Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

The Light of Christ Can Stop the Brutal Darkness of Abortion

The Light of Christ Can Stop the Brutal Darkness of Abortion


The October 26th 2015 edition of carried an article entitled “Abortionist Caught Saying It Would be a “Great Idea” to Burn Aborted Babies for Energy.”[1] The article attributed the quote to Michigan abortion mill owner, Renee Chelian, at a 2014 conference in San Francisco for the National Abortion Federation (NAF). Chelian owns the Northland Family […]

FDA Blasts, WHO Downplays, Risks of Depo-Provera Contraceptive

FDA Blasts, WHO Downplays, Risks of Depo-Provera Contraceptive


A week before a huge global family planning conference in Indonesia, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a short statement reiterating its position that injectable contraceptives are safe – for any duration – even for adolescents despite being linked to progressive bone density loss and other harmful side effects. It came shortly after the U.S. […]

Planned Parenthood Flouts FDA Guidelines for RU-486

Planned Parenthood Flouts FDA Guidelines for RU-486


Planned Parenthood and the abortion-provider Tucson Women’s Center spearheaded a lawsuit to strike down an Arizona law requiring doctors to abide by FDA guidelines when administering a “drug or substance” used to induce abortion. And they prevailed. An Arizona state court ruled in their favor, a ruling which allows doctors to continue off-label usage of […]

Jesus's Door

Jesus’s Door


I have always been pro-life, and so when we were faced with an unexpected prenatal diagnosis with our 5th daughter at her 19 week scan, there was no question we would bring her in to this world and face her challenges along side of her.  Immediate thoughts included just keeping her alive, getting her through […]

Faith in Suffering: Kristi's Gift to All of Us

Faith in Suffering: Kristi’s Gift to All of Us


I crawled into the bed with Kristi and we lay together all afternoon talking and laughing. We talked about everything under the sun: our childhoods, our hopes and dreams, our disappointments, homeschooling, our faith, our husbands, our children, and her cancer. It’s been a year ago already and I can remember everything about that day. […]

Suicidal "Dignity"

Suicidal “Dignity”


The secular progressive tactic of advocating death in the name of liberty continues, this time in the state of California, where Governor Jerry Brown recently signed a bill legalizing physician-assisted suicide in that state. This makes California the fourth state to embrace the practice, after Oregon, Washington, and Vermont. Commenting on his decision to sign […]

Democrat Senators Want Abortion Funding for Refugees

Democrat Senators Want Abortion Funding for Refugees


As refugees are welcomed into neighboring Middle East countries Democrat senators want to make sure abortion in available funded by US taxpayers. Senator Richard Blumenthal drafted a letter to President Obama signed by 27 of his Democrat colleagues asking that the longstanding Helms amendment be gutted. Current law prohibits any US foreign aid be used […]

Sperm Donation: A Seedy Enterprise

Sperm Donation: A Seedy Enterprise


In 2011, Yale sociologist Rene Almeling published Sex Cells: The Medical Market for Eggs and Sperm, a fascinating book that details how sperm and egg banks do business. Of particular interest are the different ways potential sperm and egg donors are marketed to during the recruitment process. Egg donors are told they are “an angel” […]

Active Parenting and Grandparenting With a Wheelchair

Active Parenting and Grandparenting With a Wheelchair


Parenting can be daunting, but it becomes more complicated for a wheelchair user. But it can be done with great success. No obstacle is insurmountable with innovative thinking. And there are many agencies in most communities to teach techniques for parenting to wheelchair users. My children were seven and five years old when I was […]

The Deadly Fruit of Brittany Maynard’s “Private” Choice

The Deadly Fruit of Brittany Maynard’s “Private” Choice


29 year old Brittany Maynard made headlines last year for announcing her decision to end her life with doctor-prescribed suicide after being diagnosed with brain cancer. A Californian, she was, in her own words, “forced” to move to Oregon to exercise her “right to die” because of California’s ban on assisted suicide. At the time, […]

The Saint Knows: God is All You Need

The Saint Knows: God is All You Need


My mind has been calmed by, among other things, a bookmark and a simple prayer. I’m writing these thoughts late in the evening Thursday, October 15. For the Catholic Church, this has been the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila. Among those in the Discalced Carmelite order – be they priests/friars, nuns or lay […]

When Death Knocked on Her Husband’s Door

When Death Knocked on Her Husband’s Door


Beth stared out the hospital blinds as the sunrise crept through. The beauty of it did not register with her as her thoughts raced, wondering how her husband was doing, and how long it would be until things were back to normal. Finally, the doctor came in. “Please step out into the hallway with me,” […]

Miscarriage is the Loss of a ‘Real’ Child and Requires Compassion

Miscarriage is the Loss of a ‘Real’ Child and Requires Compassion


The wound comes from well-meaning people. “Well, it wasn’t that far along.” “You can always have another child.” “Lots of people go through this.” Miscarriage is a tragedy that so many people misunderstand. They are not quite sure how to console a friend or relative who has suffered this loss. While there are no magic […]

Your Number One Job as a Wife: It's Not What You Think

Your Number One Job as a Wife: It’s Not What You Think


This past February, my husband and I started planning the family trip to Las Vegas that will commemorate our 20-year wedding anniversary in two years. We spent a week in Sin City for our honeymoon, and think it’s only fitting that we return two decades later with our kids, having “beaten the odds” when it […]

UN Data Backs Pope on Abortion and Contraception

UN Data Backs Pope on Abortion and Contraception


The UN population division agrees with Pope Francis. More contraception will not stop climate change. Abortion and contraception must be widely available to prevent a climate change Armageddon according to some scientists. But these views are not gaining traction at UN headquarters, and were rejected in Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ much-publicized encyclical on “care for […]

Transhumanism: Taking the Place of Our Creator

Transhumanism: Taking the Place of Our Creator


There is a dangerous philosophy emerging in our fast-paced, technology-driven world of which most people are totally unaware. And yet, when Francis Fukuyama, economist at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, was asked what idea posed the “greatest threat to the welfare of humanity,” his answer was this philosophy. And yet I am […]

Will UN Categorically Exclude Unborn from Right to Life?

Will UN Categorically Exclude Unborn from Right to Life?


A draft UN report excludes all children in the womb from any protections under international law. The Human Rights Committee, a mostly unknown but influential UN committee that records and reviews the implementation of the UN treaty on civil and political rights has published a draft opinion on the “right to life” in international law […]

We Must Listen to the Voice of the Lord

We Must Listen to the Voice of the Lord


Suddenly, quite surprisingly, I find myself deep in despair. Despair for my family and friends. Despair for my parish and my Catholic Church. Despair for myself, my work, my apostolate and my health, for my community and my country and my fellow human beings, for my prayer life and my faith and the souls of […]

What Our Lady Can Do with a Little Bag of Beads

What Our Lady Can Do with a Little Bag of Beads


The Miraculous Closing of the Last Abortion Facility in Corpus Christ, Texas For many years the pro-life community of Corpus Christi, Texas and surrounding areas prayed in front of the last remaining abortion business left in the town. There were countless novenas and Masses offered along with visitations of a relic from the tilma of […]

The Joy of the Gospel of Life

The Joy of the Gospel of Life


When I was about middle school age, I participated in a life chain with my mom. We lined up shoulder-to-shoulder with hundreds of other pro-life people along a busy stretch of road in my hometown. We held up pro-life signs and prayed.  I don’t remember much about the day, except where we were standing, and […]

UN Bureaucracy To Push “LGBT Rights” Despite Tensions

UN Bureaucracy To Push “LGBT Rights” Despite Tensions


UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon promised that homosexual and transgender rights would advance at the United Nations despite the strain it will cause within the organization and between states. “Mostly I have not been successful,” Ban Ki-moon lamented, while recounting episodes from his “personal diplomacy” to promote lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights worldwide. […]

Pope Francis vs. the “Demon” of Gender Theory

Pope Francis vs. the “Demon” of Gender Theory


Liberals and conservatives need to pay closer attention.

Out of Africa Comes a Cry for Help Against the Culture of Death

Out of Africa Comes a Cry for Help Against the Culture of Death


Arriving in the Philippines last January, Pope Francis warned his millions of listeners to resist “ideological colonization.” This destructive assault on families, the Pope continued, included efforts to “redefine the very institution of marriage, by relativism, by the culture of the ephemeral, by a lack of openness to life.” Africans, above all, know what he […]

Secret Confessions of Surrogate Mothers

Secret Confessions of Surrogate Mothers


The Catholic Church is perceived to be anti-science. That perception is completely false, of course. The Church is one of the few institutions left that actually looks at human biology and acknowledges the facts. And I am not just talking about the fact that a new genetically distinct human organism is created when fertilization is […]