Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton

Planned Parenthood and Hillary Clinton


She gets their first-ever presidential primary endorsement.

Surrogacy's Incredibly Dark Side

Surrogacy’s Incredibly Dark Side


The hidden camera footage reveals the Indian restaurant is crowded, and the ambient noise of fellow diners all around makes it hard to hear. But Gianna Toboni, an investigative reporter from HBO’s documentary show VICE, slowly begins to understand what is being offered to her by a woman sitting across the table. Toboni is in India to […]

Why We Must Defund Planned Parenthood

Why We Must Defund Planned Parenthood


Of the many issues debated about perennially, few have the potential to save lives like defunding nation’s number one abortion provider–Planned Parenthood. Defunding Planned Parenthood could save hundreds of thousands of lives every year. In 2013 alone (FY2013), Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the U.S. affiliate of Planned Parenthood, claimed the lives of 327,653 […]

Natural Family Planning as Self Defense

Natural Family Planning as Self Defense


My comment was met with a blank stare, a look of confusion. Fortunately, it only lasted a few awkward seconds. I was visiting my nurse practitioner for a nagging abdominal pain. Having concluded that I should have a CT scan (a detailed, in-depth x-ray) she had asked me if there was any chance I might […]

Assisted Suicide: An American State of Mind

Assisted Suicide: An American State of Mind


Billy Joel’s delightful song “New York State of Mind” begins with the words “Some folks like to get away, take a holiday from the neighborhood.” The song reflects on being home, accepting reality, and getting over the desire to get away. That’s what I like the most about it because the “neighborhood” is our community, our […]

Secretary General Backdoors Abortion, LGBT Rights into UN Humanitarian Goals

Secretary General Backdoors Abortion, LGBT Rights into UN Humanitarian Goals


UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s grand plan to tackle the global humanitarian crisis and achieve recently adopted new UN development goals includes abortion and LGBT rights. The Secretary General’s report “One Humanity: Shared Responsibility,” asks governments to include abortion and LGBT rights in their efforts to tackle the humanitarian objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals, […]

God's Master Plan Of Love And Creation

God’s Master Plan Of Love And Creation


A study published in 2012 in a publication called “Prenatal Diagnosis” said that as many as 90 percent of all pregnancies with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome resulted in “pregnancy termination,” i.e. abortion. Other studies indicate that about 6 percent of all abortions occur because the baby will have birth defects. A Guttmacher Institute […]

Black History and Abortion: Genocide or Suicide?

Black History and Abortion: Genocide or Suicide?


Through the years I have done more than my fair share of writing about the abortion statistics in the Black community, of Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger and her Negro Project, and of New York City’s black abortion rate that has hovered at 55-60% of all black pregnancies. It is appalling that a population demographic representing […]

Birth Control, Alcohol, and Common Sense

Birth Control, Alcohol, and Common Sense


The minds of women who plan to get pregnant are flooded with concerns about the growing baby. One such concern involves drinking alcohol while pregnant. Today, most if not all OB/GYNs advise against imbibing because of the danger to the baby in utero and the possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome after birth. This avoidable condition […]

Coming Out Christian

Coming Out Christian


  Some years ago I proudly came out of the “monogamy closet.” (See comments here.) Now, after over 42-plus years, my monogamy condition is unabated, in all its forms. I don’t “self identify” as a monogamist. I am a monogamist. Major mass media and Hollywood have had no effect on my ailment, and more than […]

The Ever-Present Affliction of Spiritual Depression

The Ever-Present Affliction of Spiritual Depression


Clinical depression borders on being an epidemic in our world. Consider that about 15 million adults in the United States have been diagnosed with the illness. And the number of people diagnosed with major depressive disorder has been increasing by about 20 percent annually. Although about a third of those people won’t get much relief […]

God Wants You to Get Help

God Wants You to Get Help


In a recent conversation with a friend, she confided in me she had been suffering for an extended period of time from what she suspected was depression. Her family had requested she see a professional, but she was hesitant. Reprinted with permission from “At what point do I turn to a doctor and feel […]

U.S. Panel OKs Three-Parent Embryos with Sex Selection

U.S. Panel OKs Three-Parent Embryos with Sex Selection


Last week a committee of scientists and ethicists have recommended to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that they approve three-parent embryo techniques for use in IVF in the United States. The committee calls it mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRT) because the goal is too “replace” defective mitochondria in woman with mitochondrial disease so they do […]

How to Defeat the Enemies of Natural Marriage

How to Defeat the Enemies of Natural Marriage


One of the best talks at our Australia conference was given by Vice Vincent Batarelo (pronounced Vee-che), who led the fight in Croatia to defend natural marriage. Dr. Batarelo was also a natural to invite to our conference, since he was born in Sydney to Croatian immigrants and grew up Down Under. After he completed […]

Planned Parenthood at the Nexus of Evil and Ignorance

Planned Parenthood at the Nexus of Evil and Ignorance


Events of the past week seem to intersect at the corner of morally bankrupt and socially corrupt. Let me explain. We learned recently of something called the National Sexuality Education Standards. An entire document explains these “standards” in 44 pages, while its introduction tells us that the goal “is to provide clear, consistent and straightforward […]

UN Report: “There Is No Definition of the Family”

UN Report: “There Is No Definition of the Family”


A draft UN report says the family should be understood “in a wide sense” and tries to open the door to recognize same-sex couples in international law and policy. “There is no definition of the family under international human rights law,” according to a report on “protection of the family” prepared by the UN staff […]

Rejecting Abortion, Affirming Life

Rejecting Abortion, Affirming Life


Thousands braved severe weather last week to attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C., giving a vital public witness to the sanctity of life. In this column, however, I will reflect on a very personal situation with my wife’s first pregnancy six years ago, when abortion was presented to us as an option. Our […]

Eliminating Poverty or Eliminating Children?

Eliminating Poverty or Eliminating Children?


We are not alone in being suspicious of the United Nations when it comes to the life issues. Beginning with the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994, abortion advocates have been attempting to use the language of U.N. documents, as well as the statements of certain U.N. committees themselves–think the Convention […]

The Seductive Siren Song of Genetic Enhancement

The Seductive Siren Song of Genetic Enhancement


Two recent magazine covers together give us a glimpse of the possible future of humanity. They seem completely unrelated. Next to each other on a coffee table, most people would never make the connection. Yet they are inextricably linked, jointly warning us to take action before it’s too late. The first, which appeared on the […]

The Great Value of the March for Life

The Great Value of the March for Life


Is the March for Life a waste of time? It seems like every year some people ask the question, even as around half a million folks take over the National Mall of Washington, D.C., and dozens of other marches challenge the complacency of state capitals around the country. The answer, by the way, is “no.” […]

Racial Discrimination Escalating

Racial Discrimination Escalating


Cultural silence on the subject of Racial Eugenic Targeted Abortion is deafening and yet RETA is not only a fact, but also a very good example of racism. Let’s revisit the year 1982 and the gruesome discovery of the bodies of nearly 17,000 aborted babies in Woodland Hills, California. As Erma Clardy Craven—a pro-life black […]

Seize Eternal Life in the Here and Now

Seize Eternal Life in the Here and Now


Jesus’ prayer in the 17th Chapter of John is often referred to as the High Priestly Prayer. In verse three we read “Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” In the past, I have plowed through this verse without giving […]

The New Way to be Pro-Choice

The New Way to be Pro-Choice


There is a new theme emerging in the media: an explicit attempt to normalize abortion to a degree we haven’t seen before. Pro-choice advocates were once content to refer to abortion as an unfortunate necessity, but in the face of pro-life gains in legal and cultural fronts, pro-choicers are going for broke on a new […]

Five Biggest Pro-Life and Pro-Family Losses of 2015

Five Biggest Pro-Life and Pro-Family Losses of 2015


Despite many positive events, there is always bad news coming out of the UN. 2015 was no exception. These are the worst moments of 2015. UN Bureaucrats Create New Avenues for Abortion and LGBT Rights The new UN Sustainable Development Goals were an overall loss for abortion groups that spent billions of dollars trying to […]