Category: Society & Common Good

The Fortnight, The Pill, and the False Dichotomy

The Fortnight, The Pill, and the False Dichotomy


On the eve of the Fortnight for Freedom, there are those within the Catholic Church who are denying that the two-week observance has anything to do with the Church’s teaching on contraception and everything to do with upholding the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of religious expression. That’s a false dichotomy and misattribution of the […]

We Have an Absolute Right to Health Privacy, But We Must Fight for It

We Have an Absolute Right to Health Privacy, But We Must Fight for It


With Jennifer Kimball Watson. The Second International Patient Privacy Summit took place in Washington, D.C. recently. Dozens of leading experts gathered from across the United States to discuss how electronic health records can be protected from the numerous government agencies and private companies that want to collect, mine, and market them. (If you don’t yet […]

Conservatives for Shariah

Conservatives for Shariah


The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East has caused many Americans to reflect on that group’s stated ambition to impose worldwide the totalitarian,supremacist Islamic doctrine known as shariah.  Particularly unsettling is evidence of the group’s goal in America, namely of “destroying Western civilization from within,” as documented in […]

23 Secrets Free Traders Won’t Tell You

23 Secrets Free Traders Won’t Tell You


During a presentation of the worldwide financial crisis three years ago, none other than Queen Elizabeth asked the best question “How come no one could foresee it?”  She was not alone; the worldwide economic recession has upended many sacrosanct beliefs about how finance and economics really work. This country is currently in its worst economic […]

Rio + 20: Holy See Shines Light in the Midst of Darkness

Rio + 20: Holy See Shines Light in the Midst of Darkness


In many respects, what is going on in Rio de Janeiro right now during the UN Conference on Sustainable Development is nothing other than the proverbial “blind leading the blind”. As countries hurry to make politically expedient and alarmist statements about climate change, the green economy and reproductive rights, very few delegations exhibit the poise […]

School Principal Seems Tone Deaf to Patriotism

School Principal Seems Tone Deaf to Patriotism


In 1983, President Ronald Reagan’s National Commission on Excellence in Education presaged “a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people.” Looks like the tide has rolled in. This week, proving just how accurate a predication that was, kindergartners in Brooklyn, N.Y., were forbidden from singing the patriotic […]

The Brutal Reality of China's One Child Policy (Graphic Photo Warning)

The Brutal Reality of China’s One Child Policy (Graphic Photo Warning)


While 37-year old and five month pregnant Cao Ruyi has been allowed to return home due to the global public outcry against family planning officials of Changsha city, a U.S. based human rights group Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is reporting that another young woman, 7-months pregnant with her second child, received a forced abortion in the Ankang City of  Zhenpin County. […]

Vegan Quits Day Job at Slaughterhouse

Vegan Quits Day Job at Slaughterhouse


LifeSite News recently reported that “the Democratic Party is already losing seats to Republicans, as a growing number of elected officials are changing parties over issues like the right to life, the definition of marriage, and the Obama administration’s mandate that religious institutions cover abortion-inducing drugs in their health care plans.” Among the most recent […]

Rallies Call for Standing Up for Religious Freedom

Rallies Call for Standing Up for Religious Freedom


When historians one day look back on the rise and fall of the American republic, it won’t only be our habitual deficit spending and lack of financial discipline they blame for our demise, but the deficit of faith and lack of religion in our children’s generation. The beliefs and values that once served as the […]

Remembering the Significance of D-Day

Remembering the Significance of D-Day


At 0227 hours on the morning of June 6, 1944, Lieutenant Robert Mathias saw the red light flash above the door of his C47 “Dakota” aircraft, signaling his men to get ready to parachute into a terrifying blackness that was streaked with machine-gun tracers and punctuated by exploding rounds from four-barrel 20-millimeter Flakvierling-38 anti-aircraft guns. […]

An 'Imaginary' President Appeases a Very Real Islam

An ‘Imaginary’ President Appeases a Very Real Islam


American intellectual Will Durant’s The Lessons of History—co-written with wife Ariel and published in 1968, when the Soviet Union posed a threat to the United States—still offers insightful lessons, especially concerning American-Muslim relations. In the chapter titled “History and War,” the Durants posit some hypothetical speeches and approaches concerning war. First, an imaginary U.S. president […]

Movie Review: <i>U.N. Me</i>

Movie Review: U.N. Me


Every once in a while, I watch a movie that I hate. U.N. Me is just such a movie. I hated watching it but I have to recommend that others see this movie.  Why?  Because I believe that even if the truth is brutally hard to digest, it’s better than ignorance. I hated what was […]

Substitute Vatican Sec. of State Discusses Leaks' Impact on Pope

Substitute Vatican Sec. of State Discusses Leaks’ Impact on Pope


Pope Benedict is said to be “saddened” by the discovery that one of his closest aides, Paolo Gabriele, 46, his valet or butler, has betrayed his trust, copying and disseminating secret Vatican documents from the Pope’s own apartments. Some in Rome are concerned that the emotional strain of these events could harm the health of […]

Refusing to Render Unto Caesar That Which is God's

Refusing to Render Unto Caesar That Which is God’s


“Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.  But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.  For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”  Acts […]

A Sleeping Church Wakes Up

A Sleeping Church Wakes Up


Throughout the ongoing debate over President Barack Obama’s contraceptive mandate, and again on Monday, when Catholic leaders here in St. Louis and nationwide announced anti-mandate lawsuits, one question has surfaced repeatedly among Obama’s critics and allies alike: Why choose an election year to pick a fight with the Catholic Church? The mandate controversy is, after […]

43 Catholic Organizations Sue Obama Administration Over HHS Mandate

43 Catholic Organizations Sue Obama Administration Over HHS Mandate


In a coordinated defense of religious liberty, at 11 a.m. yesterday 43 Roman Catholic organizations filed a dozen lawsuits nationwide to strike down the HHS mandate. The plaintiffs include some of the most significant organs of the U.S. church, including the Archdioceses of New York, Washington, D.C., and St. Louis; the Dioceses of Dallas, Fort […]

Franciscan University of Steubenville Drops Student Health Plan Over HHS Mandate

Franciscan University of Steubenville Drops Student Health Plan Over HHS Mandate


Catholic religious leaders have warned that religious institutions may be forced to stop providing health care coverage if the Department of Health and Human Services does not change its mandate to provide contraceptives, including abortifacients, as part of their health care plans. Yeseterday, the first Catholic university has followed through by dropping its health care […]

The Controversial Faith of Barack Obama

The Controversial Faith of Barack Obama


President Obama’s recent statement on gay marriage has again thrust his religious views onto the front pages. In defending his position, Obama stressed that he and his wife were “practicing Christians” and that his stance was supported by Christ’s teaching of the Golden Rule. Since his quest to win the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois […]

Teddy Roosevelt for President in 2012?

Teddy Roosevelt for President in 2012?


The 2012 presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most significant elections in American history. The outcome of major political issues such as Obamacare, carbon regulations, and our looming fiscal calamity hang in the balance.  In a larger sense, however, this year’s election sits in the shadow of a presidential election that […]

UK Government Funds Forced Sterilizations in India

UK Government Funds Forced Sterilizations in India


The British government gave $268 million to the government of India for a program that forcibly sterilizes poor women and men, according to the Guardian newspaper. This news comes as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation prepares to co-host a family planning summit with the British government in London this July. Melinda Gates recently dismissed […]

Obama vs. North Carolina: President Supports "Same-Sex Marriage"

Obama vs. North Carolina: President Supports “Same-Sex Marriage”


President Obama’s timing suggests an effort to turn the attention away from the fact that voters in North Carolina voted 61 to 39 percent to define marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman.  On the very next day, May 10th, Obama publicly indicated his support for same-sex “marriage.” The President’s decision wasn’t […]

The BBC Broadcasts Its Own Dhimmitude

The BBC Broadcasts Its Own Dhimmitude


Media outlets tiptoeing around Islam are a dime a dozen, but the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) stands apart for the egregiousness of its self-censorship and bias. Even more striking than the number of controversies involving suppression of Islam-critical speech on its channels are the frank acknowledgements that BBC policy is shaped by fear. During a […]

Julia’s Carefree Life Offers No Real Appeal

Julia’s Carefree Life Offers No Real Appeal


Last week, in an advertorial slideshow on, the president’s re-election campaign introduced “The Life of Julia” about a fictional “everywoman” whose government-subsidized existence is intended to reassure women voters about President Obama’s ability to provide for them in an uncertain future. This “composite” female — not to be confused with the one who portrayed […]

Obama, Same-Sex Marriage, and Bioethical Fallout

Obama, Same-Sex Marriage, and Bioethical Fallout


Yesterday President Obama threw his support behind same-sex marriage. Thank God! The mask is off, six months before the election and about a year since he announced that he was willfully violating his Oath of Office by ordering the Justice Department to cease defending the law in court. Specifically, he ordered an end to defending The […]