Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

The Abortion Stockholm Syndrome

The Abortion Stockholm Syndrome


National Right To Life News published an article about Viv Albertine, a rocker who says she regrets her abortion but is still Pro-Choice. Showing loyalty to the abortion that oppresses us is what I call the “Abortion Stockholm Syndrome”. I and many women I’ve met through Silent No More and Rachel’s Vineyard are familiar with […]

John Paul II Continues to Challenge UN Development Regime

John Paul II Continues to Challenge UN Development Regime


During a week celebrating his canonization, many credited Pope John Paul II with defeating the campaign for an international right to abortion and founding the international pro-life movement. But his reach went further, to a critique of the UN’s approach to human development and how it can threaten international peace and justice. “To formulate population […]

Asexual Human Reproduction

Asexual Human Reproduction


Today the phrase “from the beginning of his/her biological development” accurately defines when the life of an individual human being begins to exist; the terms “conception” or “fertilization” do not. We have learned this is so because the fact is that not all human beings begin through sexual means; some are reproduced asexually. This concept […]

Little Lents, Little Easters

Little Lents, Little Easters


There are few things as toxic as envy.  Schadenfreude, envy’s cousin, is close.  To envy means to mistrust Jesus.  It is to say, in effect, that God has erred in what He has given you,  where He has placed you and what He has made you. When I am the object of someone’s envy, I […]

Our Risen Lord Gives us Strength to Build a Culture of Life

Our Risen Lord Gives us Strength to Build a Culture of Life


If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him? (Romans 8:31) This exhortation by Saint Paul vividly expresses the full extent of the love of God the Father and […]

Down Syndrome Discovery Has Implications for Human Genetic Engineering

Down Syndrome Discovery Has Implications for Human Genetic Engineering


The 21st human chromosome is the smallest of all our chromosomes. It contains a few hundred genes and is only 1% of our total DNA. As most people know, an extra chromosome 21 causes Down Syndrome. What most people did not know, until research published this week, is that tiny chromosome has an effect across […]

Entertainment at the Expense of Children

Entertainment at the Expense of Children


A new graphic novel, Pregnant Butch: Nine Long Months Spent in Drag, chronicles the pregnancy journey of a lesbian named Teek and her partner, Vee. While the novel is fiction, it’s based on the author’s own experience parenting her son. It’s a humorous take on the subject of lesbian pregnancies with one reviewer noting “This […]

High Court Guts Contraception Bill

High Court Guts Contraception Bill


The Supreme Court of the Philippines struck down key provisions of a new contraception law in order to protect human life in the womb, as well as safeguard parental rights and conscience rights for health workers. The Reproductive Health Bill, as it is known, has been in the pipeline for two decades, having failed approval […]

Building the Culture John XXII and John Paul II Envisioned

Building the Culture John XXII and John Paul II Envisioned


This Sunday, Pope Francis will proclaim Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II Saints. He personally chose the date to coincide with Divine Mercy Sunday, a feast inaugurated by John Paul II in 2000. It was on the eve of this feast on April 2, 2005 that John Paul II gave up his spirit […]

In All the Wrong Places

In All the Wrong Places


A single mom had an interview for a reality TV show in the UK. The channel was interested in hiring her until they found out she was pregnant. What goes through her mind? That she “has to” have an abortion to get the job. She naively talked about her job opportunity and her decision to […]

Pregnancy, Why Bother?

Pregnancy, Why Bother?


There are those hushed, polite conversations when people wondered why Tag Romney and his wife, who already had three children naturally, chose to have three more children via gestational surrogacy.  The celebrity surrogate pregnancy stories always raise more eyebrows.  Why did Sarah Jessica Parker, already a proven birth mother, use another woman’s body to have […]

Before I Was Born, Jesus Knew Me

Book Review: Before I Was Born, Jesus Knew Me


Karin Niemeyer has penned her first children’s book.

Are You Suffering? Trust God

Are You Suffering? Trust God


This past weekend I met four other people with multiple sclerosis. It was not by design. I met them at events that had nothing to do with MS or disability. The uncertainty of the disease is terrifying them all. Multiple sclerosis can take a benign course and cause very little disability or it can take a […]

Pope Calls Abortion an ‘Abominable Crime’ in Strongest Remarks to Date

Pope Calls Abortion an ‘Abominable Crime’ in Strongest Remarks to Date


Human life is “sacred and inviolable” and “every civil law is based on the recognition of the first and most fundamental right, the right to life,” Pope Francis told an Italian pro-life organization last week. The pope thanked the Movimento per la Vita, one of Italy’s leading political pro-life groups, for their work, urging them […]

The Divergent Dignities of Terri Schiavo and Roxy the Dog

The Divergent Dignities of Terri Schiavo and Roxy the Dog


Every now and then the biomedical community and the legal system are presented with the opportunity to rediscover our collective humanity through the lens of animal rights and animal cruelty. More often than not that lens has insufficient power to correct their distorted perception of human dignity. Having just passed the ninth anniversary of Terri […]

Mercy and the Truth Are Not Incompatible

Mercy and the Truth Are Not Incompatible


Some weeks ago a group of young people, in their late 20s and early 30s, began showing up on the sidewalk in front of a local abortion facility where I and dozens of other pro life witnesses from Catholics United for Life have done sidewalk counseling for many years. They are an energetic bunch, full […]

The Persecution of Sister Jane Dominic Laurel

The Persecution of Sister Jane Dominic Laurel


Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, a Dominican nun who has recently come under fire for a presentation she made to a group of Catholic students in North Carolina, has been doing the same type of presentation for years. Her subject matter is Catholic teaching on the truth about human sexuality—popularized by Pope John Paul II as […]

EU Pressure on Homosexuality Complicates EU-Africa Summit

EU Pressure on Homosexuality Complicates EU-Africa Summit


European pressure on African nations to change laws on homosexuality has created a backlash that may threaten this week’s meeting between leaders of the two continents European officials have been scrambling to appease African leaders ahead of this week’s summit of EU and African leaders in Brussels. The summit is meant to address a host […]

The Pro-Life Movement's Last and Best Hope

The Pro-Life Movement’s Last and Best Hope


In Dostoevsky’s epic novel, The Brothers Karamazov, brothers Ivan and Alyosha engage in a deep discussion about God – his existence and his goodness. Expressing frustration at his brother’s rejection of faith, Aloysha declares that if there is no God, “everything is permitted.” The truth of this observation may be seen in the ongoing debate over […]

Kevorkian’s “Pro-Euthanasia Paintings” May Fetch $45k Each

Kevorkian’s “Pro-Euthanasia Paintings” May Fetch $45k Each


News that eleven of the late Jack Kevorkian’s paintings are up for sale in Los Angeles—at “upward of $45,000 per canvas”—are a reminder that long before there was Kermit Gosnell, there was Jack Kevorkian. Whereas abortionist Gosnell was angered when the Philadelphia Attorney General called his abortion clinic a “House of Horrors,” Kevorkian (a publicity […]

Transhumanist Children's Book Says "Death is Enemy of Us All"

Transhumanist Children’s Book Says “Death is Enemy of Us All”


Transhumanism is everywhere. We are being steeped in it like a tea bag in hot water. Not all the images are favorable, but shows like Almost Human, Intelligence, and Lab Rats and movies like the Bourne Legacy, Her, and Transcendence keep transhumanist themes always percolating, especially in the minds of those who will be most […]

 The Oxford Push to Screen Embryos for Intelligence

The Oxford Push to Screen Embryos for Intelligence


Wesley J. Smith has a disturbing article dealing with Oxford bioethicist Julian Savulescu’s proposal to screen human embryos for intelligence. Smith quotes Savulescu: A common objection is that being smarter does not make your life better. In this study, researchers were concerned with those with an IQ between 70-85. Below 70 is classified as intellectual […]

The Big Lies of Our Age Versus the Truth Found in Jesus Christ

The Big Lies of Our Age Versus the Truth Found in Jesus Christ


My father’s generation knew the Holocaust of the Nazis. The holocaust of abortion and soon euthanasia and  assisted suicide hangs over mine. Nazi propaganda Minister Josef Goebbel’s guiding maxim was “If  you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will come to believe it.”[1] The Lie was of Aryan superiority and their […]

The Obama Mandate and Political Power

The Obama Mandate and Political Power


Many analyses have been published following the oral arguments delivered last Tuesday to the United States Supreme Court on the two cases Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores and Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius. The cases revolve around the fundamental question of whether or not a Christian company/business may or may not reflect Christian principles in its employment and other business practices. The […]