Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Five Big Pro-Life and Pro-Family Wins in 2015

Five Big Pro-Life and Pro-Family Wins in 2015


The year just ended will prove to be a significant one for the United Nations. Two much anticipated agreements were finalized, one on development and another on climate. For life and family advocates they were both overall wins, although not complete. Here is our list of the best moments of 2015. New UN Development Goals […]

Modest but Meaningful Protection from Human Embryo Genetic Manipulation

Modest but Meaningful Protection from Human Embryo Genetic Manipulation


Genetically-manufactured babies, gene-manipulated human embryos, human-animal chimeras, human clones—all science fiction, right? No, these various types of laboratory-manufactured human embryos are already reality. Last spring, Chinese scientists announced they had experimented with genetic manipulation of human embryos, and scientists in the U.S. want to join in the experiments, also recently approved in law in the […]

A Christmas Hero: John Bruchalski, MD

A Christmas Hero: John Bruchalski, MD


I read a story this week about a doctor who changed his attitude toward abortion some years ago. His name is very familiar to those of us who are residents of Northern Virginia: John Bruchalski, MD. He is the founder of the Tepeyac Family Center. This change of heart wound up changing his entire life—and […]

A New Dawn of Reproductive Freedom in China?

A New Dawn of Reproductive Freedom in China?


Under China’s new two-child policy, forced and coercive abortions and sterilizations will continue, according to a panel of experts on China’s one-child policy who testified in a hearing before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) on Capitol Hill last Thursday. Experts believe abuses will continue. Due to 35 years of stringent population control, China’s rapid […]

Annual UN Report Repeats False Claims About Abortion

Annual UN Report Repeats False Claims About Abortion


As wars and natural disasters force increasing numbers of people from their homes, among the most vulnerable are mothers with infants and pregnant women. Unfortunately, maternal health suffers most in humanitarian settings, lags behind other global development goals, and is often tarnished with controversy by the pro-abortion lobby’s attempts to co-opt it. In its annual […]




David and Melissa Pineda wanted desperately to have another child. In 2013 the couple went to Dr. Rifaat Salem for an IVF treatment that they hoped would give them their fourth child. But what happened soon after nearly broke their hearts. They found out later that Salem allegedly discovered that he had “mistakenl?y implanted” embryos […]

Climate Summit Frustrates Population Control Groups

Climate Summit Frustrates Population Control Groups


Population control advocates are miffed that the UN Climate Summit in Paris will not address fertility reduction. “It’s pretty hard to reduce your carbon footprint when you keep adding more feet…” said Population Media Center in a newsletter, a population control group that lingers on the fringes of the Paris negotiations. The group says world […]

Silence - Finger Over Mouth

Does God Hear the Theological Silence About Racism in Abortion?


For some time now, a group of theologians has opined about “Theological Silence About White Racism.” In words of accusation that could not be stronger or more vigorous, this sin is condemned as injustice, institutional violence, group dehumanization, troubling social evil, social subjugation, race-based wrongdoing, social sin, habitus of white superiority, tragedy, social inequity, unjust […]

Being Squeezed into (I Hope) Fine Wine

Being Squeezed into (I Hope) Fine Wine


I like wine, red and dry. My preferences are Chianti and Merlot. A bottle of Cabernet, Pinot Noir or Petite Syrah will do in a pinch. Some brands and years taste better than others, but I’m not a connoisseur. I’m not picky about the wine coming from Italy or California. For me, good wine is […]

It’s Time to Become Pro-Life 3.0

It’s Time to Become Pro-Life 3.0


For the last few years, scientists have been warning us that genetically modified children are just over the horizon. Rumors have been flying around that laboratories are already using a revolutionary new gene-editing technique called CRISPR to try to change the genes of human embryos. Advanced gene-editing techniques like CRISPR hold great promise for treating […]

No Excuse for Murder, No Justification for Abortion

No Excuse for Murder, No Justification for Abortion


By now most people are aware of the shooting that took place at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs last Friday. Robert Lewis Dear, Jr., killed three people and wounded several more, purportedly in retaliation for the activities documented by the Center for Medical Progress in which Planned Parenthood officials are seen and heard […]

Supreme Court to Rule on the Biggest Abortion Case of the Decade

Supreme Court to Rule on the Biggest Abortion Case of the Decade


In what could be the abortion legal battle of the decade, the U.S. Supreme Court decided last month to weigh-in on the Texas abortion regulation law. The case will have far-reaching and long-lasting consequences for women’s health. It will determine whether the unregulated and unaccountable abortion industry will be able to continue business as usual, […]

Thanksgiving, Freedom and Life

Thanksgiving, Freedom and Life


A Pythagorean writer once expressed the role of civil authority this way: “The monarch has an irrepressible authority (and is therefore not limited by consent); he is a living law; he is like a god among men.” How different America is. Our Founders came here for freedom, a freedom that recognized that no human being […]

UN Diplomats Fight Back Against LGBT Ideology

UN Diplomats Fight Back Against LGBT Ideology


A chorus of delegates from around the world protested attempts to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” a protected category in international human rights law at the General Assembly last week. The Africa Group, composed of 54 countries, delivered a forceful statement to Joachim Rücker, the German president of the Human Rights Council, as he […]

The Unborn Down Syndrome Refugee Crisis

The Unborn Down Syndrome Refugee Crisis


The daily headlines are filled with stories about the refugee crisis spreading across the globe. Tensions are high as governments assess the security risk of admitting groups of these displaced citizens, and the vetting and screening processes for refugees is under intense scrutiny. A refugee is defined as “a person who flees for refuge or […]

Cultural Imperialism and the Indian Surrogacy Ban

Cultural Imperialism and the Indian Surrogacy Ban


I can’t help but read many of the articles related to the Indian government’s recent ban on commercial international surrogacy with a certain amount of irony. “The move has dismayed childless couples worldwide,” noted one article in The Telegraph. Others referred to “the panic” caused by the decision. Another noted that this ban would lead […]

When Is Abortion Not a Sin Against the Creator?

When Is Abortion Not a Sin Against the Creator?


A recent story in the Washington Post left me agog! I mean really folks, how intentionally pointed and disjointed can a report that is really not a report be? Curious? The Post states that “nearly 2 percent of Texas women say they tried to induce abortion.” The headline is generated by a report entitled “Knowledge, […]

“Much Ado About Nothing?”  Ben Carson on Starving Terri Schiavo.

“Much Ado About Nothing?” Ben Carson on Starving Terri Schiavo.


Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, was recently quoted in the Washington Post  regarding the starvation death undergone by the severely brain injured (and NOT brain dead) Teri Schiavo, “We face those kinds of issues all the time and while I don’t believe in euthanasia, you have to recognize that people that are in that condition do have a […]

Expanding Acronyms Threaten Maternal and Child Health

Expanding Acronyms Threaten Maternal and Child Health


In recent decades, the relatively simple and appealing concept of maternal and child health (MCH) has ballooned into a far broader and more convoluted agenda: sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health, with an unwieldy acronym to match: SRMNCAH. The addition of new letters and target areas have brought a wide range of new […]

Physician Assisted Suicide Undermines Efforts to Reduce Suicide

Physician Assisted Suicide Undermines Efforts to Reduce Suicide


Last week’s New York Times featured a haunting portrayal of suicide in America. Across the nation, suicide rates are on the rise—particularly among rural adolescents. But, as the article highlights, “suicide is a threat not just to the young. Rates over all rose 7 percent in metropolitan counties from 2004 to 2013, according to the […]

The Meaning of Human Sexuality

The Meaning of Human Sexuality


As the concept of gender grows ever more fluid (you can pick any one of 58 gender options on Facebook), it’s worth asking why God created humans as male and female. Bacteria have no gender and reproduce mostly by dividing their cells. Some species of fish are sequentially hermaphroditic, changing genders throughout their lifetime. Angels, […]

African Women’s Solutions to War Clash with Feminists’ Agenda

African Women’s Solutions to War Clash with Feminists’ Agenda


When the UN Security Council adopted its latest resolution on the role of women in international peacebuilding and security last month, a familiar clash of opinions surfaced—among women. In particular, feminists driving the international policies are on opposite sides of women living in the realities of war-challenged areas. At a panel hosted by Liechtenstein, a […]

How Modern Eugenics Discounts Human Dignity

How Modern Eugenics Discounts Human Dignity


In this modern age, many people are no longer afraid of eugenics. It is not that they are ignorant of the past. They know all about the movement of the early 20th century that tried to create a better human race by preventing the birth of those deemed “unfit.” Eugenics literally means “good birth,” and […]

What the Legacy of China's One Child Policy Can Teach America

What the Legacy of China’s One Child Policy Can Teach America


News broke last week that China has reversed its infamous one child policy after 35 years, increasing the permitted number of children per family to two. The Washington Post ran a story reviewing the history of the policy, a brutal and heartbreaking legacy of forced abortion, corruption, and despair. China’s one-child policy is a prime […]