Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Europe Rejects Legalization of Surrogacy to Protect Children’s Rights

Europe Rejects Legalization of Surrogacy to Protect Children’s Rights


Last Tuesday, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) rejected an attempt to legalize surrogacy throughout Europe. By a narrow majority, the representatives of the 47 Member States rejected a recommendation aimed at regulating the selling of female gametes and renting of women’s wombs. This was the third attempt to normalize surrogacy by […]

UN Event Shows How Sexual Agenda Tramples Children’s Rights

UN Event Shows How Sexual Agenda Tramples Children’s Rights


That all children have a mother and a father is a biological fact.  That they have a right to know and be raised by their parents, where possible, is enshrined in the UN’s most widely ratified human rights treaty.  A UN event last week highlighted how those rights are undermined by efforts to redefine the […]

Abortion Group Targets Catholic Doctors' Conscience Rights

Abortion Group Targets Catholic Doctors’ Conscience Rights


A new study published by the Guttmacher Institute’s in-house journal Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Rights targets the conscience rights of Catholic hospitals and health care workers that opt not to provide abortion and contraception services that run contrary to their deeply-held beliefs. According to the study’s authors, Catholic doctors and health care workers should […]

Historic UN Clash on LGBT Rights Set for November

Historic UN Clash on LGBT Rights Set for November


Supporters of LGBT rights at the UN are preparing for the most important vote on their agenda since 2008. In November the UN General Assembly must decide whether to approve a controversial new UN post to enforce special new rights based on the sexual preference and behavior of individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, […]

Will New Saint Bring New Allies to UN Abortion Debates?

Will New Saint Bring New Allies to UN Abortion Debates?


Mother Teresa’s canonization in Rome reverberated at an event in UN headquarters where top diplomats praised the saint as the very essence of the UN’s mission even if they had opposed her message on life and family issues in the past. “Mother Teresa is the United Nations,” the Secretary-General, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, said when […]

A Basket of Dreadfuls

A Basket of Dreadfuls


Dreadfuls: Catholic scandals, lying about Zika, and animal personhood It is not all that surprising that we seem to be living in an environment slowly sinking into total madness. Individual egos appear to have made facts a non sequitur in the quest to satisfy personal concepts of what is and is not right. Catholics for […]

Why the Prophetic Voice of Pope Paul VI Still Matters

Why the Prophetic Voice of Pope Paul VI Still Matters


Those of us who live in prosperous countries may not realize the full impact of the contraceptive ideology around the world. You know the ideology I mean: everyone old enough to give meaningful consent is entitled to unlimited sex without a live baby showing up. We tend to think governments should allow people to obtain […]

We Must Obey God Rather Than Men

We Must Obey God Rather Than Men


At the time that I am writing these words 200 Canadians have been euthanized under Canada’s new assisted suicide law. The medical killings begin to mount. One might think the battle to save suicidal sick and disabled people is lost. One Catholic bioethicist stated this defeatism. A May 1st 2016 article appeared in the Catholic […]

World Suicide Prevention Day (But Not for the Sick and Disabled)

World Suicide Prevention Day (But Not for the Sick and Disabled)


September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day! It’s a time to promote suicide prevention for people everywhere — except the sick and disabled. Depending on where they live, they get help killing themselves. In Canada, we now have legal assisted suicide for Canadians “who have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability.” I meet […]

Pro-Life Heroine Mother Teresa Will Be Declared a Saint

Pro-Life Heroine Mother Teresa Will Be Declared a Saint


Mother Teresa will be declared a Saint by Pope Francis in a special ceremony on Sunday at the Vatican. The pro-life heroine skillfully exploited her celebrity status to propel the pro-life cause internationally like no one else before her or since. The four feet tall Albanian nun was never afraid to speak truth to power, […]

Pro-Choice Puritans

Pro-Choice Puritans


For a very short time, Puritanism was the dominant religion in America. The need to populate a large continent led to lots of immigration of lots of people from different religions. Since then, we Americans have developed a sardonic definition of “Puritan:” a person with the nagging feeling that somewhere, someone is having fun. We […]

In Christ, Our Suffering Will One Day Make Sense

In Christ, Our Suffering Will One Day Make Sense


When I met Moira (not her real name) she was completely broken-hearted. As the old song says, “I can tell by your eyes, you’ve probably been crying forever.” That was Moira. This forty-two year old mother had developed severe chronic progressive multiple sclerosis which put her into a wheelchair within a year of her diagnosis. […]

Gender Ideology Leads to Child Abuse: Pediatricians

Gender Ideology Leads to Child Abuse: Pediatricians


“Facts – not ideology – determine reality,” the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) said in a warning to legislators and educators about the dangers of surgical and medical sex change operations to children. “Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child […]

My Great Blessing in Suffering

My Great Blessing in Suffering


“Lord, help us follow the example of your Son’s patience and endurance. May we face all life’s difficulties with confidence and faith.” — Christian Prayer, Liturgy of the Hours. This is one of the great gifts of our Christian faith: To know that Christ is greater than even the worst of our difficulties. He is […]

New IPPF Report Gloats Over New Abortion Numbers

New IPPF Report Gloats Over New Abortion Numbers


Steven W. Mosher also contributed to this article. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) reports that its affiliates ended the lives of nearly one million unborn children in 2015. In all 964,325, unborn children were terminated by chemical and surgical abortion by IPPF just last year alone. A million of anything is a staggering number. […]

Sex Is Easy

Sex Is Easy


Sex is easy. Obvious statement, so what’s the point? Birds do it. Beasts do it. Humans do it. There are those who prowl about the world pursuing sexual prey, consuming and discarding conquests like they were earning points in some sick game, attempting to satisfy a voracious carnal urge with little concern of consequence or […]

Zika Virus Opportunists

Zika Virus Opportunists


The headlines and lead stories on the latest Zika virus outbreak are concerning, especially to those who are pregnant or have young children. One report tells readers: “The World Health Organization has just declared the Zika virus to be a public health emergency. There’s good reason to believe that Zika causes a severe birth defect […]

CBC's Anti-Disability Prejudice Symptomatic of Larger Exclusion

CBC’s Anti-Disability Prejudice Symptomatic of Larger Exclusion


Up until 1991, I worked for the Canadian federal Commission promoting employment equity in the workplace for Canadians with disabilities. One of the worst of offenders of disability employment discrimination was the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Every year the federal human rights commission filed its annual report in the Canadian parliament showing the CBC failed BOMBED […]

Punish the Rapist, Welcome the Child: Interview

Punish the Rapist, Welcome the Child: Interview


Lianna Rebolledo was 12 years old when two men kidnapped her while she was walking to a local shopping mall. Nine months later she gave birth to a baby girl.  Today she travels to shelters all over Latin America giving hope to girls pregnant from rape by sharing her story. I sat down with Lianna […]

Self-Regulation Science Doesn't Work

Self-Regulation Science Doesn’t Work


Scientists love to give themselves “ethical guidelines” — only to “reevaluate” and revise those guidelines when they are no longer convenient. A perfect recent example of this came this May when scientists in two separate studies reported keeping embryos alive, healthy and developing for 12-13 days. In both studies the embryos grew autonomously and began […]

Get the U.S. Out of the United Nations Population Fund

Get the U.S. Out of the United Nations Population Fund


The U.S. Government wastes billions on programs and initiatives that American taxpayers don’t want and certainly don’t need. But no example of government waste is more disgraceful than the tens of millions of dollars handed over each year to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)—an organization that for decades has been working hand-in-glove with China’s […]

Christian Responses to Medical Killing

Christian Responses to Medical Killing


A monstrous notion has become law. Assisting in the suicides of sick and disabled Canadians is legally permitted. It is now a new right — the right to death. The pied pipers of this new right use misleading euphemisms such as medical assistance in dying (MAID). A more accurate, precise and honest description of this […]

Celebrating the Bloodlust

Celebrating the Bloodlust


When the United States Supreme Court handed down its pro-abortion ruling on June 27 of this year, pro-death groups across the land celebrated. The Court basically struck down two provisions in a Texas law because, in its words, the pro-life restrictions created an “undue burden on abortion access.” Thus the macabre champagne toasts and the […]

Same Sex Parenting Increases Depression in Children

Same Sex Parenting Increases Depression in Children


Our relationship with our biological parents influences our happiness long after we’ve flown the nest. So says a new study showing how those raised by same-sex parents experience significantly more depression, obesity, and other problems in young adulthood than their peers. In the first study to examine children raised by same-sex parents into early adulthood, […]