Category: Society & Common Good

Abortion and Ireland: Are the Irish Copping Out?

Abortion and Ireland: Are the Irish Copping Out?


For the Catholic Church and the pro-life movement, Ireland’s steadfast preserving of its laws defending the rights of the unborn has been a beacon of hope in Europe. Ireland has continued to hold the highest birth rate of other country in the European Union, and is one of the very few European countries whose population […]

A Meditation for Inauguration Day

A Meditation for Inauguration Day


From a sermon by Bl. John Henry Newman: It is the death of the Eternal Word of God made flesh, which is our great lesson how to think and how to speak of this world. His Cross has put its due value upon every thing which we see, upon all fortunes, all advantages, all ranks, […]

What Alabama’s Politics Could Teach the Rest of the Country

What Alabama’s Politics Could Teach the Rest of the Country


When we first announced to friends and family our decision to move from Las Vegas to rural Alabama, you would have thought we said we were all growing bushy beards to live as hermits in a cave, way over in Mars, with Forrest Gump as our cult leader.  But time has proven that:  in the […]

Obama on Secession:  Farewell to Apostate America, part 3

Obama on Secession: Farewell to Apostate America, part 3


        Obama on Secession Something of a clamor for secession followed President Obama’s reelection in 2012.  And the elections strengthened his ominous social agenda, with wins for same sex marriage in four out of five States.  After election day, some half a million citizens signed petitions to have 13 States withdraw from postmodern America.  The […]

Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Fifth Commandment

The Catechism on the Right of Self-Defense


One of two articles for Gun Appreciation Day. Violence may be justified in the service of self-defense, even to the point of killing an unjust aggressor: this has been settled Catholic teaching for hundreds of years. The most recent restatement of the Church’s teaching on self-defense is in the second edition of the Catechism of […]

Supreme Court Decision, DC vs. Heller

The Supreme Court on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms


One of two articles for Gun Appreciation Day. The federal constitution prohibits the federal government from depriving individual citizens of their right to possess and use firearms for lawful purposes, including self-defense. This right is not, however, unlimited: it may be withdrawn, for instance, from felons and the mentally ill, and it may be restricted […]

Hispanics, the Catholic Vote, and the New Evangelization

Hispanics, the Catholic Vote, and the New Evangelization


 “Are you still without understanding?” – Mt 15:16 With the election still raw in the hearts and minds of many, the political commentary is in full gear and will be for many weeks to come. Many in the Catholic blogosphere have either urged calm, or warned of a potential martyrdom heading our way. Whether you […]

Chicken Little

Chicken Little


I had an odd response to the 2012 presidential election: I stopped watching the news. I also stopped reading the news on the Internet. In fact, not a single television show appealed to me and the blackened screen simply became a piece of ubiquitous furniture in the center of the room. At that point I […]

What Dreams May Come: Azazel and the Pursuit of Justice

What Dreams May Come: Azazel and the Pursuit of Justice


In “Nightmares and Dreamscapes from the Desert,” a These Stone Walls post during Lent last year, I wrote of a recurring dream I’ve had throughout 18 years of imprisonment. The dream had multiple variations and outcomes, all of them anxiety producing, but one version in particular seemed to be an archetype for the dream’s central […]

House Attempts to Use New Rules to Prevent IPAB from Rationing Care

House Attempts to Use New Rules to Prevent IPAB from Rationing Care


Late last week, House Republicans passed a package of rules that will guide the next (113th) Congress. Contained within these rules was a simple provision stating that “[The] Independent Payment Advisory Board … shall not apply in the One Hundred Thirteenth Congress.” The Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, has remained one of the most […]

Love, Justice, and the Dying

Love, Justice, and the Dying


With the passage of each year it appears that more and more Americans are being served a platter of nuanced messages regarding how one is to care for a dying loved one. It is as though death could somehow be made more palatable for those involved. The truth is that death is inevitable; nobody will […]

Weekly Wits

Weekly Wits 1/11/13



Secular Second Thoughts on Sexual the Revolution

Secular Second Thoughts on Sexual the Revolution


The disruptive results for individuals and society spawned by the revolution in attitudes and behavior regarding sex, marriage, family, and childbearing that erupted a half-century ago have become too obvious to ignore. These things were predictable–in fact, some people actually predicted them from the start–but by now their impact has grown so painfully apparent that […]

New Title X Amendment Would Cut Planned Parenthood Funding

New Title X Amendment Would Cut Planned Parenthood Funding


Planned Parenthood is the biggest abortion provider in the U.S., performing a third of a million abortions each year. It treats babies like toxic waste. It should be defunded, once and for all. According to their annual report abortions took up the vast majority of their pregnancy services and for every adoption referral, they performed 145 abortions. […]

Al Gore - Current TV

Al Gore Profits from the Stealth Jihad


Let’s call it Al Goreera.  That seems a fitting title for the new network that former Vice President Al Gore is launching with the jihadists’ favorite television outlet: Al Jazeera.  The effect will be to create vast new opportunities for our enemies to propagandize the American people, a key ingredient of their “civilization jihad” against […]

Why Gun Control is Not the Answer

Why Gun Control is Not the Answer


In 2012 America saw some of the worst mass shootings in the history of the country — the massacre at Oikos University in Oakland, California, the tragic shooting in an Aurora, Colorado theatre, the more recent heartbreaking incident in Newtown, Connecticut, and subsequent string of shootings which have erupted since. Understandably, people are asking questions […]

The Hopes and Fears of All the Years

The Hopes and Fears of All the Years


At some point, sooner or later, all new parents experience that moment when they realize that this new little life is their unique responsibility. It can be a bit surreal. Holding your little one, it strikes you that a tremendous gift has been given to you, a gift that brings with it significant and life-altering […]

Distributism and the Local Organic Food Movement

Distributism and the Local Organic Food Movement


Great change for the good often comes slowly. It creeps up through the cracks in a broken system, and begins to take the place of its previous forms. Slowly, public opinion, public actions, and individual sentiments begin to be formed in a new way. This is exactly what is happening in America today. The Local […]

Weekly Wits

Weekly Wits 1/4/13


Judge Robert Bork

Slouching From Gomorrah: Remembering Robert Bork


It has been a couple of weeks since the death of Robert Bork, which occurred shortly before Christmas and didn’t really get the news coverage that Bork merited. Bork died at age 85. In 1987, he became a national headline when President Ronald Reagan nominated him to the Supreme Court. He was a judicial conservative, […]

Hobby Lobby – Crafting Religious Freedom

Hobby Lobby – Crafting Religious Freedom


As a group of crafty Catholic women, joining Pinterest was a no-brainer for many of the Catholic Sistas Ink Slingers. As an Art Major, former Catholic school art teacher, homeschool mother, and now homeschool Nana this was certainly true for me.  Therefore, this past Advent and Christmas season brought me to Hobby Lobby more times than I can count. They […]

Is International Planned Parenthood Abetting Criminal Activity?

Is International Planned Parenthood Abetting Criminal Activity?


International Planned Parenthood Federation’s Carmen Barroso sent around an e-mail this week soliciting year-end donations. She illustrates the role IPPF plays throughout the Western Hemisphere by telling the story of Valeria, a young Argentine woman: “This year, we provided vital health services to individuals like Valeria, a young Argentine woman who never received sexuality education […]

Poem: "Farewell to Apostate America"

Poem: “Farewell to Apostate America”


Farewell to Apostate America Some terms ring untrue, like songless birds, Whose yakking do lovers loath and rue. Under God,” and “Republic,” now voided words, To which pupils pledge, “indivisible” too. When grand lady’s turned to ruse and scorn, Gone hussy in hulk with virtue shorn, Willingly deflowered by Sodom and porn, Then must beauteous […]

Pope in <em>Financial Times</em>: "No Bowing to False Gods"

Pope in Financial Times: “No Bowing to False Gods”


A Pope in the pages of an ordinary newspaper? As a columnist? Never happened before. But it happened yesterday. Pope Benedict was asked by the Financial Times of London to write a brief essay for them related to his new book on Jesus, and he agreed. His essential message to London and the world: do […]