Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Making it Through the Storms

Making it Through the Storms


Sometimes you see the storm coming from miles away. The sky darkens long in advance, the thunder roars loudly from a distance, the wind whips up and turns cool. You expect those storms and can plan around them a little, or at least plan for them. I don’t mind a good storm. You can enjoy […]

A Little Angel

A Little Angel


Leyna Gonzalez is a precious little girl – a 20 month old bundle of energy and joy.  Against all odds, she is with us today. While in utero, an ultrasound was performed at seventeen weeks that revealed she had a rare tumor protruding from her mouth — an oral teratoma — making her survival highly […]

Dear Facebook

Dear Facebook


Dear Facebook, You keep asking me: “where did you go to College?” and you are making suggestions based on where some of my friends studied. If you must know, I went to the Université du Sud Toulon-Var, France (it was called Université de Toulon et du Var or UTV twenty years ago). I don’t give […]

Providing Support Services for Life With Dignity

Providing Support Services for Life With Dignity


In my little corner of the world (Alberta, Canada) there is an issue raging about government cutbacks to support services for people with severe disabilities. Disabled Albertans feel threatened — and with good reason. Many of the support services that will be cut provide personal daily care that will directly impact the ability of disabled people to function, […]

National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children


The National Day of Remembrance ( is an effort of prayer and education focused on the approximately thirty locations throughout the United States in which the bodies of children killed by abortion are buried. By telling the stories of these burials and having memorial services at each of these sites, the public is brought to […]

Pope Francis: Parents Must Teach Their Children Reverence for Life in the Womb

Pope Francis: Parents Must Teach Their Children Reverence for Life in the Womb


In a message for Brazil’s National family Week, Pope Francis said it is the task of parents to pass on reverence for human life at all stages to their children. “In a particular way, faced with the culture of waste, that relativizes the value of human life,” the pope said, “parents are called to pass […]

This is a Baby, Not a Policy Issue

This is a Baby, Not a Policy Issue


The Daily Show’s John Oliver caught Secular Pro-Life’s attention because of an ignorant remark he made about a North Carolina Senate bill that addressed both abortion safety regulations and Sharia law. Oliver said, “Let me just understand this: You’re adding abortion restrictions to legislation banning the making of laws based upon religious belief. That’s like passing a […]

Procreative Altruism: Lebensborn Re-Imagined

Procreative Altruism: Lebensborn Re-Imagined


You remember Julian Savulescu, the Oxford “ethicist” who is telling parents that we are morally obligated to choose the child among many “possible children” that is determined by genetic testing to have the “best life.” He wants us all to use IVF, whether we are infertile or not apparently, to create a batch of embryos […]

Gay "Marriage", Bigotry, and the Public Interest

Gay “Marriage”, Bigotry, and the Public Interest


For many people, human sexuality is completely disconnected from procreation.

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Cloaking Infanticide With Medical Respectability


During a testy exchange with a Weekly Standard reporter, United States Representative Nancy Pelosi, a self-professed “devout Catholic,” called the discussion of late-term abortions “sacred ground.” In the same conversation, she used the word “reprehensible” to describe the activities of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist convicted of murder after snipping the spines of infants who […]

The Measure of Humanity

The Measure of Humanity


Pope Benedict writes in Spe salvi, “The true measure of humanity is essentially determined in relationship to suffering and to the sufferer.” These words recently took on new meaning for me as I encountered the story of Edwarda O’Bara, who passed away at the age of 59 in late November. In January 1970 Edwarda slipped into […]

Same-Sex Couple Sues Church for Refusing ‘Wedding’

Same-Sex Couple Sues Church for Refusing ‘Wedding’


Less than two weeks after the coalition government’s gay “marriage” bill was signed into law, a homosexual man has launched a lawsuit against a Church of England parish in Maldon for refusing him and his civil partner the lavish church wedding of their dreams. Barrie Drewitt-Barlow told the Essex Chronicle that he has launched the […]

Austin was my Golgotha

Austin was my Golgotha


Standing outside of the capitol on July 12, 2013, passing out water, I was one of the passersby – one of the individuals who could help, but wasn’t in the thick of things. From the capitol building, I could hear chants and screams of abortion advocates rallying in the rotunda. Sometimes the ground shook from […]

Catholic Insights Into Depression

Catholic Insights Into Depression


Being father to five young boys and maintaining both a university teaching post and a busy clinical practice would seem to be a prescription for physical and emotional meltdown. Yet in addition to all this, Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Aaron Kheriaty found time to write a very practical and much-needed book on depression. The Catholic Guide […]

Five Ways to Maintain Hope

Five Ways to Maintain Hope


Sadly, a priest recently committed suicide in the rectory a block down the street from my house. In my view, this priest (and anyone else who has committed suicide) must have lost all hope. To me, a person can only take his or her own life if steeped in utter hopelessness. That got me thinking […]

Mom and Teen Disagree About Pope's Message

Mom and Teen Disagree About Pope’s Message


Q. Pope Francis’ recent comments about gays — meant to be loving and conciliatory — have unfortunately created tension in my home. My teenager believes his comment, “Who am I to judge?” means that we should accept homosexuality as a normal occurrence and, therefore, something we shouldn’t reject. I’m certain that’s not what the pope meant — […]

Intentional Dementia

Intentional Dementia


During Mother’s last few months, conversations were extremely difficult to follow because her mind seamlessly switched from one decade to another. Isaac Singer writes, “Sometimes she’d tangle one story with another and couldn’t find her way out” (In My Father’s Court). Within one statement, she would toggle between viewing me as a teenager in the […]

Aborting Justice Over Dead Bodies

Aborting Justice Over Dead Bodies


Recently a comment was made to me that when a pro-life law is passed by a state legislature, it can be a hopeless victory. The reason is that, within days or weeks, the forces of death will orchestrate an action from a court at some level that will render the new law null and void. […]

Baby Crowned

In America, Every Baby is a “Royal Baby”


Across the globe, every birth should be celebrated!

Abortion Activists Overplay Hand on Chilean “Hard Case”

Abortion Activists Overplay Hand on Chilean “Hard Case”


An 11-year old rape victim has unexpectedly turned the tables on the international abortion lobby as it seeks to use her plight to overturn Chile’s pro-life laws. The girl, known as Belén, is pregnant after several years of sexual abuse by her mother’s boyfriend who threatened her to keep silent. Unlike other “hard cases” where […]

Breaking Silence: Catholics, Contraception, and Same-Sex Marriage

Breaking Silence: Catholics, Contraception, and Same-Sex Marriage


As the dust settles on the Supreme Court’s marriage rulings, Catholics and other defenders of traditional marriage have stepped forward with new energy and comprehensive strategies to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman. On, Ryan T. Anderson sees the dissenting opinions of Supreme Court Justices Alito, Roberts, and Scalia in the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) ruling […]

Extra Chromosome Silenced in Down Syndrome Cells

Extra Chromosome Silenced in Down Syndrome Cells


Amazing news was announced in the field of gene therapy last week. Scientists in Massachusetts have taken the cells of a person with Down Syndrome and have silenced the extra 21st chromosome in those cells. The Guardian has the story: Scientists have corrected the genetic fault that causes Down’s syndrome – albeit in isolated cells […]

Peter's Story

Peter’s Story


When I was 19 weeks pregnant, an ultrasound of my baby revealed markers for a condition called trisomy 18. We were offered amniocentesis, which we refused because we didn’t want to risk hurting our baby. We were told we would have more choices if we knew for sure. We said we would never abort our […]

Researchers Acknowledge Abortion-Preterm Birth Link

Researchers Acknowledge Abortion-Preterm Birth Link


The World Health Organization ignored it. Medical journals downplayed it. Now researchers admit – backhandedly – a link between abortion and preterm births. Authors of a new study hypothesize that modernizing abortion methods reduces the risk of premature births. Yet most notably, it admits that the link to abortion existed in the first place. Abortion […]