Category: Law & Justice

Obamacare: Will Supreme Court Have the Last Word?

Obamacare: Will Supreme Court Have the Last Word?


Anticipation is building to a fever pitch in and around the nation’s capital as various types of leaders jockey for position and posture while waiting for that big moment when the Supreme Court reaches a decision on Obamacare. The questions remain: What will be the fallout and what can we expect? There are three scenarios […]

Halftime in Washington State:  My Memoire of the Marriage War

Halftime in Washington State: My Memoire of the Marriage War


In 32 States We the People of the United States have managed to bring the issue of traditional marriage to a vote.  So far we’re batting 1000.  But if a State exists in the USA where same-sex-marriage might win approval from a majority of the voters, that electorate is out west in Washington. The culture […]

We Have an Absolute Right to Health Privacy, But We Must Fight for It

We Have an Absolute Right to Health Privacy, But We Must Fight for It


With Jennifer Kimball Watson. The Second International Patient Privacy Summit took place in Washington, D.C. recently. Dozens of leading experts gathered from across the United States to discuss how electronic health records can be protected from the numerous government agencies and private companies that want to collect, mine, and market them. (If you don’t yet […]

Conservatives for Shariah

Conservatives for Shariah


The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East has caused many Americans to reflect on that group’s stated ambition to impose worldwide the totalitarian,supremacist Islamic doctrine known as shariah.  Particularly unsettling is evidence of the group’s goal in America, namely of “destroying Western civilization from within,” as documented in […]

Movie Review: <i>U.N. Me</i>

Movie Review: U.N. Me


Every once in a while, I watch a movie that I hate. U.N. Me is just such a movie. I hated watching it but I have to recommend that others see this movie.  Why?  Because I believe that even if the truth is brutally hard to digest, it’s better than ignorance. I hated what was […]

Substitute Vatican Sec. of State Discusses Leaks' Impact on Pope

Substitute Vatican Sec. of State Discusses Leaks’ Impact on Pope


Pope Benedict is said to be “saddened” by the discovery that one of his closest aides, Paolo Gabriele, 46, his valet or butler, has betrayed his trust, copying and disseminating secret Vatican documents from the Pope’s own apartments. Some in Rome are concerned that the emotional strain of these events could harm the health of […]

Refusing to Render Unto Caesar That Which is God's

Refusing to Render Unto Caesar That Which is God’s


“Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.  But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.  For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”  Acts […]

43 Catholic Organizations Sue Obama Administration Over HHS Mandate

43 Catholic Organizations Sue Obama Administration Over HHS Mandate


In a coordinated defense of religious liberty, at 11 a.m. yesterday 43 Roman Catholic organizations filed a dozen lawsuits nationwide to strike down the HHS mandate. The plaintiffs include some of the most significant organs of the U.S. church, including the Archdioceses of New York, Washington, D.C., and St. Louis; the Dioceses of Dallas, Fort […]

Obama vs. North Carolina: President Supports "Same-Sex Marriage"

Obama vs. North Carolina: President Supports “Same-Sex Marriage”


President Obama’s timing suggests an effort to turn the attention away from the fact that voters in North Carolina voted 61 to 39 percent to define marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.  On the very next day, May 10th, Obama publicly indicated his support for same-sex “marriage.” The President’s decision wasn’t […]

Catholic Business Leaders File Federal Lawsuit Challenging HHS Mandate

Catholic Business Leaders File Federal Lawsuit Challenging HHS Mandate


The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, today announced it has filed a federal lawsuit challenging the HHS mandate, on behalf of Legatus, the Nation’s largest organization of top Catholic business CEOs and professional leaders. Also joining in the lawsuit as Plaintiffs are the Weingartz Supply […]

You Should Be Worried!

You Should Be Worried!


“He moved about freely with them in Jerusalem, and spoke out boldly in the name of the Lord.  He also spoke and debated with the Hellenists, but they tried to kill him.” (Acts 9:29, NAB) When St. Paul began traveling throughout the Roman Empire, truly going into the culture of death in order to proclaim […]

Church Wins Zoning Appeal; City Surrenders

Church Wins Zoning Appeal; City Surrenders


[Thursday], the Becket Fund and a Christian church in Texas scored a huge victory for religious freedom.   After five years of litigation, the Elijah Group, an evangelical Christian church in Leon Valley, Texas, has finally gained the right to use its building for worship without discrimination from the city government. The settlement follows a […]

Book Review: <i>Suicide of a Superpower</i>

Book Review: Suicide of a Superpower


I was nearing the close of Pat Buchanan’s new book Suicide of a Superpower (St. Martin’s Press) when I read that MSNBC had fired him as a political commentator for expressing views offensive to political correctness as practiced at that left-leaning network. (“Left-leaning” as applied to MSNBC comes from the Los Angeles Times, which is […]

Upcoming Movie Review: <i>For Greater Glory</i>

Upcoming Movie Review: For Greater Glory


I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’ve never written a movie review for a movie I have not yet seen or a book review for book I have not yet read. But I am so excited by the “buzz” about an upcoming movie that I thought I’d let you in on some of it. […]

Nine Lawsuits for Religious Freedom – A Brief Rundown of the Arguments

Nine Lawsuits for Religious Freedom – A Brief Rundown of the Arguments


There are now nine lawsuits, including one brought by Priests for Life, that have been filed in federal district courts around the country challenging the Obama administration’s HHS mandate that requires employers to provide coverage for activities that many of them believe people should not do. There is value to having multiple lawsuits because, having […]

Why Do SNAP and VOTF Fear the Case of Fr. Gordon MacRae?

Why Do SNAP and VOTF Fear the Case of Fr. Gordon MacRae?


Last month, I was invited by the editors of These Stone Walls to write a “Special Report” about a new development in the case of Father Gordon MacRae, a priest of the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire whom I believe – to a moral certainty – has been wrongly imprisoned for nearly 18 years. My […]

Sick Chickens and Sick Laws

Sick Chickens and Sick Laws


When President Obama made his famous declaration about how he was confident that “that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,” many observers figured the chief executive missed April Fools’ Day by a […]

Movie Review: <em>The Hunger Games</em>

Movie Review: The Hunger Games


The Hunger Games is set in a way beyond dystopia future in which the rulers living in the Third-Reich-like “Capitol” keep the peons in the “Districts” in fear and subjugation by holding gladiatorial games each year. The combatants are children and teenagers, picked at random to fight to the death, each representing their District. And […]

Judicial Activists Undermine the Democratic Process

Judicial Activists Undermine the Democratic Process


Last week, President Obama made news when he suggested that it would be “unprecedented” for the Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional a law passed by a “strong majority of a democratically elected Congress.”  His comments were prompted by the less than favorable reaction of the Supreme Court during oral arguments on the constitutionality of his […]

Justice Served to Obama

Justice Served to Obama


Eric Holder is a busy man. When President Obama’s chief law enforcement officer isn’t tied up selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, refusing to prosecute self-serving cases of voter intimidation or ignoring “wanted dead or alive” bounties placed by black militants on the heads of private citizens, he’s busy conspiring with pro-abortion extremists to bring […]

This Fiesty Manifesto is Just What American Catholics Need

This Fiesty Manifesto is Just What American Catholics Need


“Social issues.” It’s a squishy, equivocal term suited to a mentality ill at ease with the hard-edged implications of “moral issues” and “morality.” What implications? That there are definite moral truths that show some things to be always and everywhere wrong and deserving of condemnation. Not what the “social issues” mindset cares to hear. There’s […]

Federal Judge: Grants to Catholic Anti-Trafficking Programs "Unconstitutional"

Federal Judge: Grants to Catholic Anti-Trafficking Programs “Unconstitutional”


A federal judge has ruled that allowing government grants to Catholic-run programs against human trafficking amounts to an unconstitutional endorsement of the Catholic religion because the Church does not facilitate abortions for trafficking victims. U.S. District Court Judge Richard Stearns sided with the American Civil Liberties Union in its case accusing the U.S. Health and […]

Obamacare: Will It Withstand Constitutional Scrutiny?

Obamacare: Will It Withstand Constitutional Scrutiny?


The U.S. Supreme Court is now poised to review the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as “Obamacare.” The nine Justices will hear oral arguments totaling an unprecedented five-and-a-half hours beginning on March 26, 2012 and concluding on March 28. The usual allocation of time for Supreme Court oral arguments is just 60 […]

Newman, the Supreme Court, and Broadcast Pornography

Newman, the Supreme Court, and Broadcast Pornography


Reading about two free speech cases now before the Supreme Court, I found myself thinking of Cardinal Newman. I’ll get to Cardinal Newman in a minute, but first let me say a word about those cases pending in the court. The basic issue in FCC v. Fox Television Stations and FCC v. ABC is the […]