Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Elite Women Wage Social Warfare on Everywoman

Elite Women Wage Social Warfare on Everywoman


So a radical feminist and two childless women walk into a courtroom. How do you expect them to rule on abortion or contraception? Their lives as they know them, depend on both. In Whole Woman’s Health vs. Hellerstedt, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Texas law regulating abortion clinics as if they were any ordinary […]

California’s Assisted Suicide Law: Are Some Lives Not Worth Living, or are All Lives Precious?

California’s Assisted Suicide Law: Are Some Lives Not Worth Living, or are All Lives Precious?


At what point can we say that a life no longer matters? Is it at the point when medical expenses become too costly or burdensome for relatives? Is it at the point when someone feels they have outlived their usefulness, or are just not able to do the things they love to do anymore? For […]

Abstinence Education Works, Condoms Don’t: New Teen Pregnancy Data

Abstinence Education Works, Condoms Don’t: New Teen Pregnancy Data


New evidence from the United States suggests abstinence education is a reason why teen pregnancy has fallen to historically low rates. Nearly sixty percent of high school students had never had sex, up from 46% in 1991.  Meanwhile, another new report links condom giveaways in schools with increases in teen pregnancy. This investigation of the […]

Don’t Feed the Trolls – It Just Encourages Them

Don’t Feed the Trolls – It Just Encourages Them


As an observer of the human species, I believe I have discovered a new type. I call them “paid internet protesters,” or “PIPs” in internet-speak, who are all armchair culture warriors. Dr. Rachel Lu, a senior contributor at The Federalist, wrote an article called, “The LGBT Movement Will Self-Destruct.” My response was titled, “The LGBT […]

Today’s Betrayal of Women by the Female Block on SCOTUS

Today’s Betrayal of Women by the Female Block on SCOTUS


If ever there were a law that so embodied the original argument in favor of abortion, it was the Texas law struck down today by the U.S. Supreme Court. If ever there were a mockery of all that the early proponents of abortion held dear, it was made by the united votes of the three […]

Transgender Health Experts Contradict Themselves in New Publication

Transgender Health Experts Contradict Themselves in New Publication


A leading medical journal published its first series on transgender health and reveals what appear to be major contradictions. On the one hand the journal argues there is nothing medically wrong with transgenderism. On the other hand, it argues transgenderism is a condition that requires medical attention, setting up transgenderism as the first non-medical condition […]

Homosexual Marriage Not a Right Says European Human Rights Court

Homosexual Marriage Not a Right Says European Human Rights Court


A unanimous decision of the European Court of Human Rights has once again said that homosexual marriage is not a human right under European law. Almost one year after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Obergfell v. Hodges case, which imposed homosexual marriage on the entire United States, the European Court opted with caution, […]

Many California Docs Say No to Assisted Suicide!

Many California Docs Say No to Assisted Suicide!


This past October, California governor Jerry Brown signed an assisted suicide law making it legal in the state for “physicians to provide lethal prescriptions to mentally competent adults who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and face the expectation that they will die within six months.” However, not all medical professionals and hospitals agree […]

Movie Review: <em>Me Before You</em>

Movie Review: Me Before You


WARNING: I TELL YOU THE END OF THE FILM IN THE NEXT SENTENCE. Due to the serious subject matter of the film Me Before You (euthanasia), and the fact that most people already know how the movie ends (euthanasia), combined with the fact that the film is based on a novel by the same name […]

Obama State Department Offers Funding to Trans Pressure Groups Overseas

Obama State Department Offers Funding to Trans Pressure Groups Overseas


The Obama State Department is putting enormous pressure on traditional countries to regularize, promote, and protect what many consider to be disordered, even psychotic behavior, specifically related to those who think they are the wrong sex. The Global Equity Fund, founded in 2011 by the US State Department, is inviting applications for groups that want […]

The Genius of Jesus: We Learn Through Stories

The Genius of Jesus: We Learn Through Stories


For me, the cliché “I can read you like a book,” means I understand a person very well, that I can tell what they’re thinking without having to ask. Indeed, we’re all living and breathing books. I have believed that since I began my professional writing career more than 30 years ago. Most of that […]

Extreme Christianity

Extreme Christianity


I fancy myself a Christian. I was baptized Catholic and have practiced the faith over fifty years. I’m convinced I will need a lifetime of practice to make any noteworthy progress. My love for the Lord is deep. Teaching, writing, and talking about God, His love for humanity, and the necessity to be authentic witnesses, […]

Vatican Defends Unborn at UN World Summit

Vatican Defends Unborn at UN World Summit


The Vatican reminded world leaders there is no international right to abortion at a global summit in Istanbul last month. The Holy See rejected European proposals to create a new right to abortion under the Geneva Conventions, also known as international humanitarian law or the laws of war. The “Holy See emphasizes that there is […]

Why Everyone Should Oppose Surrogacy

Why Everyone Should Oppose Surrogacy


I am an outspoken critic of gestational surrogacy, in which the gestational mother carries a child to term for another person or couple. I have noticed that many people do not understand the stakes in this issue. Pro-life people think, “Gosh, surrogacy makes babies, how can that be bad?” Feminists think, “Gosh, surrogacy allows people […]

<em>Me Before You</em> and the Slow Suicide of the West

Me Before You and the Slow Suicide of the West


Sometimes movie spoilers are a welcome thing. Several months ago I saw a trailer for the movie Me Before You and got a little excited. A modern romance featuring a disabled main character. It looked so positive and promising. I should have known better. Apparently Me Before You, which hits theaters this weekend, was a […]

Longings from the Land of Nod

Longings from the Land of Nod


I dreamt of sailing a grand tall ship. Initially gentle billows swelled beneath her massive hull.  Gradually the wind began to pick up and filled the ship’s enormous sails.  Silently the large ship started to move as though being pushed by an invisible hand.  At first, the bow gently sliced through the water as we […]

The Narrow Way

The Narrow Way


The most terrifying aspect of living out Catholic sexuality is that it requires us to unflinchingly kill an entire world of potentials. In this world of dreamers, it can be very difficult to commit oneself to a given way of life simply because it entails giving up all other ways of life. It can be […]

Book Review: <em>The Walls Are Talking</em>

Book Review: The Walls Are Talking


The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories, is Abby Johnson’s second powerful exposé of the abortion industry. A collection of personal testimonies from those who have left the abortion industry, it is a book of woe: broken hearts, dead children, mistreated women and abortion workers whose consciences were systematically seared and […]

Finding True Blessing Amidst Sorrow

Finding True Blessing Amidst Sorrow


None of us is promised happiness in this life. All of us are guaranteed sorrow. Indeed, sorrow is the classroom where we often learn our most valuable lessons and through which we can climb ever closer to heaven – where we are promised happiness. Perhaps that’s why I am so drawn to praying the Sorrowful Mysteries […]

Wounded Vets Don’t Need Taxpayer Funded IVF

Wounded Vets Don’t Need Taxpayer Funded IVF


I’ll be in DC this week for a bunch of meetings, mostly speaking with people about a bill that provides $3.4 billion in additional care for vets. I am involved because the bill currently includes an amendment to provide IVF benefits to wounded vets. These sorts of policy battles always start out with a rough […]

Fetal Tissue Research: What Really Works May Surprise You!

Fetal Tissue Research: What Really Works May Surprise You!


Once again the practice of using aborted preborn babies for their body parts and tissues has made the news. This time the reporting is based on a sickening congressional letter addressed to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and signed by 98 members of Congress. The letter references recent hearings conducted by the House Energy […]

New Civil Society Coalition Formed to Protect the Family

New Civil Society Coalition Formed to Protect the Family


A new coalition to confront the growing international threat against the family is launching a pro-family platform to unite organizations against overreach by international institutions. “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and binding international instruments reserve singular protections for the family in recognition of the family’s irreplaceable role as the natural environment for the growth […]

On the Beautiful Prayer of Crying

On the Beautiful Prayer of Crying


A boy falls and skins his knees. A boy wrestles in the living room and bonks his head on the coffee table. A boy tries to field a ground ball at shortstop, only to take a bad hop that bloodies his nose, or gets plowed by a much bigger boy on the football field. “Boys […]

Always Choose Life!

Always Choose Life!


A number of years ago, my wife and I were contacted by the mother of a sixteen year old girl who had a positive pregnancy test. I will call the teenager Katie (not her real name) and her mother Joanne (not her real name). Katie was obviously in a crisis pregnancy:  It was a crisis […]