Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

40 Days for Life Through the Eyes of a Child

40 Days for Life Through the Eyes of a Child


Shawn Carney, Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life There is NEVER a dull moment during a 40 Days for Life campaign. I am writing this message from an airport. I looked up a few moments ago and I saw someone wearing a 40 Days for Life shirt. As he got closer, I noticed he looked […]

Who is Baby Joseph and Why Should I Care?

Who is Baby Joseph and Why Should I Care?


The world has taken notice of a 14-month old baby from Canada whose family has been fighting the medical establishment since October to help their child breathe. Moe and Sana Maraachli were refused a tracheotomy for their son because the apparently fatal neurological disease that the child has renders further intervention “futile.” Working with many […]

How Does One Judge the Morality of Human Acts?

How Does One Judge the Morality of Human Acts?


Created by God as rational and free creatures, human beings determine themselves and establish their identities as moral creatures through their free choices. We make ourselves the kinds of persons who we are in and through the actions we freely choose to do. As Pope John Paul II put it in his moral encyclical Veritatis […]

40 Days for Life Impacting Local Media

40 Days for Life Impacting Local Media


Shawn Carney, Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life Local media outlets have been all over 40 Days for Life campaigns since we kicked off in 247 cities just last Wednesday … … and we’ve seen great — and positive — coverage of YOUR campaigns!  Here are just a few examples: Lansing, Michigan Chris Veneklase of […]

Baby-phobia Has Reached Epidemic Proportions

Baby-phobia Has Reached Epidemic Proportions


Imagine the crushing judicial power of a modern nation coming down upon you, trying you, sentencing you, and then planning your execution – all while the charges against you remain secret.  You might recall that as the plot of Franz Kafka’s paranoiac novel, The Trial, the protagonist of which is a 30-year-old bank clerk. Under […]

Girl Cured of Brain Cancer Using Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Girl Cured of Brain Cancer Using Umbilical Cord Stem Cells


In the first transplant of umbilical cord stem cells in Spanish history, a four year old girl has been cured of a brain tumor, according to Spanish media sources. Alba Martinez was born in the province of Cádiz in 2007 and despite her good health, her parents say they decided to provide her with “life […]

40 Days for Life -- Day 6: 35 Lives Saved Already

40 Days for Life — Day 6: 35 Lives Saved Already


by Shawn Carney, Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life When people hear about babies saved from abortion, it motivates them to trust God — and participate in 40 Days for Life.  After all, how often do you have an opportunity to literally help save a life just by peacefully praying? It’s already happened in this […]

Join Fr. Frank Pavone's Urgent Plea: Release Baby Joseph's Medical Records!

Join Fr. Frank Pavone’s Urgent Plea: Release Baby Joseph’s Medical Records!


As I’m sure you know, the now-famous case of Baby Joseph in Canada is becoming critical. He could die in the next couple of weeks if his breathing tube is removed as the hospital and the government intend. Baby Joseph is only 13 months old and often has difficulty breathing on his own. He needs […]

May You Rest in Peace, Dr. Nathanson

May You Rest in Peace, Dr. Nathanson


This past year has been one of personal loss for me. This past April our founder, Father Paul Marx, O.S.B., Ph.D., passed away in the odor of sanctity. Now we have lost another great pro-lifer—and personal friend of mine—Dr. Bernard Nathanson. I first met Dr. Nathanson, fittingly enough, at a 1985 conference in Washington, D.C., […]

Pro-life Advocates in Downtown Chicago to Launch Groundbreaking 40 Days for Life Campaign

Pro-life Advocates in Downtown Chicago to Launch Groundbreaking 40 Days for Life Campaign


“On March 9, pro-life advocates from downtown Chicago will join with people of faith from many other communities across the country to kick off our own version of the groundbreaking 40 Days for Life campaign,” said Christina Skelley, director of the Chicago-Old Town 40 Days for Life campaign. 40 Days for Life is an intensive […]

An International Right to Life

An International Right to Life


Advocates of legal abortion want more than to keep Roe vs. Wade intact. They want to establish an international right to abortion, enforced on an international level, and overriding the decisions of individual nations to protect their own preborn children. But, as usual, these people have it not only wrong, but completely upside-down. The international […]

Welcome Baby Seven Billion!

Welcome Baby Seven Billion!


Sometime late this year a baby will emerge from the womb of its mother, draw its first breath, and announce its arrival into the world with a tiny cry. Thus will Baby Seven Billion be born. Everyone agrees that Baby Seven Billion’s birthday—the day that our planet becomes home to seven billion human beings—marks an […]

An Ethical Defense of Conscience Clauses

An Ethical Defense of Conscience Clauses


Last week, the Obama administration revised controversial government regulations intended to protect the conscience rights of medical professionals. Put into place by the Bush administration, these conscience rules had allowed health care workers to opt out of performing medical interventions that they believe are morally objectionable. The new rules limit the medical procedures what medical […]

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Re-Defining the Abortion Debate


Public opinion about abortion in America can best be described as ambivalent: uncomfortable with unrestricted abortion, yet unwilling to ban it totally. Another word for public opinion on abortion is “stalemate.” It has not moved much over the years since Roe vs. Wade. One time it did move was when partial-birth abortion was being debated […]

Peruvians Reject Abortion, Gay ‘Marriage’ in New poll

Peruvians Reject Abortion, Gay ‘Marriage’ in New poll


Despite the aspirations of major presidential candidates to legalize abortion and homosexual ‘marriage’ in Peru, the vast majority of Peruvians say they are opposed to both ideas, according to a new poll. More than three quarters of Peruvians, 76.3%, said they were opposed to the legalization of abortion, and only 17.4% said they support it. […]

How Does One Determine The Goodness Or Badness Of An Act?

How Does One Determine The Goodness Or Badness Of An Act?


How do we determine the goodness or badness of an act? For instance, what makes murder evil and almsgiving good?  Simply, acts are good if they perfect human beings.  They make us the persons we were made to be by fulfilling those needs that we have by virtue of our common human nature.  Bad acts, […]

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What is Catholic Bioethics?


Strictly speaking, there is no such science as “Catholic Bioethics” just as there is no such thing as “Catholic Baseball,” “Catholic Dentistry,” “Catholic Garbage Collection,” or “Catholic Plumbing.” Catholics do these activities, but they are not based upon divine revelation. Bioethics is a species of the science of ethics concerned especially about the beginning and […]

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Freedom and Voluntary Death


Arguments for or against voluntary suicide and/or voluntary euthanasia (hereafter referred to as voluntary death) usually presuppose reductionist understandings of human attributes such as freedom.  For example, folks sometimes ask: what is so terribly wrong with a person coming to a substantially-autonomous decision to die?  In more personal terms, why should “you” be able to […]

Rwandan Genocide Redux

Rwandan Genocide Redux


Not too many years ago, 800,000 Rwandans perished when their country descended into a bloody civil war. Now their government, with the encouragement of groups funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, appears poised to launch a nationwide sterilization campaign that may have equally disastrous demographic consequences. The plan calls for 700,000 men to […]

But Is the Human Embryo a Person?

But Is the Human Embryo a Person?


Some commentators have argued that human embryos are individual human beings but they add that they are not human persons because they cannot sense or think or feel or desire.  Consequently, it is argued that human embryos do not have moral status and thus cannot claim any rights including the right to life.  Only human […]

Pres. Ronald Reagan

What Would Ronald Reagan Do?


The Gipper would call for the passage of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. The passage of time shrinks the reputation of some presidents (think here of Jimmy Carter, who just won’t go away) while it enlarges the reputation of others. No presidency in modern times now shines brighter than that of Ronald Reagan, […]

Second Federal Judge Rules Against ‘Obamacare’ in 26-state Lawsuit

Second Federal Judge Rules Against ‘Obamacare’ in 26-state Lawsuit


A second federal judge has ruled that President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, which subsidizes abortions, is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, a Reagan appointee, ruled that the law violates the Constitution by requiring Americans to purchase health insurance or face a penalty, a provision that is set to begin in 2014. “I […]

Pro-life Youth Create Cautious Hope for the Future

Pro-life Youth Create Cautious Hope for the Future


At the 38th March for Life, we saw thousands of high school and college students, young seminarians, young religious sisters and families with young children.