Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Gates Summit Raises Billions for Abortion Groups

Gates Summit Raises Billions for Abortion Groups


“What are women’s attitude toward children,” I asked a representative from a Sierra Leone family planning organization. “Before the war, they were negative. Now they are positive.” “Do they want children?” I clarified. “Yes, they want children. They need to learn their rights. When they learn their rights, they won’t want children.” He was among the select invited to London […]

Thorns for Life

Thorns for Life


The readings for the Sunday Liturgy recently included passages from Ezekiel, St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, and the Gospel of St. Mark. Ezekiel is sent by God to proclaim to the “impudent and stubborn” Israelites that he is their faithful God, and to repent and return to Him. Say to them God tells […]

The Mark of Cain: Healing in the Fire, Part 4

The Mark of Cain: Healing in the Fire, Part 4


Click for: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 In the initial few months after my father’s death I was in a haze of grief. The remainder of winter and early Spring were spent dazed, going through the motions of daily life on automatic pilot. It was the Catholic priest, Father Lynch, who consoled me. My father’s Protestant Church […]

The Marriage Debate is More Than Just a Word Game

The Marriage Debate is More Than Just a Word Game


President Obama’s announcement this May that he supports same-sex marriage underlines the urgent need for the Church to launch a massive new program to educate Catholics on the nature of sacramental marriage and on the vast difference between a marriage like that and civil marriage. The Church should also continue to participate in the debate […]

Feng Jianmei: The Unanticipated Impact of One Forced-Abortion

Feng Jianmei: The Unanticipated Impact of One Forced-Abortion


One of the general sessions at this summer’s 2012 NRLC national convention was aglow with energy and alight with enthusiasm. You could feel a powerful swelling of emotions as pro-life champion Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, roused their audience at a session titled, “Where Are All the […]

Architect of Reproductive Rights Dies as Her Legacy Unravels

Architect of Reproductive Rights Dies as Her Legacy Unravels


Feminist Activist Joan Dunlop died last week at 78, just a week after her legacy of recasting international population control efforts as “reproductive rights” began to unravel. Dunlop was a protégé of John D. Rockefeller, III, who led the charge for international population control. His vision and large fortune established and set the agenda for institutions […]

NFP or Condoms: What's the difference?

NFP or Condoms: What’s the difference?


I wrote my senior thesis for the Catholic University honors program nearly 10 years ago. In my youthful zeal and eager for my own upcoming marriage, I tackled the prompt of “Nature and Technology” with a 35 page analysis of Humanae Vitae, Paul VI’s vision of human nature, nature and morality, and contraception as “technology.” […]

Freezers are for Food

Freezers are for Food


In the world of commercialized conception, it seems we’ve decided the freezer is a great place to keep eggs, sperm, and “spare” embryos until we need them. We think they do pretty well in the freezer, but the verdict is still out on what happens over the long haul when you freeze and store human […]

 Melinda Gates and the New Population Control Movement

Melinda Gates and the New Population Control Movement


Love him or hate him, Stephen Colbert doesn’t waste time getting to the point. In last Thursday’s interview with Melinda Gates on the Colbert Report, he asked Melinda about her newest initiative and cut straight to the chase: the new population control movement exists to save lives by erasing lives. Colbert: “But now you’ve got […]

Concluding the Fortnight: Now What?

Concluding the Fortnight: Now What?


The Holy Hours and prayers have all been said, the letters written to legislators, the blogs have been written, the teach-ins have played themselves out, and the church bells have all been rung. Now What? Where do we go from here, and will our bishops continue to lead us along the way? These are the […]

New Technology an Easy Way to Bring Face of Unborn to Unsure Pregnant Women

New Technology an Easy Way to Bring Face of Unborn to Unsure Pregnant Women


Stunning 4-D ultrasound imagery of children smiling, yawning, and kicking in the womb may be coming to a mobile phone near you – in the hands of those who need it most. The Cleveland Right to Life Education Fund announced June 28 that it is launching a new campaign to get the scientific evidence of […]

When the Womb is a Battlefield

When the Womb is a Battlefield


In our struggle to remind our fellow citizens that pregnancy involves two people, we often confront the challenge of saying things in new or better ways in order to catch the fleeting attention of others. It has been said that, over the past 10 years or so due to the advent of social media, the […]

Gates’ Contraception Summit To Enrich Abortion and Population Control Groups

Gates’ Contraception Summit To Enrich Abortion and Population Control Groups


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation wants to gather commitments of billions of dollars from heads of state and other leaders for contraceptive programs aimed at poor women. The Gates Foundation also wants governments to help overcome what they consider to be “barriers” to contraceptive use such as parental involvement. These efforts will take place […]

Supreme Court Upholds Obama Health Care Law

Supreme Court Upholds Obama Health Care Law


Kathleen Gilbert contributed to this breaking story. The Supreme Court has ruled the insurance requirement embedded in President Obama’s federal health care law is constitutional in a 5-4 decision Thursday morning. The High Court’s swing vote came from Chief Justice John Roberts, who was appointed by President George W. Bush. He joined the court’s liberal […]

How Not to Prevent AIDS

How Not to Prevent AIDS


In July the U.S.will host the International AIDS Conference and there is promising news. The experts are now convinced that treatment is prevention. If those who are infected are identified quickly, treated so that their viral load is lowered, not only do they have a good chance of remaining relatively healthy longer, the risk that […]

Owning Genes

Owning Genes


While the country breathlessly waits for the Supreme Court to decide on Obamacare, there is another court battle to keep an eye on.  This battle may not be as critical as the one on our health care system, but it is still important for the health of anyone with DNA. For decades the U.S. Patent […]

Obamacare: Will Supreme Court Have the Last Word?

Obamacare: Will Supreme Court Have the Last Word?


Anticipation is building to a fever pitch in and around the nation’s capital as various types of leaders jockey for position and posture while waiting for that big moment when the Supreme Court reaches a decision on Obamacare. The questions remain: What will be the fallout and what can we expect? There are three scenarios […]

Abortion Proponents Admit Defeat at Rio Conference

Abortion Proponents Admit Defeat at Rio Conference


In an astounding show of solidarity, a diverse group of countries rallied together with the Holy See to successfully remove any mention of reproductive rights or population control from the final outcome document produced during the last round of UN negotiations at the Rio +20 conference this week. For the past six months, the UN […]

Abortion Clinics’ Attempt to Squash Pro-Life Speech Fails

Abortion Clinics’ Attempt to Squash Pro-Life Speech Fails


The video produced by an abortion mill, Northland Family Planning Clinics, “Every Day, Good Women Choose Abortion” sought to persuade young women facing unwanted pregnancies that abortion is a “good” and “normal” decision.   However, when two pro-life organizations, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (“CBR”) and The Apologetics Group produced parodies of their video, the outraged […]

Sex-selection Abortions and China’s Brutality: Shall We “Gulp and Get Over It”?

Sex-selection Abortions and China’s Brutality: Shall We “Gulp and Get Over It”?


When editor Allison Benedikt wrote last week that the pro-choice movement in America needs to stop being squeamish about sex-selection abortions and just accept it, I thought my head might explode, but ultimately I said nothing. One can only respond to so many outrageous things said by the abortion industry and its advocates, and […]

Halftime in Washington State:  My Memoire of the Marriage War

Halftime in Washington State: My Memoire of the Marriage War


In 32 States We the People of the United States have managed to bring the issue of traditional marriage to a vote.  So far we’re batting 1000.  But if a State exists in the USA where same-sex-marriage might win approval from a majority of the voters, that electorate is out west in Washington. The culture […]

Rio + 20: Catholics for Choice Deceives Itself and Others

Rio + 20: Catholics for Choice Deceives Itself and Others


If you have not seen the briefing paper from the Catholics for Choice (CFC) organization regarding the place of the Holy See in international politics, stop reading now and move on. It just isn’t worth your while to read garbage. But if you have and need some clarification, then you may want to learn about the […]

The Fortnight, The Pill, and the False Dichotomy

The Fortnight, The Pill, and the False Dichotomy


On the eve of the Fortnight for Freedom, there are those within the Catholic Church who are denying that the two-week observance has anything to do with the Church’s teaching on contraception and everything to do with upholding the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of religious expression. That’s a false dichotomy and misattribution of the […]

‘Get over it’: Children of Anonymous Sperm Donors Met with Hostility and Ridicule

‘Get over it’: Children of Anonymous Sperm Donors Met with Hostility and Ridicule


For children of anonymous sperm donors yearning for a connection to their biological father, the world can be an unwelcome place. Instead of meeting compassion, many say that society treats their pain with a dismissive or even hostile attitude – a rift caused by lack of awareness as much as by the brute force of […]