Category: Society & Common Good

Democrats’ ‘War’ Talk Says Women are Gullible

Democrats’ ‘War’ Talk Says Women are Gullible


In 1968, cigarette maker Philip Morris launched a brand of smokes just for women. Marketed with the provocative slogan, “You’ve come a long way, baby,” Virginia Slims offered an elegant profile and an image that suggested freedom, empowerment and equality. Unfortunately for women, “Skinny Ginnys” were not a cultural or political statement, they were just […]

<em>The Hunger Games:</em> A Catholic Parent’s Guide to Themes and Issues

The Hunger Games: A Catholic Parent’s Guide to Themes and Issues


The movie version of The Hunger Games debuted on March 23, and it is breaking all records. What follows is a review of The Hunger Games Trilogy by author, Suzanne Collins. **Spoiler Alert—The plot is discussed here in detail for parental benefit. The level of detail is to help facilitate a discussion with your child […]

Justice Served to Obama

Justice Served to Obama


Eric Holder is a busy man. When President Obama’s chief law enforcement officer isn’t tied up selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, refusing to prosecute self-serving cases of voter intimidation or ignoring “wanted dead or alive” bounties placed by black militants on the heads of private citizens, he’s busy conspiring with pro-abortion extremists to bring […]

Book Review: <em>Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?</em>

Book Review: Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?


If you are searching for the authoritative Baedeker Guide to the End of the West, search no longer. The book by Patrick J. Buchanan, Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? makes a devastating case for the end of what we know as the West. Pat Buchanan is the unacknowledged godfather of the […]

This Fiesty Manifesto is Just What American Catholics Need

This Fiesty Manifesto is Just What American Catholics Need


“Social issues.” It’s a squishy, equivocal term suited to a mentality ill at ease with the hard-edged implications of “moral issues” and “morality.” What implications? That there are definite moral truths that show some things to be always and everywhere wrong and deserving of condemnation. Not what the “social issues” mindset cares to hear. There’s […]

Yes, Congresswoman Pelosi, We're Serious: On the Constitutionality of Obamacare

Yes, Congresswoman Pelosi, We’re Serious: On the Constitutionality of Obamacare


America anxiously awaits the Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare. At the core of the decision is a simple question: Is the “individual mandate” in Obamacare constitutional? And thus, is Obamacare constitutional? Several times during the debate and deliberation, my mind harkened back to the words of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Remarking on […]

Book Review: <em>All the Devils Are Here</em>

Book Review: All the Devils Are Here


All the Devils Are Here, by Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, is a fascinating look at the principle players who brought about the financial crisis of 2008. It reveals the motives and mistakes made over the course of a decade by those who were entrusted with running the largest financial corporations of the world as […]

Trayvon Case Shows ‘Racist’ Epithet Persists

Trayvon Case Shows ‘Racist’ Epithet Persists


If there’s one way to determine whether an event has devolved into a circus maximus, surely it must be the entry into the public debate by Roseanne Barr. The erstwhile comedian and celebrity took up the Twitter cause last week on behalf of the late Trayvon Martin, the black teenager killed on Feb. 26 by […]

A Whirlwind Tour of the Supreme Court’s Commerce Clause Jurisprudence

A Whirlwind Tour of the Supreme Court’s Commerce Clause Jurisprudence


There is a widely held view that Congress has virtually unlimited power to legislate, especially concerning economic matters. Consider, for example, the passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act two years ago. While Congress’ power to regulate the economy is not completely unbounded, it is very far-reaching indeed. However, it was not […]

HHS Mandate: Morality and the Common Good

HHS Mandate: Morality and the Common Good


It may have been too much to hope that the recent Health and Human Services mandate requiring the provision of contraceptives and other immoral “medical care” could have alerted people to the dangers and errors of a political system built on a classical liberal understanding of freedom as opposed to one built on a Catholic, […]

Is the Health Care Law Constitutional? No, Strike It Down

Is the Health Care Law Constitutional? No, Strike It Down


This summer, the Supreme Court will decide whether Congress violated the Constitution when it enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which contains an “individual mandate” requiring virtually every American to purchase health insurance. Based on the Constitution’s text and structure, and judicial interpretations of the relevant provisions, the mandate should be struck down. […]

Secular Scapegoats and <em>The Hunger Games</em>

Secular Scapegoats and The Hunger Games


The Hunger Games trilogy penned by Suzanne Collins has proven to be hugely successful, and deservedly so. The tale of post-apocalyptic love, poverty, war, and oppression poignantly captures the fundamental injustice of tyranny. As the film premiere of the first book dominated the box office this past weekend, it’s worth reflecting on what can be […]

G77 Derailing the "Green Agenda" at the UN

G77 Derailing the “Green Agenda” at the UN


Are you wondering how many businesses have to become “green” before the dream of the “green economy” becomes a reality? It seems like everything has to be green nowadays, whether its green jobs, green energy, or green skills. Now there is even green dry cleaning. Duh! If you feel like this is going to far, […]

Obama, the Russians, and Missile Defense: Historical Parallels

Obama, the Russians, and Missile Defense: Historical Parallels


President Obama has caused quite a stir with a private comment made to Russian President Dimitri Medvedev. In discussing missile defense, Obama suggested he would be prepared to yield to Russian demands after the November election. “This is my last election,” said Obama, not knowing his words were being picked up by an open microphone. […]

Here I Come to Save the World Bank

Here I Come to Save the World Bank


Recently, Professor Jeffrey Sachs made a public application to be the next president of the World Bank with an op-ed in the Washington Post titled “How I would lead the World Bank.” I was not aware they were taking applications, but since they are, I thought I’d throw my name in the ring. I must […]

Federal Judge: Grants to Catholic Anti-Trafficking Programs "Unconstitutional"

Federal Judge: Grants to Catholic Anti-Trafficking Programs “Unconstitutional”


A federal judge has ruled that allowing government grants to Catholic-run programs against human trafficking amounts to an unconstitutional endorsement of the Catholic religion because the Church does not facilitate abortions for trafficking victims. U.S. District Court Judge Richard Stearns sided with the American Civil Liberties Union in its case accusing the U.S. Health and […]

Etch-a-Sketch or Mr. Flexible?

Etch-a-Sketch or Mr. Flexible?


It was a fitting blunder for a candidate with authenticity issues. Asked last week on CNN if the protracted Republican primary season had eroded former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s ability to appeal to independents in the fall, Romney advisor Eric Fehrnstrom foolishly acknowledged a universal truth in presidential politics: the fact that candidates spend the […]

Human Nature: The Question behind the Culture Wars

Human Nature: The Question behind the Culture Wars


Culture wars can produce nasty rhetoric. Political discourse quickly becomes emotionally charged and divisive. We are tempted to view those with whom we disagree as not only irrational but evil. The culture of demonization of our political opponents is what moral psychologist Dr. Jonathan Haidt seeks to dismantle with his new book, The Righteous Mind: […]

Practical Distributism: The Home Mortgage

Practical Distributism: The Home Mortgage


We have had several articles and comments regarding usury, mainly focusing on what usury is and why distributists oppose it. Considering the prevalence of usurious practices in our current economy, can we even envision how our banking and credit system would work without it? We must candidly admit that loans (and I use the term […]

How Hedonism Became America’s Official Religion

How Hedonism Became America’s Official Religion


No, I’m not exaggerating. The American experiment in religious liberty is officially over. The First Amendment provided institutional structures that allow different religions to peacefully coexist. All groups agree to not try to capture governmental structures for the benefit of their own particular denomination. But the Obama administration has ended that truce. The administration made […]

Who Gives a Hoot About the 1%?

Who Gives a Hoot About the 1%?


Before they decamped for winter, the Occupy Wall Street folks were promoting the idea of redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor. Although the income of super-rich in America has soared in the last two decades, such a blueprint would achieve neither justice nor economic growth. America has always been a land where creative […]

Western Survival Depends on Western Pride

Western Survival Depends on Western Pride


Claude Guéant, the French interior minister, sparked a firestorm last month when he praised Western values as “superior” to the oppressive ones found elsewhere, namely the Islamic world. Yet the controversy did more to spotlight an area in which the West clearly trails its rivals: self-confidence. If a government official cannot extol the unique virtues […]

99¢ Can Buy You a Practical Answer to Our Nation's Woes

99¢ Can Buy You a Practical Answer to Our Nation’s Woes


Archbishop Charles Chaput has written one of the most insightful pieces of our time on modern journalism and the role, or should I say, “non-role” of religion in today’s public square. His searing piece, A Heart on Fire: Catholic Witness and the Next America, is a must read for all those who seek to live […]

What Can We Learn from the Trayvon Martin Story?

What Can We Learn from the Trayvon Martin Story?


Was the Trayvon Martin story about race? I can’t sit in judgment on what was in Zimmerman’s heart and mind, but objectively, from what the media has passed on to us, it does look to me like an issue involving prejudice. As a white girl growing up in the fifties and sixties in Washington State, […]