproductive medicine. The United Kingdom’s authority on reproductive medicine, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), has called the creation of embryos with three genetic parents […]

Connected: Closing Clinics, Aging Abortionists, and Chemical Abortifacients

Connected: Closing Clinics, Aging Abortionists, and Chemical Abortifacients


Abortion clinics are closing all across the U.S., and the number of abortions are down. A lot of the long-time abortionists are getting older and the industry is struggling to find replacements. Yet the number of chemical abortions performed in the U.S. continue to rise and more clinics are adding them to their offerings every […]

From the Field: Surrogacy in India

From the Field: Surrogacy in India


I’m writing from Delhi, India, where I’ve spent the last week meeting with various experts and officials that work on the issue of surrogacy here. In short, it’s a booming enterprise, by some reports estimated to be worth $3 billion U.S. dollars. Medical tourism has been popular in India for over a decade now, but […]

A Planned Parenthood Parable

A Planned Parenthood Parable


Planned Parenthood Federation of America is sharpening the arrows in its quiver once again as it takes aim directly at the heart of the Church—the souls of unsuspecting women and their babies. If you don’t believe this, take a look at its recent “Pastoral Letter to Patients” issued by the PPFA Clergy Advocacy Board. The letter tells readers […]

Be Not Afraid! St. John Paul II’s Key to Building a Culture of Life

Be Not Afraid! St. John Paul II’s Key to Building a Culture of Life


The recent canonization of Saint John Paul II offers an impetus to reflect on both his life and his papacy. The Pope’s leadership of the Catholic Church was exemplified by his signature phrase “Be not afraid!” Yet, what exactly was he exhorting the faithful to face without fear? Pope John Paul II first uttered this […]

Misery and Joy in a Lost City

Misery and Joy in a Lost City


Most Americans have heard it reported from time to time that the city of Detroit is like a war zone. Shootings and burglaries are rampant. Fires burn out of control. According to Reuters, “With the city now teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, the futile struggle to contain arson is an insistent reminder of the depths of […]

A Market for Disability: Down Syndrome and the Economic Imagination

A Market for Disability: Down Syndrome and the Economic Imagination


In a powerful profile of his son Jamie, a young man with Down syndrome, Michael Be?rube? explores some of the key challenges that those with disabilities face when trying to enter the workforce: The first time I talked to Jamie about getting a job, he was only 13. But I thought it was a good idea to […]